"Don't believe it."

Chen Xiuxian shook his head again and again, and Lin Xian didn't bother to explain, so he led everyone to fly towards the Dao Mountain of the Heavenly Dao Zhenjun.

As soon as he landed, he felt the vigorous divine power on the mountain. This divine power was boundless, and Chen Xiuxian could not see the clue for a while. If he could practice here, he might be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Looking around, the place where everyone fell was a barren mountain, surrounded by only sparse trees.

The trees looked strange, but they couldn't tell what species they were, and even a well-read person like Chen Xiuxian wouldn't recognize these trees.

Just when everyone was amazed, Lin Xian felt that someone was watching them, looked around suspiciously, but didn't find any problems, and touched his head, could it be my illusion, "Where should we go? Walk"

Lin Xian asked Chen Xiuxian, he knew more about Xiaotiandi and Daoshan than Chen Xiuxian, so he naturally asked for his opinion.

Chen Xiuxian shook his folding fan for a while and said.

"This mountain is not completely broken, and your precious things have not been broken. It should be near the palm print. We can go there and look for it."

After saying that, he pointed in one direction, and the forest man headed in that direction.

After everyone left, a small pure black head drilled out from a bush not far away, with big eyes looking around curiously, and after a closer look, it was found that it was more like a tadpole, with no arms and no legs. A slender tail swam slowly in the air and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xian and the others followed the direction pointed by Chen Xiuxian.

I have to say that this mountain is really huge. Except for the palm print in the center, the surrounding land is wider than Dongsen where Salted Fish Pie is located.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, everyone came to a cliff, the cliff towering into the clouds, surrounded by cliffs without gaps, and even trees, flowers and plants could not grow.

Looking at the high cliff, Lin Xian's neck was sore, what is this place, there is such a high cliff.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, did we go wrong?"

Chen Xiuxian almost laughed when he heard this, as the eldest grandson of the Chen family, no one dared to call him Xiao Chen, Ye Wushuang was definitely the first.

Even Lie Wuge, who was best with him, would not dare to bring a small word, he knew very well that the consequences of offending Chen Xiuxian were very serious.

But what is surprising is that Chen Xiuxian has no distaste for such a name, but feels that it should be called this way among friends.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, I haven't seen this cliff when I was in the air, it must be just a short distance away, I'll go around it later."

Chen Xiuxian chose a direction and led the crowd to the side along the cliff.

There are bare and barren mountains all around, there are few trees but there are countless dry trunks. It seems that the dissipation of divine power makes the flowers and trees unable to survive, which is why such a desolate scene.

After walking for a long time, Chen Xiuxian suddenly stopped. Just as Lin Xian wanted to ask, he saw Chen Xiuxian take out a spell and point it in front of him, and everyone disappeared out of thin air.

Just when everyone didn't understand what happened, several savages in animal skins suddenly appeared in front of them.

"How can anyone be here"

"No, these.... are not people, but the Taoist souls that appeared with Taoshan."

Daohun Lin Xian tilted his head, unable to understand what Chen Xiuxian was saying, Chen Xiuxian said with a slight sigh.

"The soul of Dao is the soul of Daoshan. Ordinary Daoshan can only transform into flowers, plants and trees, but as time goes by, the more divine power the Master accumulates, the Daoshan will undergo various changes.

First, there will be mountain spirit beasts without wisdom, then there will be monsters and monsters who are wise and wise, and finally there will be people, these people are not real, but are transformed by the master's divine power."

Everyone nodded in understanding, but Chen Xiuxian was a little surprised. He had heard elders say that Daoshan transforms into a spirit for at least a thousand years, and as many as [-] years, and the spirit of the Dao transforms into a human form. This is how long it takes to achieve.

This Heavenly Dao True Monarch is indeed the first person in Eternal Ancient, who has practiced for such a long time.


Chapter four hundred and sixty-two: the dream family

In order not to disturb the savages, Lin Xian and the others stood in place and dared not move.

And Chen Xiuxian's spell is very effective, making them completely invisible, even if the savages walk in front of them, they will not find it.

"Go and have a look."

Chen Xiuxian is very interested in these savages. After all, this is an opportunity to observe Tiandao Zhenjun Daoshan up close, and it must not be missed.

The group carefully followed behind the savage, and several savages were talking to each other as if they were looking for prey.

"There's been less prey nearby recently and the trees are starting to die."

"Yeah, I heard that the earth has begun to tremble recently. Is there a disaster?"

"Don't say that! The gods once said that someone will come to rescue us when we are in danger, just wait patiently."

...the words the savages say is not difficult to understand, but with a peculiar look, it seems to be a very ancient language.

Fortunately, this dialect is not much different from now, and Lin Xian and the others can still understand it.

Not long after walking, the savages stopped suddenly and saw a young leopard enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree not far away.

Ling Leopard licked its claws and did not notice the danger approaching. The wild people lowered their bodies, took out bows and spears and approached Ling Leopard carefully.

Suddenly, Ling Leopard seemed to notice something and stood up abruptly, but the savage was faster, and in the blink of an eye, spears and bows and arrows were already shot.

Whoosh whoosh! There were several consecutive sounds, and two spears were inserted into the body of the leopard, but it did not die on the spot, but ran towards the savage angrily.


The savage leader gave an order, and everyone fled, and the leopard appeared behind the savage like a whirlwind in the blink of an eye.

So fast! Chen Xiuxian sighed inwardly, whether it was the spirit leopard or these savages, their strength was above the gods, especially their speed was even more amazing, even he could not see their movements clearly.

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