"Hmph, it's yours, but God knows if it's your puppet or something"

Zhuhong snorted coldly.

At this time, it can be seen that Zhuhong has rich combat experience! No matter...

No matter what the enemy does, no matter how ordinary it seems, he will never let up.

"Although I don't know if this is your puppet or a servant, but under my blow, you will definitely show the prototype!"

Zhuhong snorted proudly: "Perhaps you are trying to hide something, but your biggest mistake is... let him exude a mortal aura!"

"This is the dragon tomb, how could a mortal come in?"

"Let me see, what the hell is this!"

"this is me--"

Zi Yan jumped and shouted.

Lin Xian looked at the oncoming dragon claw and yawned.

And then... slap! Simply slap it like a mosquito.

In an instant, there was no light in the sky.

The dragon's claws shattered, and the dragon's roar, which was still roaring and roaring, came to an abrupt end.

I don't know how much Zi Yan is... Zhuhong, the ancestor of the ancestors, was hammered into the sky like a cannonball, hit the high ceiling of the dragon tomb, and even brought the entire dragon tomb, shaking! "It's my master. ."

At this moment, Zi Yan finished her sentence.

But looking at the candle rainbow above, Zi Yan smiled bitterly: "My trial, what are you doing to my master?"

She didn't complain to Lin Xian, because it was obvious that Lin Xian was attacked just now, so he fought back.

It can only be regarded as Zhuhong...Unfortunate! "Hey, it's not the battle I should have encountered..."

Lin Xian also had a bitter face, looking at the candle rainbow in the sky.

Obviously it's Zi Yan's trial, why do you have to do it yourself, you need to consume a lot of calories in vain... "The key work, I haven't got the salary yet."

Lin Xian muttered in dissatisfaction.

This is very important and will be tested in future exams.

Suddenly, Zhuhong, who had been photographed as a wallpaper, froze, turned into a small point of light, slowly landed, and finally landed in Zi Yan's hand.

It was a rhombus-shaped crystal about the size of a thumb, which appeared in the palm of his hand, and a little fluorescent light and a thick energy mist spread out from it.

"Just the Spirit Core"

A look of joy flashed in Zi Yan's eyes.

"What is a spirit core?"

Lin Xian asked curiously.

A gleam of light flashed in Zi Yan's eyes: "The spiritual core is a symbol of completing the ancestral mission and obtaining the permission of the ancestors. You can run the exercises and use the spiritual core to enhance your cultivation!"

"What the second elder said on the way, did you not listen to the teacher?"

"I didn't listen."

Lin Xian said indifferently, "Anyway... it's not my exam."

"Uh... well."

Zi Yan said helplessly, and then a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes: "But I heard from the second elder that the spiritual core is no more than the size of a grain of rice, why is this 1 so big..."

The difference between a grain of rice and a thumb is at least ten times! Why... well, Zi Yan looked at the deep pit on the ceiling and suddenly understood the reason why the gap was so large.

The thumb-sized spiritual nucleus exudes pure and warm energy, like a tide, automatically pouring into Zi Yan's body, gradually scattered in the limbs and bones, and finally penetrated into the muscles, bones, cells... ...This kind of spiritual core is a natural medicine pill! It doesn't even have the side effects of the medicine pill! "Teacher, let me absorb this spirit core first!"

Zi Yan couldn't help but said.

"Okay, don't forget to cook."

"no problem!"


Chapter [-] The Dragon Soul examiners are all big hooves! (The third is for automatic)

Zi Yan and Lin Xian continued on their way.

The quiet dragon tomb is bottomless, and I don't know how many ancient virtual dragons are buried.

Along the way, Zi Yan and others also encountered many dragon corpses.

However, it seems that not every Primordial Void Dragon corpse can have a corresponding soul to survive, perhaps most of them are in a state of being dissipated.

Those who are really like that candle rainbow, who are wise, can communicate, and can issue tasks, are relatively rare.

But it's not that there is none! "Under the Immemorial Void Dragon Candle."

A female soul phantom with a bulging front and a back bowed her hands slightly.

"Under the Primordial Void Dragon, Zi Yan."

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