After a few minutes of banging, a huge sound shook.

The small hill where the pothole appeared was also in the roar, turned into powder, and disappeared in place.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone in Salted Fish City, headed by God Liu, appeared in their sight, and their faces were not good-looking.

The bang bang bang didn't seem to end. I saw everyone taking their own shots. Not long after, a deep pit of about a hundred feet appeared, and everyone in Xianyu City looked even worse.

After a while, Liu Shen and the others returned to the treasure ship.

"It seems that Salted Fish City didn't get any treasures."

"I think so, if you get this treasure, your face won't be so bad."

"Go back, alas, it turned out to be an empty cannon."

All the forces are talking about it and go back.

Somewhere, a group of people sat on the gourd, looked at it for a while, and disappeared in a flash.

"Sister Liu Shen, what should I do?"

The boss can't be found, and the ruthless man is gone, Zi Yan asked with a sad face.

"We'll move Salted Fish City here."

Liu Shen said seriously.

"it is good."

The crowd naturally agreed.

A day later, above Baozi Mountain, a huge city appeared.

Chapter [-]: The World in the Coffin

Above the city, a large salted fish sign is quite eye-catching.

...a singularity is the point at which space-time is infinitely curved.

Space - time, where it begins and ends there.

In Lin Xian's thoughts, some strange words appeared. Lin Xian couldn't remember where he heard these words.

"That didn't say, the singularity is a coffin, right?"

In the darkness, many memories emerged one after another in my mind, and some strange words also appeared in my thoughts.

"Boss, are you there?"

"I am here..."

Lin Xian said to the ruthless man lying softly in his arms.

It seems that there is no concept of time here, and Lin Xian just hugged the ruthless man like this, and he floated away.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Xian felt a little hungry.

"If you let me know who trapped me here, the labor and management will definitely slap him to death."

Lin Xian thought silently.

After such a long time, Lin Mengyao has not been found, and he is already hungry, so, get food first, then find Mengyao.

Thinking like this, Lin Xian casually grabbed it forward, and then tugged it fiercely.

"Boss, what are you doing"

"I'm hungry, I'm going out."

With Lin Xian's words, the entire space made a rumbling sound, and then a large hole appeared in sight, and Lin Xian stepped out and entered the hole.

As for the ruthless man, the whole process was sticking to Lin Xian's body. This space gave her a feeling of extreme fear, as if she would immediately leave Lin Xian.

Normal death.

The light, the long-lost light made Lin Xian unable to open his eyes a little, just as he was about to adapt, his body fell directly.

Bang Lin Xian fell straight to the ground, slumped in all directions.

"Boss, are you alright?"

After the completion, Ruthless Man got off Lin Xian in a hurry, looked at Lin Xian who was lying on the ground without any movement, and asked anxiously.

"I'm very hungry."

Lin Xian felt that his whole body lacked strength and moved.

"The boss, wait, I'll find you something to eat."

The ruthless man said, then got up and walked away.

"Wait..., I have it"

Just after walking a few steps, the ruthless man remembered that because of Lin Xian's needs, there was always a lot of food on her body, so there was no need to look for it.

"My strength has recovered, but why was it suppressed so much!"

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