"Call me boss."

"What is a big boss?"

"You dare to call me nothing"

Slap! Lin Xian raised his hand when he heard that...with a slap, the remnant soul of Patriarch Qiushan was instantly chilled by more than half, and he hurriedly changed his words.

"No no no, I mean you are a thing,."

"What am I!"

Slap! Another slap on the other side of Qiushan's ancestor was also slapped on the other side, the whole person was dizzy and almost lost his soul.

I hurriedly explained that this was not what I meant, and as a result, I received two slaps again. The ancestor of Xiaqiushan didn't dare to speak at all. This big guy is really terrible. If this continues, this little bit of my soul will be scattered.

After finally taking a breath, Patriarch Qiushan squatted in the corner like an angry little daughter-in-law, drawing circles on his own.

The dignified generation of the ancestors of Tianmoqiu Mountain was beaten without the ability to fight back, and even the nine gates of ancient times could not do this to such an extent.

Afterwards, Lin Xian searched for a long time among the broken spar, but couldn't find the treasure he imagined, and squinted at the ancestor Qiushan who was squatting beside him.

Patriarch Qiushan trembled all over, and hurriedly shook his head and said.

"Boss, there are really no treasures here, I swear, I swear by my heart."

"What is the use of the circle... that appeared just now?"

Lin Xian pointed to the formation that summoned the Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet just now. Ancestor Qiushan had no choice but to answer truthfully. When he heard about such a powerful Corpse Puppet, Lin Xian wanted to see it. After all, he couldn't leave empty-handed.

As for the other treasures I picked up on the ground before, those... are just gifts for people.

Ancestor Qiu Shan had no choice but to re-summon the Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet according to Lin Xian's request.

Although he was full of confidence before, thinking that the appearance of the Wanhun corpse must be unstoppable, but after seeing Lin Xian's ability, he felt that the Wanhun corpse was a toy in front of him.

As the summoning formation reappeared, the Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet finally crawled out.

The body is more than three meters high, with strong muscles, gray-black skin with death and corpse aura, hands and feet locked with broken chains, which were left when they were suppressed under the tower.

There was a layer of worn gauze on his head, which made it impossible to see his true face.

Lin Xian looked at the corpse puppet and felt that the corpse puppet was nothing special. It looked like a coolie with big muscles. .

Lin Xian stretched out his hand and grabbed the evil energy surrounding the air, and pulled it out directly.

Seeing that Lin Xian was able to remove the evil energy with his bare hands, the ancestor Qiushan fainted on the spot. This is something that he spent tens of thousands of lives refining, and was easily pulled out by Lin Xian. What a terrible method .


Chapter [-] Change your name

The evil energy that was drawn away gradually solidified and turned into a black bead. If you listen carefully, you can hear the screams coming from the bead.

Lin Xian glanced at the Wanhun Corpse Puppet, and found that the big man was motionless, kicked lightly and didn't respond at all.

"What's wrong with this thing? Is it out of power?"

Lin Xian asked suspiciously, and Patriarch Qiu Shan responded with an ugly face.

"Boss, the Wanhun Corpse Puppet is driven by evil energy. If you pull out all the evil energy, of course he won't be able to move."

"This thing is so ugly, I'm afraid to scare other people, is there any way to make him move?"

"Yes, me."

Ancestor Qiu Shan pointed at himself. In order to avoid the joint attack of the nine chiefs, he took out a trace of his remnant soul and merged it into the Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet.

With the passage of time, the remnant soul of the ancestors of Qiushan gradually merged with the corpse puppet, and the soul and soul gradually gained the same power.

If the evil energy is removed, what can drive the Wanhun Corpse Puppet is naturally the remnant soul of the ancestor Qiushan.

But as soon as the words came out, Patriarch Qiu Shan suddenly felt that something was wrong. Seeing Lin Xian looking at him, his eyes changed, stroking his chin with a wicked smile.

"Big... boss, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing, hehe."

As Lin Xian got closer and closer, Patriarch Qiu Shan pushed him directly to the wall, watching in horror as Lin Xian's big hand stretched out towards him, kneading randomly on him.

"Don't... ah... there... no!"

Ancestor Qiu Shan continued to struggle, but he was Lin Xian's opponent, he was caught by Lin Xian in three or two strokes, and a strand of remnant soul was smashed into a ball the size of an evil bead, and nodded with satisfaction.

The thing is ready, but how do I put it in? Lin Xian looked at the Wansoul Corpse Puppet, and wanted to inject the soul into the corpse according to the ordinary method, either by taking the house or by sacrificing the soul.

But it's a pity that Lin Xian can't use either method, but it doesn't prevent him from doing things.

Lin Xian glanced at it from top to bottom. The Wanhun Corpse Puppet didn't even have a single gap in his body. He took a closer look at where it should go. In the end, Lin Xian's lower body of Wanhun Corpse Puppet had no facial features. You should have one. The place where the gas is exhausted, and the place where the exhaust gas is exhausted is also considered to be exhausted.

With one foot, he pulled the huge corpse of all souls, pulled down his pants, endured a sense of nausea, and shoved the remnant soul directly into it.

Sure enough, the Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet that obtained the remnant soul suddenly came to life and slowly climbed up from the ground.

Ancestor Qiu Shan's remnant soul has been completely integrated into this corpse puppet, staring blankly at his hands with an unreal feeling, a thought flashed in his heart.

Can I kill Lin Xian now, but as soon as this idea appeared, it was directly obliterated by Qiushan Patriarch, joking that a person who can even draw out evil spirits with his bare hands, killing him is not a matter of minutes.

Moreover, Lin Xian can directly attack the remnant soul. If he provokes him, he may not even have the scum left in his remnant soul. It is better to be honest and obedient, and maybe he will find a chance to turn around.

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