"Brother Xiuxian, does that stone really belong to the True Monarch of Heaven?"

"This...I don't know."

Chen Xiuxian took a peek at Lin Xian next to him, where it said that the things of the True Monarch should be in Lin Xian's hands, and where did the Chen family get this thing: "Brother Xiuxian, can you ask grandpa to show me the stone?"

"I'm afraid this won't work. Didn't grandpa say it before, the auction will be officially opened tomorrow."

"No, I want to see it."

Yao Xiner shook Chen Xiuxian's arm, looking like a little girl, which made Chen Xiuxian, who had no personnel, hard to resist, blushing and speechless for a long time.

"Cousin, don't make a fool of yourself, Brother Chen is also very embarrassed."

Chen Tianci pretended to stop Yao Xiner, but both of them had the same mind and wanted to secretly take down the sword grinding stone.

"This... maybe I can give you a look."


Yao Xiner was very happy. She didn't expect to be able to get close to the sword sharpening stone so easily. She exchanged glances with her cousin. If there was a chance, she would definitely find a way to steal the sword sharpening stone, so as not to have a long dream.

Lin Xian, who was on the side, also heard what they said. He already knew what the virtues of the Yao brothers and sisters were, but it was not good for him and the Chen family to sink in like this.

Lin Xian wanted to remind him, but he didn't know how to say it:

When the people in the hall dispersed, Yao Xiner took Chen Xiuxian to see the sword grinding stone, but Chen Xiuxian said...there are other things to do, I will take her there later, and then she walked towards Lin Xian.

"Brother Lin, take a step to speak."

Chen Xiuxian behaved very elegantly, Lin Xian followed him to the pavilion in the back garden, turned around and laid a dozen barriers around him, and said to Lin Xian with a smile.

"What does Brother Lin think of Miss Yao?"

"It's your business, I don't want to intervene, but it's best to observe and observe important matters of marriage, such as whether there is ... real estate, cars, family relations, whether to live in the family's house or the husband's house after marriage, and what should I do if I have a child? These... all have to be taken into consideration."

Lin Xian said a lot at once, just to remind Chen Xiuxian that marriage is not a child's play, especially a woman like Yao Xiner who is exceptional, she should be more worried.

Chen Xiuxian smiled slightly, opened his folding fan and said.

"Brother Lin is really good at it, but it's a pity that the younger brother never thought about it."

"What's the meaning"

"Brother Lin thinks that someone with a lot of knowledge is next to him, so he can't recognize the seductress."

Hearing this, Lin Xian was a little surprised, this kind of thing is very rare, and if it wasn't for the hills reminding Lin Xian, he wouldn't have noticed it.

But what I didn't expect was that Chen Xiuxian knew about this a long time ago, so why is he wearing a green hat these days? Is it because he likes this style "You can handle your affairs yourself, I'm just here for vacation, I'll leave after resting. ."

"Haha, I'm afraid Brother Lin will leave later. My brother wants to invite Brother Lin to watch a good show."

"Looking at each other and fighting Transformers, or Bumpman beating little monsters"

"Neither, Brother Lin will know when the time comes."

Chen Xiuxian smiled mysteriously, as if he had already made up his mind.

Seeing that he already knew everything, Lin Xian was too lazy to remind him, anyway... just watch the play as Chen Xiuxian said.

At the same time, after the Yao brothers and sisters returned to the room, they began to secretly discuss the matter of capturing the treasure.

Yao Xiner closed the door immediately.

Revealing his own prototype, he threw himself directly into his cousin's arms.

"Cousin, what do you think we should do to get the stone?"

"Don't worry cousin, that boy from the Chen family has long been fascinated by you, and it's not easy to deal with him."

"Cousin, you're bad, I'm your man, and you actually pushed me into someone else's arms."

"Hey, why am I willing to."

After saying that, Yao Tianci said to Yao Xiner's sweet lips: After kissing, the two of them will be on fire at one point, and in two or three strokes, they will remove all their clothes.

Just when the two were about to applaud for love, there were several voices coming from the door.

"Two sisters, come and see, there are rare orchids here, which can be used for winemaking."

Hearing the movement outside the door, Yao Tianci was so frightened that he immediately shrank back, and his cousin hurriedly dressed and went out, and found a few little girls squatting on the flower bed not far from the door, picking flowers seriously.

Yao Tianci asked without saying a word.

"What are you doing here!"

"What's your business with me here?"

The ruthless man replied with a cold face, Yao Tianci felt that these little girls suddenly appeared here, they must have heard what happened just now, remembering that these few people were friends of Chen Xiuxian, Yao Tianci said coldly.

"This is my sister's boudoir, and no one is allowed in without her permission."

"Master Chen let us go around, and this is the Chen family. What does it have to do with your surnamed Yao?"


Yao Tianci was speechless in anger, and the ruthless man snorted coldly and left with his two younger sisters.

Yao Tianci just wanted to chase, but was stopped by Yao Xiner.

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