The Purple Blood Eagle King snorted coldly, and with a flap of his wings, the tens of thousands of sharp swords were actually blown to pieces!

Looking at it, Xuanyuan often straightened his eyes.

"My Ten Thousand Swords Art, the power is definitely the power of the peak of Jindan, but it was blown away... How strong is he?"

"Middle stage of God Transformation? Late stage of God Transformation? Or peak of God Transformation?"

"It's over, Silver Sword City is going to be destroyed!"

"It seems that you don't want to hand over the murderer..." The Purple Blood Eagle King said gloomily: "Then let the murderer and this Silver Sword City be destroyed together!"

The next moment, he turned into a prototype, a purple eagle that was dozens of feet long.

The eagle's mouth opened slightly, and a wisp of purple flame appeared instantly, and at the same time it rose against the wind. In just two or three breaths, it rose to the size of a hill.

There are still a few traces of flames falling sporadically, and a single flame can burn a big house to fly ash in an instant!

Purple Blood Eagle King's natal supernatural power, Zi Huo!

At this moment, a look of despair flashed in the eyes of many monks.

It's over, Silver Sword City is going to be destroyed!

The end is coming!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind the Purple Blood Eagle King, followed by a punch.


The upper body of the Purple Blood Eagle King, who was still majestic just a moment ago, was instantly blasted to pieces.

One punch kill!

Then, the man disappeared in place.

Everyone: (⊙o⊙).

Chapter [-] I'm the man who pays for food

"Purple Blood Eagle King, dead?"

Xuanyuan Chang swallowed and looked at the corpse gradually falling from the sky in disbelief.


Behind the Purple Blood Eagle King, a mountain was smashed abruptly by the style of that punch!

And it's not just him, even those cultivators, even the ruthless little Loli with a calm mind, all had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

The Purple Blood Eagle King was a demon clan in the Yuan Ying period, and the legendary existence actually died like this?

"Who can do this? Can the Sect Master do it?" Xuanyuan Chang was the first to think.

But immediately, he secretly shook his head.

Although he is only a cultivator of Jindan stage, he also knows that the head of Wanjianmen can never do this!


The corpse of the Eagle King fell, making a muffled sound.

And this muffled sound also alarmed Xuanyuan Chang.

He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly returned to his mind, and said respectfully: "I don't know who the senior is, can you show up to see me?"

"Junior takes the liberty of taking the liberty of knowing that Senior's life is alive, I would be very grateful!"

The cultivators present also calmed down and held their breaths, as if waiting for the appearance of the master.


A minute has passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Not a single figure appeared.

Everyone: "..."


But what they didn't know was that in Silver Sword City, Lin Xian was half lying at the door of a store and yawned loudly.

"Take me really stupid!"

That's right, it was Lin Xian who started it just now!

In the fantasy world, the strong are respected.

If you stand up by yourself, wouldn't that mean that you will be worshipped by countless people, visited by a lot of people, and given a lot of gifts - how can you salt fish!

In fact, if it weren't for the unfortunate king of the purple blood eagle, when he launched his ultimate move, scattered flames fell in the city.

And there happened to be a flame that fell on Lin Xian's house, and if he couldn't salt the fish, he would be too lazy to do it.

So, it's important not to set fires indiscriminately...

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