Besides, the corpses of their own monsters are treated like this...

Not a good person either!


The fox king, known as the wise man among the demon clan, was silent for a moment and said.

"Everyone, I have heard a legend..."

"It is said that in the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, there is the bloodline of the emperor of my demon clan..."



Chapter [-] People who eat melon seeds, add me! (One more, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation)

Chapter [-] People who eat melon seeds, add me! (One more, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation)

The strong have the demeanor of the strong!

Or topsy-turvy, or arrogant and elegant, or unrestrained and generous...

On the contrary, there are very few ordinary powerhouses.

Tong Yashuang didn't see Lin Xian's strength. Although there was Jian Qing's testimony, she also secretly gave an order to pay attention to Lin Xian and Ruren's actions.

Ruthless Man's actions are normal, and she used her actions to show what an extremely serious monk should look like.

Facing the first purple glow in the early morning, I was lucky. During the day, I would do my homework normally, practice the exercises, check the mental methods, or observe the battles of others.

At night, it is exercise meditation - anyway, the cultivator is full of energy, and he still needs a little sleep in the foundation-building stage, but when he reaches the golden core stage, he doesn't even need sleep.

All the time, even outsiders can see that this person is almost focused on improving his cultivation.

People can't help but sigh: "No wonder this son is a loose cultivator, but at such an age, he can complete the foundation."

This kind of desperate energy, even the senior cultivator should be ashamed of it!

To be honest, after getting the reward from his subordinates, Tong Yashuang would really want to accept this apprentice, if it wasn't for Ruthless Man who claimed to be the apprentice of 'The Great Sanctuary'.

"This son is set to be a great weapon!"

And another person. . . . . .

Tong Yashuang looked at the report in her hand.

"Is this your report?"

"Yes..." The disciples under the sect were a little ashamed.

"Are you sure this is a report?"

"But, this is really a report."

"Are you sure this isn't a recipe?"

Tong Yashuang threw the report handed in by the disciple on the table with a bang.

The morning tea was eaten in the cafeteria: quicksand buns, shrimp dumplings, chicken feet with sauce...

Breakfast is made by Ruthless People, using ingredients from Wanjianmen, and made: three silks, tortillas, fried eggs...

Then Lin Xian went to the cafeteria and got some melon seeds snacks.

Lunch is made by ruthless people: winter melon soup, cold lotus root, braised radish...

Afternoon tea is eaten in the cafeteria: pumpkin buns, mutton pie, orange juice, date cakes...

Dinner is ruthless...

Damn, she is the sect master of Wanjianmen, and Lin Xian doesn't even know how to eat at home!

"But..." The disciple wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Then Lin Xian is really eating!"

"Oh, after he eats, he will sleep."

"Is this a pig?" Tong Yashuang's lips moved, but she didn't say it in the end.

Then she continued to turn back.

Well, the next day, I was eating.

On the third day, continue to eat.

On the fourth day, still eating.

On the fifth day, still eating...

Tong Yashuang didn't know what expression to use.

Well, the strong should have the demeanor of the strong and behave differently from ordinary people.


This is too unusual!

"That, the sect master?" The disciple under the sect said hesitantly.

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