"It's a coffin."

Although Lin Xian only glanced at it, he still saw the shadow clearly, it was a cyan coffin.

"The boss, should we go over there and see, maybe we can go back"

The ruthless man went on to say, the feeling of being suppressed by the power is really uncomfortable.

"Makes sense."

Although Lin Xian felt a little hungry now, and even though there was still tiger meat to eat, it would be great if he could go back.

Lin Xian's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already beside the ruthless man, and then it flashed again and disappeared.

...... Above the huge mountain, there was a loud bang, breaking the original tranquility.

The huge bronze coffin tilted, the lid slid down, and it was about to fall.

If you look closely, the bronze coffin will fall down just one step away from the edge.

"Open, you can go out!"

Inside the bronze coffin, there is a faint voice, when you are excited.

A figure appeared in front of the bronze coffin, and then, with one hand, he supported the lid of the coffin, and then lifted it slightly, only to see that the coffin that was about to fall, along with the lid of the coffin that was about to fall, were all covered up. Righting.

Appears upright above the valley.

"Not the coffin, there is no lid."

Lin Xian frowned, and said that the coffin was golden, while the one in front of him was made of bronze.

"Boss, do you want to open the lid of the coffin?"

Ruthless proposal.

"Makes sense."

Lin Xian thought for a while, and with a wave of his hand, the lid of the coffin flew out, and then flew straight down the valley.

"Open, open, and finally you can go out!"

"I thought I was going to be trapped in this coffin for the rest of my life."

"However, the coffin is so tall, how can I get out?"

"I propose that we can go out by taking the human ladder."

Inside the coffin, a voice came out, there were men and women, making Lin Xian's expression a little weird.

"Boss, there is someone in here."

Ruthless was also taken aback by the voice in the coffin. Her strength was only Jin Dan, so it could be said that she was extremely weak.

"many people."

Lin Xian added.

"Is there a world in here?"

Lin Xian thought this way and circled around the huge coffin.

"Be careful, there are noises outside!"

"Like footsteps, what's going on"

"Maybe it's some kind of alien beast, similar to those... crocodiles before!"


As soon as these words came out, a soprano scream resounded immediately.

"That..., I'm not an alien beast."

Lin Xian immediately explained that he was a human, how could he be a beast.

"It's a human, it's a human!"

"Great, finally someone!"

"We are saved!"

Inside the coffin, several voices came out, quite excited.

"That..., do you have anything to eat?"

Lin Xian was very hungry, very hungry.

"Eat, we don't have anything to eat, please rescue us!"

As soon as Lin Xian's words fell, a voice responded.

"Nothing to eat."

Lin Xian frowned and ignored the second half of the sentence. After all, food was the most important thing.

"Hey, are you still here: why help us?"

The voice inside asked again.

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