And it was still before: The man was laughing wildly, Old Ancestor Xian froze in place, he spent so much effort to break the seal of the Immortal God Realm, and was stuck by Lin Xian like this, this guy is simply not human.


Chapter [-]: After the Autumn Reckoning

The seals of the Immortal God Realm were gradually enriched, and the demon cultivators who first rushed into the Immortal God Realm were trapped in the enchantment, and were quickly besieged by everyone in the Immortal God Realm.

The whole battle was over after only a few minutes. Everyone didn't understand why this happened, but the people who knew the truth were holding their chins and pinching the people around them, confirming that they were not dreaming.

Lin Xian glued Cang Tianyu back together and clapped his hands in satisfaction.

Breaking five, Patriarch Xian finally woke up from the shock, and when Lin Xian was unprepared, he rushed up again.

"Be careful!"

Liu Shen hurriedly shouted, and Lin Xian slapped Po Wu, Old Ancestor Xian directly in the face with a backhand slap, hitting him directly from the top of the altar.

The altar of Wanzhong Mountain was originally at the highest place, and there was a very powerful force of forbidden air around it. If it fell from here, [-]% of it would be shattered.

Everyone glanced at the edge of the altar, and their heads... retracted their heads, staring at Lin Xian with vigilance.

Sikong Xiaoyao stepped forward and said to the crowd.

"Everyone, now that the crisis has been lifted, the boss can be considered guilty."

"How can this work? God knows if he will break the jade card."

"What do you guys want to do?"

Everyone in the Immortal God Realm looked at each other and had other thoughts in their hearts.

"You caused the disaster. As compensation, we have to take everything here."

The people of the Immortal God Realm have taken a fancy to the resources of Wanzhong Mountain. The resources here are rich, and each small island has unique materials, and any one is worth a thousand dollars.

They originally came for these materials, but now that they have a fair reason, they naturally want to make use of them.

Sikong Xiaoyao frowned, he knew that this request was too much, he took a peek at Lin Xian and found that he was silent, gritted his teeth, and agreed.

"Okay, since that's the case, please leave by yourself. I'll wait here to guard, and be alert to other demon cultivators who come to destroy it."


Liu Shen suddenly shouted, Wanzhong Mountain is something of the Demon God Realm, when will it be someone else's turn to occupy it, and besides, Sikong Xiaoyao is not from the Demon God Realm, and he cannot speak on behalf of the Salted Fish Sect at all.

Liu Shen glanced at Lin Xian, and found that his hands were crossed on his chest, as if it had nothing to do with him, obviously he didn't want to pay attention to this matter.

Liu Shen saw that the boss didn't say anything, and for a while... he couldn't make a decision, so the people from the God Realm swaggered away.

And when those people were all gone, Lin Xian said to Sikong Xiaoyao with a serious face.

"You owe me twice.

Hearing this, Sikong Xiaoyao immediately.

Aware that this is the realm of the Demon God Realm after all, that Lin Xian's not speaking does not mean that he is acquiescing, but that he is too lazy to care about these gossips.

There are so many islands in Wanzhongshan, even if those people are allowed to take away resources at will, it is impossible to remove everything.

Sikong Xiaoyao made his own decisions, but instead made him owe a favor, and bowed deeply to Lin Xian.

"Boss, it's me who makes an opinion, I shouldn't..."

"Remember the favor you owe, I will let you pay it back then, I hope you will keep your promise."

"Xiaoyao understands."

Sikong Xiaoyao lowered his head, naturally he wouldn't betray his promise at this time, but he just didn't know how Lin Xian would ask him to repay in the future.

Liu Shen seemed to see Lin Xian's intentions, he obviously wanted to get something from Sikong Xiaoyao, but Lin Xian's thoughts could not even be guessed by Liu Shen, let alone others.

He sighed deeply and said.

"Boss, Wanzhong Mountain is very important to the Demon God Realm, and we must get it no matter what."

"Such a big mountain, we can't move it back."

There are thousands of small islands up and down Wanzhong Mountain. How long will it take to move all these small islands to Salted Fish Pie? Let’s talk about what I want so many small islands for. , but this is the site of Uncle Wanshou, that... the old turtle will definitely not hand over the Wanzhong Mountain.

However, ever since the news of the mutual tradition between him and the Demon God Realm spread, Wan Shoubo has become the target of everyone's shouting, and he is no longer the...

If you can take this opportunity to incorporate the South China Sea into your own territory, the Salted Fish Pie will have a firm foothold.

It's just that Uncle Wan... where did the old turtle go now. At the same time, Uncle Wan, who had already fled in the chaos, returned to the lowest island according to his memory.

Without saying a word, he jumped into the sea and swam towards his own Heavenly Shield City. Not only did he offend Lin Xian this time, but he also made the plan of the Devil Realm fail. They led Xian Lin to the past, causing Po Wu and Patriarch Xian to die, and they would definitely not let them go.

"Damn, you must escape from here. The Demon God Realm can't stay any longer, and the Demon God Realm can't stay any longer. Now we can only go to the Immortal God Realm."

Uncle Wan Shou had already planned the route of retreat. Others could not enter the Immortal God Realm, but he had a way to do it as soon as he returned to his old lair.

leave here.

After finally returning to the old nest of Tianshield City, Uncle Wan Shou was already exhausted, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment, and hurriedly ran into his palace.

"Come on...!!!, where did everyone die!"

Uncle Wan shouted loudly, but no one answered, just when Uncle Wan was confused, someone patted him on the shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw the blood wolf and the crane spirit immortal with smiling faces.

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