With everything planned in his mind, Lin Xian swayed and continued to walk downstairs to see what other magic weapons there were.


Chapter [-] One-click customs clearance (fourth more)

Lin Xian came to the seventh floor, and the environment here was different from the upper floor.

The entire space is covered with lush trees, although the height of the trees is not high, but the density can make people forget that they are in the tower.

"Who is coming"

Suddenly, a big tree in the middle began to transform into an old man with long beards.

This is the seven-colored 7 emperors. Legend has it that only a very small number of god emperors can practice the profound magic. Once practiced, they can open up the world in their own small world, and they will be worshipped by future generations for generations, and they will burn incense and pray for blessings.

The old man in front of him, like Tianyu before him, is also a rare ancient powerhouse. If anyone sees it, he will be amazed.

But before the old man said the second sentence, Lin Xian walked up directly, raising his hand just like... a slap.


Before the old man's voice fell, the powerful force directly tore his remnant soul into pieces and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Lin Xian is too lazy to talk to these.... The nonsense of gods and ghosts is all a group of people who are talking about gods.

After the old man dissipated, it turned into a palm-sized tree, and Lin Xian picked it up without hesitation, ready to continue walking down.

But he suddenly stopped when he took a step. It would take another six floors to go down one layer at a time. He felt his chin and thought about it. Lin Xian suddenly had a flash of light. The tower seemed to be straight and downward. If I slammed down directly from here, would I go straight to the bottom of the tower and just do it? Lin Xian raised his fist and aimed at the ground on the seventh floor, and slammed it down with a hard punch.

Boom! The huge noise shook the entire nine-story tower, and Ying Gu on the ninth floor felt uncomfortable. She wanted to get up to check what was going on, but she still had no strength.

Then came the second loud noise, a large amount of smoke and dust came out from the fifth floor of the tower, and the floor on the upper floor collapsed.

Then the fourth floor, the third floor, the second floor... Continuous loud noises sounded in the ninth-story tower, those... the remnants who guarded the tower, also Not knowing what happened, the ceiling above their heads was directly pressed down, crushing their only remaining souls.

Lin Xian finally came to the last floor of the tower, dust on his body, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Climbing the tower honestly is not my style, just one-click customs clearance is cool enough.

After taking a careful look around, I found a lot of good things from those ...... collapsed ruins.

A seed of thorns, a book on the laws of space, a jade bottle full of the sound of water, and other odds and ends.

Lin Xian was content to count the things he had harvested, and only then did he find that in the middle of the first floor, there was a huge yellow spar that was more than 1 person tall.

The spar was covered with various incantations, and because of the fall of the ceiling just now, a crack appeared on the spar.

The treasure-hunting mirror began to vibrate violently, and the ripples on the surface were like electric waves, causing the entire mirror surface to vibrate.

Ye Wushuang was overjoyed, there must be something good in this spar.

Just as I was about to open the spar to find out, who knew that the cracks on the spar began to spread, the runes on it fell off layer by layer, and the entire tower sent out an ominous vibration.

The continuous shaking lasted for an unknown amount of time, and suddenly everything calmed down.

Lin Xian thought it was because he used too much force just now, causing the tower to become unstable, but the next moment the yellow spar burst with a bang, a cloud of black energy burst out, and a gloomy voice from the underworld came from the black air. With endless bloodthirsty and killing.

"After a million years, the old man finally came out!"

The black energy gradually solidified and turned into an old man in black robes.

The old man's appearance was very strange, with a third eye tattooed between his eyebrows, but it turned back and forth like a real eye, as if he was observing the surrounding situation.

The old man took a deep breath, the years of imprisonment made him almost forget the taste of freedom.

At the beginning, the Immortal God Realm united with nine sects to besiege him, the two sides fought for dozens of days, and finally hit the Demon God Realm, destroying a large area of ​​land.

The people of the Immortal God Realm were never able to take down the old man, and in the end, in desperation, they and the most outstanding descendant of the nine sects used their own lives to seal the old man in this tower.

In the original million years, even the great power of the old man... could not hold on, and almost lost his soul here, but Lin Xian and others came here and broke the seal of the tower, which made the The old man has a chance to escape.

The long years have caused the old man to lose more than half of his strength, but he still has the strength of a god.

Thinking of this, the old man showed a sinister smile and looked around and finally saw Lin Xian who was in a daze.

"Hehe, you let the old man come out very well. The old man will reward you well and let you die without pain."

The old man's thoughts moved, and the black cloak on his body moved automatically without wind, and like a python, it rushed towards Lin Xian from all directions.

As if Lin Xian didn't notice it at all, he let the... black cloth entangle him.

Just when the old man was complacent, Lin Xian finally woke up from the shock, and he tore off the black cloth from his body in three or two strokes.

"Damn old man, where did you hide your treasure!"


Chapter [-] Qiushan Patriarch

The old man's name is Patriarch Qiushan, and he is the head of Qiuhe Sect in the Demon Realm. If Ying Gu was here, he would definitely recognize Patriarch Qiushan.

Legend has it that millions of years ago, when the Immortal and God Realm was not protected by the enchantment, the disputes between the Immortals and Demons continued, and various old monsters emerged one after another.

At that time, there was an ancestor in the Demon God Realm who was born and fought against the nine major sects of the Immortal God Realm at that time with the power of one person.

The strength of Qiushan's ancestor was only in the early days of the god emperor, but with a special corpse hunting pattern, he secretly attacked and snatched the corpses of some strong people and refined them into puppets.

Ordinary corpse puppet technique can only use one at most.

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