"Who will fight"

"I come."

Lie Wuge directly picked it out. He originally came to play with Chen Xiuxian, but he didn't expect that the salted fish pie would be so fun and could fight at any time, which made Lie Wuge, who has an active personality, like it very much.

Fang Tianhuaji was facing the magic way in front of his chest.

"Come on boy, I'm going to beat you up to call me mom."

"court death!"

The demon cultivator rushed up in rage, and his demonic energy was condensed and did not disperse, wrapping around his body like an armor.

The body-protecting demonic energy! Lie Wuge rarely showed a serious expression. He read this from the ancient books of the Lie family. It is said that the body-protecting demonic air is invulnerable, and it is almost impossible to kill them.

However, the ancestors of the Lie family were warlike, and after years of fighting against demons, they concluded a rule, as long as you follow this rule, you can easily defeat the body-protecting demonic energy.

Lie Wuge smiled slightly, raised Fang Tian Hua Ji, turned his head and ran away.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, what kind of competition did he run away, and Lie Wuge stuck his tongue out while running.

"Come after me, silly, a little bit."

"Don't run to stop me!"

Mo Xiu was furious and chased after Lie Wuge, but he moved slowly because of the demonic energy of his body, so he could only watch Lie Wuge taunt him constantly.

The ancestral teaching of the Lie family, there is only one word to deal with the magic energy of protecting the body, consumption.

The body protection magic gas is invulnerable, but it consumes a lot of money and moves slowly. As long as you keep consuming the opponent's magic gas, you can easily defeat the opponent.

Sure enough, Lie Wuge ran around the deck twice, and the magic cultivator was out of breath.

The magic energy of protecting the body lies in a quick battle. The longer the time is dragged on, the more disadvantageous it is, but Lie Wuge is really annoying, that is... If you don't fight him, you will consume more than [-]% of the magic energy.

Seeing that this was not a solution, the demon cultivator gritted his teeth and released the demonic energy of protecting his body.

But who knew that Lie Wuge turned his head suddenly, Fang Tianhua halberd rushed out like a dragon, and directly overturned the opponent.

Without the only protection, that demon cultivator could not be defeated, the salted fish sent everyone to cheer, while the people from the Tianmo Sect turned dark.

"Mirror Demon, come on!"

As soon as the sect master gritted his teeth, he ordered a woman to step forward, and the female disciple glanced at the people of the Salted Fish School with a long sword, and pointed at the half-sized ruthless man.

"You come out."

The ruthless man couldn't wait for a long time, stepped forward and looked at each other coldly.

Lin Xian was very aware of the ruthless person's ability. This day, the Demon Sect chose the ruthless person who was not good. For a moment, he couldn't help covering his eyes.

Mirror demons are good at swordsmanship.

, Among the people of the Salted Fish Sect, only the ruthless uses swords, and as a sword cultivator, I naturally want to compete.

"Go ahead, don't say I won't give you a chance."

The ruthless man still had that cold look, the mirror demon clenched his teeth and stabbed the ruthless man with his long sword, but the ruthless man did not draw his sword, just glanced at her indifferently, and a sharp sword energy appeared out of thin air, directly piercing the ruthless man. Mirror Demon's chest.

Heart Sword! Liushen was shocked, the ruthless man actually learned the Heart Sword, slashing enemies thousands of miles away with a single thought, this is one of Sword God's greatest abilities.

But Sikong Xiaoyao, who was on the side, didn't think it was special. The Heart Sword was a martial art recorded in Haotian Sword. Ruthless people had been practicing Haotian Sword for a long time, and naturally they could master the Heart Sword.

Seeing the loss of two generals in a row, the sect master felt cold, this salted fish pie is too strong.


Chapter [-] What are you pretending to be

The Salted Fish School has won two games in a row, and the heart of the Sect Master of the Demon Sect has begun to shake, and there is only one last chance left to seize it no matter what.

"Lei Zhuang, come on!"

As soon as the sect master gritted his teeth, he sent his own direct disciple, which is the treasure of the Tianmo Sect. The sect master invested a lot of resources in him, asking for medicinal pills for medicinal pills, and for cultivation techniques for cultivation techniques. He also specially went to Lord Liegu Yanmo. A weapon is coming.

Lei Zhuang lived up to expectations and reached the top of the middle stage of Divine Venerable in just a hundred years and 100 years. After a while... he will be able to reach his own realm, and then there will be one more master in the Tianmo Sect.

Originally, the sect master did not want to send Lei Zhuang to the stage, but now there is no other way.

Lei Zhuang took two steps forward, his tall figure revealed a faint sense of oppression, and every time he took a step, one could feel the ground shaking.

If it were an ordinary person who saw such a master, he would definitely turn around and run away, but everyone in the Salted Fish Sect looked as usual, as if they were used to this kind of situation.

"Who do you want to choose"

Liu Shen stepped forward to ask, Lei Zhuang had all the hopes of the Demon Sect on his body, and he had a high self-esteem, and he didn't even look at the people from the Salted Fish Sect, and said with a cold smile.

"Don't be so troublesome, just send three people up, and I'll solve it at one time."

"Lei Zhuang be careful!"

The sect master reminded Lei Zhuang that he had already seen that the people of the Salted Fish School were not simple. The two games just now were his own carelessness, and this time he didn't want to suffer.

But Lei Zhuang was full of confidence and said with a smile.

"Master, you are being too careful, see which of these people is stronger than me"

Glancing at the people of the Salted Fish School, only Chen Xiuxian was slightly stronger, and the others were only around the realm of the gods: they couldn't get into Lei Zhuang's eyes at all.

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