Looking around, the whole mountain is blood red!

Not the kind of red clay, but genuine, bloody!

The mountain wall is drenched, and if you hold it, you can grab the blood!

This is definitely not a normal mountain, but a mountain of blood sacrifices cultivated with countless sacrifices of human lives!

The whole mountain exudes an unpleasant stench!

But unfortunately, before they got close, they couldn't even smell a scent!

And in the middle of the mountain, there is a dark cave, exuding a strange feeling.

"Come on, please come with me, Lord Yaohuang." The old Sanxian showed a smile and stretched out his hand to invite.

"What do you want to do?" Zi Yan's face was solemn: "Just relying on such a small blood sacrifice formation, it is impossible to let the ancient virtual dragon bloodline exert its power!"

"If the formation of the mortal world can make people break the boundary membrane, the ancient virtual dragon will not be called the emperor of dragons!"

Primordial Void Dragon, the King of Space!

Even in the immortal dragon clan with extraordinary talent, the immemorial virtual dragon is also known as the existence of the dragon emperor!

If this level of bloodline can be used by a small blood sacrifice formation in the mortal world, then the ancient virtual dragon has no qualifications to be called the emperor!

"Even if you use more blood sacrifices, it is impossible for my blood to serve you." Zi Yan said solemnly: "And..."

"How many people did you kill!"

That strong and disgusting smell is definitely not the level that the blood of [-] people can achieve!

"Not much, maybe five million or so." The old man showed a sneer: "It is their honor to serve the immortals in the lives of mortals."

"Lord Demon Emperor, please come in!"

"Humph!" Zi Yan snorted coldly, but she didn't have stage fright, and strode directly into the cave.

Lin Xian thought for a while and followed.

Everyone turned a blind eye.

A mere mortal, it can be said that there is absolutely no need to care.

Walking into the cave, it suddenly opened up, revealing a wider space.

The strong smell of blood rushed to his face, and his eyes were full of dark red blood. There were blood splatters all around and on the ground.

There were also some rotting stumps scattered on the ground.And in the middle of the empty space, a square platform stood tall, and the dark red formation light was lit up on the platform, reflecting the entire space even more red.

"Come on, please do it well, Lord Monster Emperor." The old man scattered immortals laughed and ordered at the same time: "You guys, get ready too."

"Yes! Your lord."

Everyone responded in unison, and a vicious man said again: "Sir, don't forget the reward you promised us."

There was a gloomy look in the eyes of the Sanxian old man, but it turned into calm: "Don't worry, we have cooperated for so long, and we have made an oath of heart demons, how could I not keep the promise?"

Saying that, stretch out your hand.

Around Fangtai, eight formation eyes were erected, and eight magic monks jumped in.

If Tong Yashuang was told, she would be extremely shocked—these eight people were all powerful men in the Yuan Ying period!

The gathering of eight people can already be comparable to the heritage of any sect except the three religions, nine sects and eight great masters!

At the same time, there were more than ten Jindan cultivators who looked at each other, walked out of the cave, and grabbed the entrance of the cave.

The grand formation began to run slowly, and the faces of the masters in the Nascent Soul stage changed, but they still did not resist. Instead, they cut their wrists and let the blood flow out. They followed the big formation and pulled out.

The masters of the Nascent Soul stage snorted one after another, their faces heavy, and some of them frowned, feeling uncomfortable and painful.

And Zi Yan in the center of the formation also felt a pressure.

"Boss, hurry up." The villain shouted, "Brothers can't last too long!"

"Don't worry, it won't be long." The old man smiled and said.

Before he finished speaking, he slashed out with a knife, directly sawing the evil man in the middle!


Blood spurted out, and at the same time, the evil man's body actually melted directly in front of everyone's eyes!


"Boss, what are you doing?"

Everyone's face changed.

"What's it called, you all know what kind of formation this is, blood sacrifices blood sacrifices, don't use blood to sacrifice, do you use air?"

One knife, two knives, three knives...

His combat power is the best preserved, and at the same time his cultivation base completely crushes everyone. Coupled with the shackles of the formation, even if the eight Nascent Soul stage masters have the heart to resist, they will all be killed by him!

At the same time, the blood sacrifice formation was radiant and bloody.

A huge pressure came, and Zi Yan's face changed: "Is this the blood vault of the soul?"

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