After easily eliminating the Sect Master of the Extreme Yin Sect, he wiped out the entire Extreme Yin Sect and removed all the treasures in the sect, including many secret techniques of the sect.

"Boss, this box was found in Zong, and it seems to be all books."

"Bring the book to me."

Lin Xian picked up a book and flipped through two pages, his eyes widened immediately, Nima's box is full of little yellow books! No!

Extreme Yin sect is good at harvesting and nourishing yin and yang, and both men and women practice this technique, which makes the sect's smog and miasma no different from the evil way.

Such a morally detrimental book, the boss will naturally not stay.

"Move the box to my room, I have to study it carefully, hehe."

Soon Lin Xian ransacked the Extreme Yin Sect and flew towards the next victim with a big hand.

In this way, Lin Xian detailed a total of [-] sects, most of which belonged to the force of Liegu Yanmo, a small part belonged to the old ghost, and the other part belonged to another demon master.

Liegu Yanmo suffered the most, and even his most beloved nephew died.

However, the old ghost and the other demon master were very silent about this matter. The old ghost had seen Lin Xian's greatness, and he admired Lin Xian very much, so naturally he would not do anything to him. As for why the other demon master You won't know if you don't do it.

On this day, Liegu Yanmo held a meeting and invited the old ghost and another demon master to the scene.

Three pairs of three sat at the table, Lie Gu Yanmo was full of anger, his eyes were bloodshot, it seemed that Lie Ao's death had dealt a big blow to him.

"What do you mean, old ghost, the salted fish pie swaggered past your site, and you didn't stop it."

"Why did I stop them, they didn't kill my nephew."


Lie Gu Yanmo hates others to mention this matter at this time. If it wasn't for the strength of the old ghost, Lie Gu Yanmo would probably have rushed up long ago.

"Humph! I'm not arguing with you, what is your attitude, navy, I heard that your site was also ruined by the salted fish pie."

"I just found out about this matter. If I see Salted Fish Pie again, I will definitely not spare them."

The navy understated and seemed not to care about this matter, but only Lie Gu Yanmo knew that the navy had the least losses among the three, and I am afraid that he would have to pay a little price for his help.

"Navy as long as you are willing to join hands with me to deal with the salted fish pie, I will give you the umbrella that covers the sky."

Hearing this, the sailor suddenly became interested, looked at the old ghost beside him, and found that the old ghost was pouring wine from the gourd slowly. Seeing that he didn't intend to take care of this matter, in that case, I also You don't need to worry about this.

"The seven umbrellas that cover the sky are precious, but they are not essential. I still say that. I will not forgive them next time I see them."

The words of the sailor made Liegu Yanmo very angry, and these two old foxes wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Okay, I'll take care of you when I finish the salted fish pie.

With a slap on the table, the ancient flame demon left angrily, while the old ghost raised his eyelids and glanced at it, and poured a glass of wine for the water master himself.

"Young people are too angry, come and drink with us."


Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-One

Lie Gu Yanmo originally wanted to join forces with the two demon masters to deal with the Salted Fish School, but the old ghost and the sailor ignored him, which made Lie Gu Yanmo angrily return to his cave.

At this time, there was a haggard-faced woman sitting in the cave. Although the years left some marks on her face, she still couldn't hide her beauty.

"Brother, how are things?"

"Humph! The two old guys never thought of doing it."

"What can I do, my poor Ao'er."

The woman wiped away her tears sadly, and naturally leaned on Lie Gu Yanmo's shoulder, Lie Gu Yanmo patted her on the back comfortingly, thinking of her nephew's tragic death and hatred in her heart.

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge Ao'er's revenge, and the three fierce demon dogs will come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, three demon cultivators in black robes walked in and knelt in front of Liegu.

"You three three immediately.

Go to the Demon God Realm to investigate the Salted Fish Pie, I want to know all their movements."


The three nodded and stepped back, and Liegu continued to comfort the women.

On the other side, the salted fish pie, who had won a great victory, returned to his own territory and watched boxes of divine stones, magical instruments, and medicinal pills being transported from the treasure ship. The disciples were very remorseful, and they all vowed to practice hard, and in the future, they would rob their brothers and sisters everywhere.

The salted fish pie, which was once insulted by everyone, is no longer what it used to be. Today's salted fish pie needs money, money, and people, and its strength is strong enough to resist any attacking sect. With the secret support of the Chen family, the salted fish pie Undoubtedly, it has become the number one faction in the Demon God Realm.

But Lin Xian didn't have such big ambitions, he just wanted to make a salted fish with peace of mind, someone would cook for him, someone would fan him, someone would give him a massage, and someone would do it for him when he walked, what a comfortable life.

"Boss, these are today's greetings, you see"

As soon as he lay down and rested for a while, Liu Shen hurried over. Since the salted fish sect became famous, Lin Xian's leisurely days are gone forever. The fish life is said to be pleasant. Why do I have to do so many things. "I don't see you, I don't even know them."

Lin Xian was throwing a temper. The two sisters of the Chen family came in and put a bowl of bitter medicine in front of him.

"Boss, this is today's medicine, take it now."

"Take medicine again! I'm not sick, why make me eat this kind of thing every day?"

"Boss, this is for your health, and you also want to get rid of gluttony and lethargy."

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