"Master Gao Jian, you are willing to bow down to the wind."

The young man had to admire that he arrived at Hantan only a month late, and even such a small flaw was noticed, and this Pei Sanzhan really lived up to its reputation.

Everyone was eager to try, and at this moment, a short little girl got out from behind Lin Xian and said to Pei Sanzhan cautiously.

"But... can you taste my wine?"


The four hundred and fortieth chapter master vomited

The little girl squeezed out of the crowd, her short stature was inconspicuous in the crowd, and the table for gambling was higher than her chest.

The little girl tried her best to put an ordinary jug on the table, and when she saw the jug, everyone froze: and then laughed.

"Little girl, is this your wine? Are you old enough to drink?"

"Could it be cheap wine bought from the roadside, come here and try your luck."

"Don't make trouble here, this is Master Pei Sanzhan, he won't drink cheap wine like you."

...Faced with everyone's ridicule, the little girl's face was flushed and her face was very cute, but she still insisted.

"I made this wine myself."

Hearing this, Pei Sanzhan immediately became interested. It is rare for such a young child to make wine, but age limits the skills. The way of winemaking is the same as cultivation. The longer the time, the more mellow the winemaking skills will be.

Looking at the little girl who is less than five feet, the bone age is at most around the Immortal King's: How can such an age make good wine.

"Little girl, you know that I am very strict. If I can't enter my speech, I will be angry."

The little girl lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her clothes hesitantly. She didn't want to try it for the sake of showing off. It was rare to find a way to prove herself in such a grand event. She raised her head and said stubbornly.

"I want to try."

Hearing this, Pei Sanzhan smiled slightly and pointed to the three wine bowls in front of him. The little girl put her toes on her toes and carefully poured out the wine in the wine bottle.

This first cup of Pei Sanzhan frowned.

Ordinary wines are clear or cloudy, all due to different brewing materials, but the little girl's wine is very special. It falls into the bowl and is transparent and nothing. If she hadn't poured it out, she would have thought that there was nothing in the bowl.

Pei Sanzhan had never seen such a special wine, and when he poured a second glass, the color of the wine did not change but there was no aroma.

Everyone who tastes wine knows that the aroma of wine comes from the gas of five grains, in addition to the five grains, there are also fruit wine, honey wine, etc., but most of them exude a sweet smell.

But the little girl's was tasteless, like boiling water, which made Pei Sanzhan's brows furrow a little deeper.

"Wait, there's no need to fall, I'll ask you if it's true"

The little girl nodded hurriedly, she just saw that Pei Sanzhan was very capable, and she had to taste it to know the pros and cons of the wine. Seeing that he stopped, she must have made a decision in her heart, and looked forward to Pei Sanzhan.

Pei Sanzhan stroked his beard and face Gu Jing Bubo, shook his head at the little girl and said.

"Tasting wine starts with three items: color, aroma, and flavor, but your wine is colorless and fragrance-free. It must be the time when the wine was brewed, which made the wine look like this. Alas! The lower taste is already a friendship. If you carefully discuss this wine It doesn't count."

Pei Sanzhan's words deeply stimulated the little girl, the little girl said timidly as she held the jug with rosy eyes and looked like she wanted to cry.

"My master said that I can be a teacher, so let me try it."

"Your master, hehe, your master must be someone who doesn't know how to taste wine. Go and have a good experience. If it is 100 years old, you might be able to brew a side of sweet wine."

Sweet wine is the easiest kind of wine to brew, and Pei Sanzhan's words obviously look down on the little girl.

The little girl looked lonely and was about to turn to leave when she heard someone shouting loudly.

"Good wine! I've never had such a good wine!"

Looking at the sound, he found that Lin Xian took the wine bowl just now and poured it into his mouth, drinking like a cow, and no one had ever drank wine like water.

Pei Sanzhan frowned, he had already said that the little girl's wine was not even low-grade, but now someone said...it's a good wine, isn't it smashing his own brand, he stood up and said.

"This little brother is a famous wine taster"


"Understandable Brewing"


"Then how do you know if this wine is good or bad"

"I drank the whole street of wine, and only this wine is the best."

Hearing this, the people around immediately burst into laughter. The wines on this street are all inferior goods, and they are all made by small merchants and hawkers taking advantage of the grand ceremony to try their luck. If the grade is only around the middle and lower levels, it is difficult to Wait for the elegant hall.

Pei Sanzhan was very angry, it was ridiculous to argue with such an ignorant boy.

"Humph! It's been three hundred and twenty-seven years since I drank the first bowl of wine in my life, and I have never made a mistake in wine tasting. You, a kid who doesn't understand anything, dare to criticize this old man. If you don't say anything today. Chou Yinmou, the old man will not forgive me lightly."

Pei Sanzhan blew his beard and stared, the taster was very concerned about his reputation and would never allow anyone to question his decision.

But Lin Xian smiled and picked up another...a bowl of wine.

"The most important thing in wine tasting is to drink it into the stomach. You dare to say that you can taste wine without even drinking it. It turns out that the master of wine tasting only uses his eyes to drink."

Hearing this, Pei Sanzhan said in front of everyone with the wine bowl in Lin Xian's hand.

"Humph! The old man will convince you today."

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