Several old monsters were drooling. They fell in love with the dementia-like Lin Mengyao. Lin Mengyao's appearance was outstanding, even in the world of immortals and gods. When they looked at each other, they understood each other's thoughts.


Lin Mengyao tilted her head, just woken up, her mind has not yet fully developed, she doesn't understand what is going on in front of her, she just came to the front of the old monsters in a daze.

Seeing this situation, everyone secretly said: No, I was about to pull Lin Mengyao back when she raised her hand and gave the old monster a slap.

Bang! That greedy old monster had a brain break on the spot, blood stained Lin Mengyao's clothes, but Lin Mengyao didn't know it, as if she didn't care about killing people, she said to the old monster next to her.


Bang! As soon as the voice fell, the second old monster also died, and everyone present felt a chill on the spine. What kind of method is this, slap a head, what kind of strength is this woman? Lin Mengyao has been sleeping for thousands of years. It stands to reason that she is just a puppet. That's it, but from the two palms just now, Lin Mengyao's strength has reached the level of a god emperor, and can kill people with one palm.

The dementia-like Lin Mengyao frightened everyone, Lin Xian looked stunned, this scene seemed familiar, I did this before, really Nima is my sister.

Seeing the bad situation, countless old monsters fled one after another, but Lin Mengyao didn't chase after him, slapped the air a few times, and beat those old monsters... ready to escape into a bloody fog.

Some old monsters with slower feet have been frightened to the point that their legs are weak. This seemingly harmless woman is so scary, it is not easy to mess with the wrong person! The old monsters who robbed like this escaped. Lin Mengyao looked at the blood in her hands with a bewildered face, as if she had done a very ordinary thing, why did everyone run away when they saw them?


"Well, go wash it when it's dirty."


Lin Mengyao nodded, she always obeyed Lin Xian's words, and began to undress in front of everyone, so scared that Ruthless and Zi Yan hurriedly grabbed her clothes and glared at Lin Xian fiercely.

Lin Xian's face was full of helplessness, I just told her to wash, not here, it's all my fault...

Chapter [-]: White Beast Mountain

The news of the birth of Tiandao Zhenjun Dongfu quickly spread throughout the Immortal God Realm, and countless old monsters rushed to the cave in the back mountain canyon.

But after arriving, I found out that except... an open iron door, everything had disappeared. Just when everyone was guessing who got the inheritance inside, Lin Xian and others had already set off. Go to White Beast Mountain.

Along the way, Lin Xian, who was severely depleted of mental energy, felt that his entire head was empty. As long as he shook a little violently, he felt very uncomfortable like seasickness.

Everyone specially made a sedan chair for him, which was carried by the hills and Sikong Xiaoyao.

"Slow down, I'm dizzy."

"The boss is already very slow, and if you slow down, you won't be able to catch up with the journey."

Shanqiu looked helpless. Originally it only took a day's journey to go to the White Beast Mountain, but because of taking care of Lin Xian, everyone slowed down and walked for two whole days before reaching the foot of the White Beast Mountain. Everyone took two steps like a spring outing. Stop one step.

"It's almost there, in front of it is... White Beast Mountain."

Chen Xiuxian waved his folding fan and pointed to the faint white peaks not far away. The peaks were covered with ice and snow all year round. From a distance, they looked like ice cream, which aroused Lin Xian's appetite.

Everyone finally reached the foot of the White Beast Mountain, a staggering sheep intestines trail winding up to the top of the mountain, and there are countless people at the bottom of the mountain who are worshiping.

It is said that entering the White Beast Mountain requires three kneeling and nine kowtows all the way to show one's sincerity. This is also an old rule of the Chen family, and no one dares to break this rule so far.

"You guys wait here, I'll go talk to my family."

"Just go straight up, why do you say anything?"

Lin Xian didn't understand, just like this road, you can reach the top of the mountain in a single leap, why bother.

But Chen Xiuxian said with a slight smile.

"Brother Lin doesn't know that there is a special imprisonment in the White Beast Mountain. It is said that it is to seal some evil things. Anyone who has not obtained the permission of the Chen family needs to kneel and worship three times, or they will be punished by disasters.. . . . blasphemers, no one is exempt."


Lin Xian had a look of disbelief, but the mountain is so powerful. At this moment, a person sitting in a sedan chair like Lin Xian appeared. That man was dressed in gold and silver clothes and looked like the son of an official. He sat down, panting and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"right here"

The fat man shook his palm-sized folding fan and looked at the beast mountain impatiently. After walking for so long, he still had to climb such a high mountain. He walked up with heavy steps.

"You can't do it, young master, you have to kneel three times and knock nine times."

"What! What nonsense three times, I am the prince of Nanfu, it is the maximum limit to be able to condescend to come here, and I have to kneel down"

After saying that, the fat man walked directly into the White Beast Mountain regardless of the dissuasion, and everyone looked at him like an idiot.

Suddenly, a divine light descended from the top of the mountain and hit Fatty directly in front of him. A huge monster descended from the sky and pushed Fatty to the ground with a bang.

Roar! The sudden appearance of the monster startled everyone, only to see that monster with a tiger body and a lion face, its huge claws as sharp as a falcon, and a pair of wings behind it exuding pure white light.

"Yunsheng Beast!"

Some people in the crowd who were monsters were taken aback. Yunsheng beasts are ancient beasts, extremely intelligent and proficient in human language. It is said that in ancient times, many sects would keep Yunsheng beasts in captivity as mounts, and the name of Yunsheng beasts began to spread gradually.

But later, due to excessive hunting, the wild cloud-born beasts began to become extinct, and the cloud-born beasts raised by the sects all had feelings behind their masters and died, and gradually the cloud-born beasts followed those... .The sect that perished faded out of people's sight.

It's just that I didn't expect that there are legendary alien beasts on this White Beast Mountain. The background of this Chen family is really amazing.

"Xiao Xiao knows something is wrong, please detour Xiao Xiao:."

The fat man hurriedly kowtowed to admit his mistake, obediently returned to the foot of the mountain, and began to kowtow all the way up.

Chen Xiuxian smiled slightly and came to the Yunsheng Beast. He reached out to touch it. The people around were startled. What did this young man want to do! The Yunsheng Beast in his childhood had enough cultivation at the level of a god emperor, and he could fly thousands of miles tirelessly on clouds. , an extremely terrifying beast.

And this Yunsheng Beast is obviously an adult, and its strength is comparable to that of a god emperor. If this young man goes up rashly, he will definitely be slapped to death.

But an astonishing thing happened. I saw that when Chen Xiuxian touched the Yunsheng Beast, the Yunsheng Beast rolled around like a kitten, letting Chen Xiuxian slack with it, even revealing his belly for him to pet.

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