But there was a look of relief on her face.

She survived!

Under the pursuit of Wan Yao!

Of course, it was fortunate that the Loose Immortal Wolf King did not take action, otherwise she would not have the confidence to escape.

Thanks to the characteristics of the Burning Shadow Sword...

However, she immediately found that the expression of her own elders seemed a little wrong.


"What did you say? Lin Xian was taken away?" Tong Yashuang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin Xian is a loose fairy?Who can take him?

"Who shot? Could it be—"

Tong Yashuang: The scattered fairy demon king of Wan Yao City?

Elder: "It's the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators who attacked us before."

Tong Yashuang: Σ (△|||)︴

Dignified Sanxian?

Was actually taken away by the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator?

Is today April Fool's Day?


On the other side, Lin Xian yawned and finally woke up.

I feel my stomach, well, I'm a little hungry.


He glanced at the magic cultivators who were hiding around, waiting for their prey to come.

"Who would be fooled by such a simple and obvious trap?" Lin Xian yawned and raised his fist: "Are you really blind?"

Well, wake up, it's time to kill.

As he said that, he planned to punch him.

However, just as he was about to start, a black shadow fell straight down from the sky.


"Who is so heartless, who stole my chicken and sets a trap here?"

Lin Xian: (⊙_⊙)

What the hell!There are really blind demons!



Chapter [-]: Loli Demon King

Chapter [-]: Loli Demon King


"Steal my chicken and set a trap here?"

"Do you still have any conscience?!"

"Dare to be disrespectful to this emperor, be careful that this emperor wants Uncle Wolf to beat you!"

It was a little girl in white who only reached Lin Xian's waist. She seemed to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old, with long lilac hair that fell to her waist.

Her cheeks are extremely white and tender, and her skin is as smooth as suet.

At this moment, she is rubbing her little ass even more, which is really cute.

Lin Xian concluded: This is a cute...blind loli?

But the next moment, the loli's face changed: "Who, come out!"

"Hehehe, as expected of the bloodline of the Demon Emperor... Before the Golden Core Stage, he could actually transform himself. He is really talented..." A few shadows walked out from the side, laughing. It was the old man who spoke out.

The little loli's face tightened: "Sanxian?"

"Not bad. His Majesty the Demon Emperor really has a good eye." The old man laughed, his eyes full of greed.

"Is it the emperor's chicken you stole?" Little Loli narrowed her eyes.

"Stealing chickens?" The old man was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the two chickens that Lin Xian was holding: "Did you mean this?"


"You should be, so be it."

The old man smiled and didn't care.

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