"It's... the trees on the mainland began to wither rapidly, and even the prey began to gradually decrease."

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiuxian immediately understood what was going on.

Daoshan was damaged so badly, it should have disappeared immediately, but Tiandao Daoist is the most powerful person in the world, his strength is unfathomable, and even Daoshan's foundation is very solid.

Even if it is torn apart by the palm print, it can still maintain its powerful divine power for tens of thousands of years.

But now Daoshan's divine power is gradually dissipating, which has an impact on the animals and plants here, and soon these savages will disappear together with Daoshan.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiuxian didn't say anything, he knew that it's best not to know about some things, not to mention that he didn't have the ability to take the soul out.

He sighed deeply and said.

"Did the gods... order you before leaving?"

"Yes, there is, but when the gods and the world are in great distress, there will be a savior to save us, and we can only tell the savior this secret."

"That's right."

Chen Xiuxian touched his chin, but he didn't expect True Monarch Tiandao to leave such words.

This must include clues to the treasure, but the village chief is tight-lipped, even if Wan Jian and Ling Dao didn't ask anything before, it seems that this secret is very important to them.

In desperation, Chen Xiuxian had to ask Lin Xian what he meant.

But every time Lin Xian was full, he would feel sleepy, and fell asleep wherever he sat in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xiuxian wanted to wake up Lin Xian, but was stopped by Ruthless and Zi Yan. The two girls tried their best to hold Chen Xiuxian, and kept shaking their head at him, so that he would not wake Lin Xian.

Chen Xiuxian looked puzzled, why couldn't he wake Lin Xian? At this moment, there was a huge noise between heaven and earth, Lie Wuge took one step to the sky and looked into the distance, only to find that some of the land at the very edge of the palm print began to collapse and fall into the endless starry sky. among.

"Little white face, this mountain seems to be unable to support it anymore."

Lie Wuge saw the clue and hurriedly said to Chen Xiuxian.

Chen Xiuxian thought carefully, if they couldn't find an exit before Daoshan collapsed, maybe they would disappear with this small world, then it would be bad.

But Lin Xian was already asleep at this time, and the few people he brought didn't let anyone wake him up, so Chen Xiuxian couldn't say to Lie Wuge.

"Wait first, don't be in a hurry, wait until Brother Lin wakes up before making a decision."

"But we can't even find the exit, so we can just wait like this."

Lie Wuge was worried that the time was not enough. After all, the speed of Daoshan's lack of divine power collapsed very quickly. If it collapsed completely in one second, I am afraid that everyone would die here.

Just when the two were deadlocked, Daoist Chiyang and Daoist Yulong also came to Daoshan.

They were very happy to see such a huge Daoshan, such a huge Daoshan must have hidden treasures, if they can find some, it will be of great help to them.

But the palm print in the middle of Daoshan is also vivid in my eyes. Who did such a terrifying means, and even the true monarch of Heavenly Dao could be injured.

But Daoist Yulong didn't think so much, he just wanted to find the treasure first, and said to Daoist Chiyang.

"Brother Chiyang, the Daoshan here seems to be unstable, where should we start?"

"Don't worry, take me a divination."

Chiyang took out the two halves of the crescent moon, blew a breath and threw it on the ground, the crescent moon both turned inward, and the Taoist Chiyang frowned.



Chapter [-] The Spirit of Daoshan

Daoist Chiyang was very confident in his divination skills, but the ominous omen made him faintly uneasy, and said to Daoist Yulong.

"Daoist, why don't we wait, I'm worried that something will happen."

"You can, I can't wait. Lin Xian and the others have been wandering around Daoshan for a long time. What if they have found the treasure?"

Daoist Yulong was furious, and if it wasn't for the fact that more than half of his disciples were killed or injured, they wouldn't have looked at Chi Yang's face.

But this Chiyang Daoist was cautious, and it took a long time to ask for directions by throwing stones along the way. If they dragged on like this, by the time they found Lin Xian, the treasure would have been taken away by them.

Daoist Chiyang frowned slightly. Caution is his style of behavior, but the repeated urging of Yulong has made him tired. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no exit in Xiaotiandi, he would have brought his disciples here long ago.

"One more divination and we'll go."

"Then hurry up."

Daoist Yulong said impatiently, Daoist Chiyang blew a breath of fairy air into his palm, and threw out a half crescent again, but at this moment a black shadow the size of a basketball suddenly appeared, swallowing the two and a half crescents in one bite. .

Daoist Chiyang was taken aback. After a closer look, he found out that it was a black tadpole. That... tadpole waited and looked at a few people curiously with big round eyes, and seemed to be very interested in them.

Daoist Chiyang wanted to take down the tadpoles, but was stopped by Daoist Yulong.

"The soul of Daoshan! This is the soul of Daoshan!"

The Taoist Yulong was well-informed and recognized the true face of the tadpole in front of him at a glance.

According to legend, some great powers absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, so that Daoshan continues to grow and evolve, and Daoshan will transform into a soul.

The souls of Daoshan are different, but each soul has one thing in common, as long as the soul dominates, it can directly control the entire Daoshan.

Now that the Heavenly Dao Zhenjun has long since disappeared, this place has become a land without owners, and the Taoist wandering around cannot leave the small world. If someone can gain the approval of this soul, they will definitely be able to master this huge Taoist mountain.

Thinking of this, Daoist Yulong had other thoughts.

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