Fortunately, Liushen and Qiongzhi used to have cultivation levels above the gods, so they naturally knew what to do, and said to Lin Xian.

"The boss is very simple, we will arrange a formation, as long as you also enter the dream and find the ruthless person to protect her."

"So simple"

"Yes, it's as simple as taking a nap."

"Sleep, I will."

After saying that, Lin Xian sat directly on the ground and fell asleep in front of everyone, and within a few seconds there was a sound of deep sleep.

Liu Shen was speechless for a while, he fell asleep before he even arranged the formation.

In desperation, he had to carry Lin Xian in, and carefully arranged a formation around him.

When the formation was completed, there was a faint glow, and then a little starlight appeared on Lin Xian's body, gradually connecting with the ruthless man, and both of them entered a deep dream.

Liu Shen left Zi Yan to protect the law, and the others did their own work.

Lin Xian, who entered the dream, was like floating on the high colorful clouds, surrounded by soft cotton candy, picking one and stuffing it directly into his mouth.

Lin Xian completely forgot where he was, but felt that he was enjoying himself very much. He knew how comfortable it would be to get a bed like this in Salted Fish Pie.

Just thinking about it, the surrounding clouds began to dissipate quickly, and Lin Xian felt his whole body light up and fell directly from the sky.

Ah! I didn't have time to react, and with a bang, it smashed directly to the ground, creating a human-shaped pit.

It took a long time to climb out of the pit, and only then did I realize that I had nothing to do with my body, and that I didn't feel any pain on my body, which seemed very unreal.

He scratched his head in doubt, and only then did he realize that he was outside a city with a high city wall in front of him, and it always felt familiar.

"It looks familiar here."

Lin Xian touched his head and walked towards the city. He had completely forgotten how he got here, and what he was supposed to do. He just wandered around the city in confusion.

He happened to pass by a door and heard a familiar quarrel inside.

"You broom star, why do you stay here, we were all killed by you!"

"Obviously you are a waste and still want to practice, stop dreaming."

"You're just a superfluous person, stop...get out of the way here!"

......Looking along the voice, Lin Xian saw a group of half-sized children, swearing at a girl. The girl was stubborn and clutching the corners of her clothes with both hands, but she never showed a trace of anger or fear. .

Lin Xian took a closer look and found that this girl was seven-pointed in resemblance to a ruthless person, she seemed to be... a ruthless person when she was a child.

At this moment, a group of adults came over, and when they saw the ruthless man, they frowned.

"Why are you still here"

The ruthless man kept silent and just kept staring at the adults, his vicious eyes seemed to protest and seemed to want to justify, but he never made a sound.

After a long silence, the adults took all their children away, but the ruthless man stood there, no one cared about her, no one cared about her, she was just a superfluous person, and her stubborn figure had a hint of loneliness .

Wiping the tears in his eyes, the ruthless man ran out of the city, and Lin Xian followed closely behind him, wanting to see what she was doing.


Chapter [-] Who dares to touch her

The ruthless man ran out of the city alone, this half-sized child was not taken care of by adults, and it was very dangerous in the forest full of monsters and beasts.

Lin Xian followed closely behind him to see what she was doing. After walking for a while, he saw the ruthless man get into a small cave. The entrance of the cave: Only one child can pass through, and Lin Xian has no way to enter.

After waiting for a while, she saw a ruthless man with a dirty face crawling out of the hole, stroking a wooden sword in her hand with excitement, which seemed to be made by herself, and it was hidden very well.

"I'm going to practice five hundred times today."

Having said that, the ruthless man chose a sturdy tree and kept hacking at the tree with a wooden sword, repeating the monotonous movements over and over again. It seemed boring, but she enjoyed it.

When Lin Xian saw the ruthless man begin to practice, he also sat quietly not far away and watched her.

Never thought that Ruthren's childhood was spent like this, only through cultivation can she forget everything, which makes her character so ruthless.

I don't know why Lin Xian also felt a little bit of loneliness, a kind of feeling of pity for each other. Don't look at Lin Xian's usual laziness, he has also experienced similar things.

But the character of the salted fish made him forget these things very quickly......Unpleasant experience, he really can't imagine how the ruthless man has persisted until now.

Ka! With a crisp sound, the wooden sword in the ruthless man's hand broke, and the repeated slashing made the wooden sword finally unable to withstand her strength.

The ruthless sighed slightly, threw away the broken sword, and chose a thick branch from the ground to start carving a new wooden sword.

From spring to autumn to day and night, Lin Xian didn't know how long he watched by the side, and the ruthless man didn't know how long it took to chop. The wooden sword in his hand had been replaced countless times, but he still couldn't bear her power.

Gradually, the ruthless man grew into a slim little girl, with big smart eyes full of concentration, the expression on his face gradually disappeared, and he grew a lot, but the chest still remained flat.

Crack! Another cracking sound sounded, this time it wasn't the wooden sword in the hands of the ruthless man that broke, but the tree stump that she had practiced for an unknown amount of time.

The stump was cut off by the wooden sword, and after many times of training and growth, the ruthless man finally completed his cultivation.

At this moment, a group of teenagers who came from nowhere suddenly appeared here, and when they saw the ruthless man, they immediately showed a mocking expression.

"Look, that trash is practicing swords again, it's useless no matter how many times, trash is always trash."

"I heard that she still wants to participate in the city master's apprenticeship assessment, lol."

"Hey! We're talking to you, no!"

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