
Chapter [-] Tong Yashuang is stunned (the second is asking for flowers, for evaluation, for collection)

Chapter [-] Tong Yashuang is stunned (the second is asking for flowers, for evaluation, for collection)

It was an isolated peak, standing above the top of the cloud, like an island in the sea of ​​clouds, at the center of Wanjianmen, even the main peak where the sect master was located could only be behind this isolated peak.

Below the solitary peak, there is no inch of land connected to the earth, so it is suspended between heaven and earth, so lonely and arrogant.

If you look at it upside down, it looks like a sharp-edged sword!

And at the top of the mountain, there is a dry pool, which is the Wanjian Pond, the world-famous Wanjianmen!

It is like a pool, but what flows in it is not water, but sword light!

In the pool, it is not lotus or lotus leaves, but swords!

Countless swords, inserted in the sword pool, or engulfed by rust, or entangled by vines, looked ordinary.

However, if any one of these swords is released, it is a famous sword that can fascinate all swordsmen!

Their sharp edge was restrained by this pool, quietly waiting for the next master.

"This is the Wanjian Pond of my Wanjianmen..." Tong Yashuang looked at the sword in the pond and said solemnly.

This is the foundation of Wanjianmen!

Even if Tong Yashuang died, even if all the elders were killed.

As long as this pool is still there and belongs to Wanjianmen, then Wanjianmen has hope of rising.

Even the ruthless are sighed by the heritage of Wanjianmen.

Below this Ten Thousand Swords Pond, the peaks are isolated, like swords, worshipping the divine sword in the sky!

Anyone who knows some common sense of monks knows that this is clearly a big formation!

Once the enemy attacks, ten thousand swords will be launched, who can stop it?

The ruthless man was silent for a moment, then turned to Tong Yashuang and said, "Can you let me draw my sword?"

"You can anytime!" Tong Yashuang waved her sleeves and said, "Please go up the mountain!"

The ruthless man nodded, jumped up, and jumped into the sword pool.

In an instant, the sword light in the sword pool seemed to be provoked, and rushed towards the ruthless man frantically.

The ruthless man's beautiful eyes flashed, but he didn't move. Instead, he faced the sword glow, and was instantly drowned by the sword glow and disappeared.

Tong Yashuang glanced at Lin Xian and said in her heart, "He can hold his breath..."

In fact, the choice of swords is not so good.

Although it is said that the entry-level disciple of Wanjianmen can choose a sword from Wanjianchi, there are only a handful of people who can actually take famous swords from Wanjianchi!

The famous sword has the pride of its famous sword!

How is it possible to surrender to the weak?

A little carelessness can be life-threatening, not without.

And now that the 'apprentice' of the ruthless man has gone down, this 'teacher' is actually not worried at all?

"Is it self-confidence? Or..." Tong Yashuang pondered for a moment, then said, "Daoist friend Lin Xian, in my Wanjian Pond, there are ten famous swords, five demon swords, and three demon swords. Do you think Daoist friend is cruel? Can you take which one?"

"Is the sword any different?" Lin Xian asked strangely.

"Of course, although this Wanjian Pond is known as Wanjian, there are indeed tens of thousands of sharp swords, but in the eyes of the existence of cultivation like you and me, unless it is a famous sword that has been cultivated since childhood, it is worthy of use. That's all." Tong Yashuang nodded.

"Oh..." Lin Xian nodded - it turns out that there is a difference in level when choosing a tool?

That ruthless...what can she choose?

"Actually, you can also choose a sword. My Wanjianmen is no less than that one or two swords." Tong Yashuang pointed out.

Choose a sword?

Lin Xian was silent for a moment, then asked, "I said that girl, are all your swords the same shape?"

Tong Yashuang was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Lin Xian asked this, but still said, "Of course it's different."

"There are tens of thousands of sword repairs, and thousands of sword shapes, and the shape of each sword will be exactly the same."

"Oh?" Lin Xian suddenly became interested: "So, you have all the shapes of swords here?"

"Of course!" Tong Yashuang said proudly.

"Is there a pot type?" Lin Xian asked excitedly.

Tong Yashuang is stunned...

"Is there a spatula?"

Tong Yashuang's face is stunned...

"Chopsticks are fine too!"

Tong Yashuang's three faces are stunned...

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