"Liu Shen, you wait here, let's go save the boss."

When everyone heard the words, it was natural that their color changed. Liu Shen was extremely powerful. If she said that it was dangerous, then it was really dangerous.

"Don't worry, although it's dangerous, it's not a big deal to the boss, but, are we..."

Liu Shen did not continue to speak, but everyone already understood that Liu Shen had something to say.

"Alright then, we'll wait here for the boss."

"Well, just wait here."

"The big guy is extremely powerful, one who can bring Mengyao and Ruthless people out."

When everyone heard the words, their opinions were instantly unified. Their strength, even in the Three Realms, was the top existence. However, compared to Lin Xian, it was indeed the difference between clouds and mud.

Lin Xian can slap dead people with a slap. No matter what level you are in, there is only one ending. They can't do this.

There was also Lin Mengyao, who was almost at the same level as Lin Xian.

Wanting to understand this...., everyone's worries about... Lin Xian have disappeared and turned into a strong confidence.

"Hope you can come out safely."

Liu Shen looked at the divine glow and said to himself.

In fact, she didn't say some words. She seemed to have seen the objects in the deep pit under the divine light, but she couldn't remember them. However, the vague sense of danger was indeed like a light. back, lingering.

"He's a boss, he'll be fine."

Liu Shen comforted himself.

The gods are soaring to the sky, but when you see it, the only thing you can think of is that the treasures come to the world, so, everyone you see is hurried towards this side.

However, the moment they saw the Salted Fish, some people retreated by themselves.

As for the guy who is better than Yu, he is watching from a distance to see if there is any... the benefits can be shared.

The people on the Xianyu naturally saw those guys, but they didn't do anything, the ancient demon's eyes flickered with evil spirits, and the demonic energy was sky-high. If these guys dare to take a step beyond the thunderous pool, the consequences can be imagined.

"Fuck, why hasn't it ended yet!"

Lin Xian had no idea how long he had been in free fall like this. It seemed like a small pit, as if it had no end. What was even more strange was that, after so long, he had not seen Lin Mengyao.

"Big guy!"

At this moment, a familiar voice came, Lin Xian heard the voice, as if it came from above, turned over with force, his eyes darkened, and then he fell down at a faster speed.

"Fuck, who is plotting labor and capital?"

Although Lin Xian had nothing to do, he was really unhappy about being bumped into.

"Boss, it's me."

The voice came from his arms, and Lin Xian saw that the ruthless man was lying on top of him like an octopus, and the expression in his eyes seemed to say: It's finally safe.

"Wake up, you are very unsafe right now."

Lin Xian reminded.

"Fly me up quickly."

Lin Xian reminded again.

"Boss, if I could fly, I wouldn't lie on top of you."

The ruthless man lay in Lin Xian's arms and said softly.

"Oh, then what are you doing down here?"

Lin Xian couldn't understand the fact that ruthless people couldn't fly.

"Hey, what is that"

Lin Xian asked.

Chapter five hundred and forty-two golden coffin

It seemed that a figure flashed past, attached to the wall of the pothole.


The ruthless man heard the words and looked up.

"It's Legus, dead."

The ruthless man saw the figure, was pierced by a stone, and stayed there quietly.

"Oh, help me find Mengyao."

Lin Xian has no interest in Liegu, the purpose of coming here is for Mengyao.

"Boss, we seem to be coming to an end."

The ruthless man always pays attention to the surrounding situation, and below, the spot that emits a divine light can be vaguely seen.

"Yes, let me see."

Such a free fall can come to an end, for Lin Xian, it is naturally the best.

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