At the same time, Lie Wuge, Ruthless Zi Yan and others all joined the battlefield.

The movements of the stone statues are flexible, like living creatures, waving their wings and constantly surrounding the room, attacking them from time to time.

Although the attack of the stone statues is not dangerous, these......the stone statues are really enough prisoners, they can't be beaten or driven away, just... buzzing around your head.

Seeing that everyone was in a deadlock, Lin Xian pushed Chen Xiuxian away with a displeased expression, and patted the stone statue with his palm. The hard stone statue was instantly turned into powder.

Chen Xiuxian was taken aback, this brother Lin had such a terrifying ability, even if he had to work hard to get on the stone statue, he smashed it with a slap! Then the boss showed his might, like hitting a fly, and smashed all the stone statues into one. With a smash, he clapped his hands and said.

"I got dizzy when I circled around."


Chapter [-] The woman in white

Lin Xian smashed the flying stone statues, the puppet formation under the coffin suddenly failed, the coffin suddenly opened automatically, and everyone stared at the coffin as if facing an enemy.

I saw a female corpse in white lying in the coffin. The female corpse was beautiful and beautiful, and she was a rare beauty.

Everyone was almost stunned by the beauty of the female corpse. Suddenly, the female corpse slowly rose from the coffin and was evacuated. Countless formations suddenly lit up in the room, wrapping the female corpse tightly.

"This is... a living puppet"

The hill seemed to see a little doorway and said to Lin Xian.

"Boss, this female corpse should be alive."

"How can a living corpse be alive"

Lin Xian touched his head, only the dead are called corpses. Since they are called corpses, why are they still alive? He glanced at the female corpse and explained to everyone.

"This female corpse is different from ordinary puppets. There are three kinds of ordinary puppets, one is a walking puppet, one is a corpse puppet, and the other is a curse puppet.

Xingku is made of foreign objects and has no life, most of which are human-shaped, beast-shaped, etc..., the stone statue that attacked us just now is... Xingku."

Shanqiu pointed to the stone statue that was smashed to the ground, and everyone nodded to understand the reason.

Then the hill pointed to his body and continued.

"The corpse puppet is a puppet made from the corpse of the deceased. Although this kind of puppet can retain some of the skills of the deceased, most of them can't use spells after being made into a corpse puppet, and they can only choose some strong body exercises as materials. ."

Chen Xiuxian touched his chin, he had also read similar records from some ancient books, but those...the ancient books only left some fragments, not as detailed as Shan Qiu said.

"I heard that some corpse puppets will use tung oil to infuse their whole bodies to the extent that they are not broken. Is it true?"

"Hehe, that's just a lazy way of refining corpse puppets in later generations. I would rather find an emperor-level corpse puppet than use this earthly method."

Chen Xiuxian nodded, the puppet refining method has long been lost, and only some sects are still using it, but their corpse puppets are far from the fighting level, and they can only bully the rookies in the middle and lower reaches.

"What about the last one?"

"The last one is... like me, use the curse to kill the corpse puppet made of useless souls."

Shan Qiu looked proud. Back then, he paid a very high price for this body. He found tens of thousands of victims and sacrificed all of them to get the only Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet.

This Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet can be said to be his pinnacle work, even if he were to do it again now, it would be impossible to make a Myriad Soul Corpse Puppet.

Just when Shan Qiu was smug, Lin Xian didn't know when he appeared behind him, kicked his ass, and said with a displeased expression.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me what's going on with this girl"

Seeing the big guy's face was bad, Shan Qiu ran over, the famous Qiu Shan old demon back then was just Lin Xian's porter now, so he naturally wanted to please the big guy first.

"Don't be angry, boss, I'll say it now, in addition to... these three kinds of puppets, there is another kind of puppet that even I have only heard of legends, which is the living puppet."

The hill pointed at the woman in white suspended in the air and continued.

"It is very difficult to make a living puppet, and there are many restrictions. The first point is... Only the dead can be made into puppets from people who have just died. The difficulty of making puppets increases exponentially.”

Everyone nodded, since the deceased meant nothing of life, but it was very difficult to still be alive after death.

"Second point, the materials for making living puppets are very complex, extremely rare in the world, and can only be found in thousands or even tens of thousands of years. When ordinary people see these materials, they will definitely be used in other places, and will never be wasted on living puppets. on the body.

And the last point is also the most important role of the living puppet. Since the living puppet has a movable character, it naturally means resurrection from the dead. It is said that the finished living puppet is no different from a living person and even will not die a second time, which is very scary."

Everyone was surprised. They had never heard of the technique of resurrection from the dead. I didn't expect that this living puppet would have so many mysteries in it. It is really ridiculous, first of all, the difficulty of making a living puppet is very high, and the strength of the person who makes the living puppet is far above that of the god emperor. Would a person with such terrifying power still be afraid of life and death? Very curious, who left her here, and who made her a living puppet "You mean this woman can survive"

Lin Xian asked while rubbing his chin, Shan Qiu took a closer look and shook his head.

"In my opinion, this living puppet lacks the most crucial thing. Even if it wakes up now, it is a mindless puppet. The master who made the living puppet should be looking for materials, so the living puppet is kept here."

Shan Qiu explained very clearly, just when everyone thought that the woman in white would not wake up, a dazzling light suddenly radiated from the woman in white, and everyone closed their eyes to resist this dazzling light.

After the light passed, I found that the woman in white suspended in the air had disappeared, and appeared naked in Lin Xian's arms.

Lin Xian was silent for a while, and said to the ruthless man with red eyes.

"...let me explain."


Chapter four hundred and seventy-third: a younger sister Lin fell from the sky

At that time, the light appeared was only 0.

After 0 seconds, Lin Xian grabbed the ankle of the female corpse with a stride, trying to throw her out to avoid hurting others.

But the moment he touched the female corpse, a powerful force rushed into his body, and the memory of a woman flowed into his brain at the same time.

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