"Of course we can help you with the salted fish pie, but you have to agree to one request."

"any request"

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, although Lie Gu Yanmo had already prepared in his heart, the man in black couldn't help being a little surprised when he mentioned it.

"After capturing the Salted Fish Pie, you only need to hand over one person to us, and the rest will be yours."


"This person's name is Liu Shen, and she is in the Salted Fish School. Just hand her over to us."

"Okay, but Salted Fish Pie has a Promise Treasure Ship that I can't deal with."

"Hehe, what is the point of the mere treasure ship, tomorrow will tell."

After all, the man in black left mysteriously. Lie Gu Yanmo didn't see through the opponent's strength. He just felt that this group of people was very strange, not like the people from the Demon God Realm or the Immortal God Realm. When did such a group appear? The eccentric person, but after thinking about it, put these things behind him, as long as he can solve the salted fish pie, no matter what his identity is, even if it is a demon, he will cooperate.

Soon, Lin Xian stayed at the sailor's place for several days, and ate all the food that should be eaten. Although it was not as good as Ruthless and Ziyan, it was still distinctive.

The navy was also very kind to him. Every time he asked for something, he didn't treat him like a guest, but more like a friend or relative.

Hiccup! Satisfied, Lin Xian lay down on the table with a happy face, and at this moment Chen Xiuxian hurried over and said.

"No, Liegu Flame Demon is attacking Salted Fish Pie."

"What's the panic, we have the Promise Treasure Ship and he won't be able to take it down for a while."

"But he got three treasure ships out of nowhere, and is attacking Salted Fish Pie with all his strength."


Lin Xian stood up abruptly, three treasure ships! Where did this bastard steal the treasure ships, there are so many!  …

Chapter [-] The Battle of the Treasure Ship

Lin Xian was very surprised when he heard that Lie Gu Yanmo had a treasure ship, they said that there was only one treasure ship in the Demon God Realm, and it was impossible for the Immortal God Realm to lend it to him.

Where did Lie Gu Yanmo borrow the treasure boat? "Go back quickly, if you don't go back home, it will be gone."

Lin Xian ran out in a hurry, Chen Xiuxian said goodbye to the sailor, and the sailor did not expect such a thing to happen.

Lie Gu Yanmo obviously got someone's help, but looking at the entire God Realm, it is by no means a small force that can take out three treasure ships at one time, but he can't think of any force that has so many treasure ships. .

There is no Immortal God Realm in the Demon God Realm, and there is no real God Realm. Could it be... not good! The sailor seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly contacted the old ghost.

The old ghost had just woken up at this time, his mind was dizzy, and he was suddenly disturbed by the sailor and asked impatiently.

"What happened to Laoshui early in the morning?"

"It's still early and the eyebrows are on fire."

"Why are you nervous about something?"

"It's not about the salted fish pie, Lie Gu Yanmo is attacking the salted fish pie."

"I know about it, and I wonder what's going on."

The old ghost slowly shook his wine gourd.

"Liegu Yanmo got the three treasure ships from somewhere, and the Salted Fish Pie is passively beaten now."

"What! Three treasure ships!"

The old ghost thought he had heard it wrong, until the sailor said it again, he realized that he had heard it right, and Chaos's head was instantly awake.

"Where did Liegu borrow the treasure boat from? You didn't lend him Lao Shui, did you?"

"Of course I didn't. Liegu stayed with me for several days, and finally lost his temper and left. But these three treasure ships just appeared out of nowhere. I suspect those people did it."


"Out of the sky."

......At the same time, Lin Xian hurried back in a hurry. As soon as he arrived near the salted fish pie, he asked about the strong smell of gunpowder smoke. There were traces of being bombed everywhere, and the originally complete salted fish city became: Dilapidated, with ruins everywhere.

As soon as he saw this situation, Lin Xian hurriedly rushed into Xianyu City to check.

Fortunately, the salted fish pie is not serious, but many people are injured and are being treated for wounds.

"what happened"

Lin Xian hurriedly asked Liu Shen, Shen sighed slightly, she did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Big brother, you are finally back. Just now, Lie Gu Yanmo attacked, and three treasure ships appeared, which shattered our defense formation. Fortunately, I led a group of people to attack their rear. The devil has to retreat, or the salted fish pie will be finished today."


Lin Xian secretly scolded that he didn't expect that Lie Gu Yanmo actually borrowed the treasure ship. The three treasure ships in his hands Lie Gu Yanmo's force had reached an unprecedented peak. If he attacked the Salted Fish Sect again, he might not be able to stop it.

But the opponent's combat power is obviously higher than his own side, and it is very difficult to defeat them.

"What should Xiao Xianzi do now?"

Lin Xian hurriedly asked Chen Xiuxian in his heart, Chen Xiuxian frowned, thinking that he did not expect such a thing to happen, and after thinking about it, he finally found a way.

"For now, there is only a sneak attack. If we can destroy the treasure ship, we have a chance of winning."

Before Chen Xiuxian led a sneak attack on Liegu Flame Demon's camp, but at that time they had a treasure ship in their hands, while Lie Gu Flame Demon did not.

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