Ruthless people refused one by one, and everyone in the coffin was a little unhappy, and they didn't say anything, and began to look for wild fruits to eat.

In a short time, this place was filled with all kinds of food, all made by ruthless people, and each dish was quite delicate, attracting a group of people to continuously flow out.


"What's wrong"

"These foods, don't you find them familiar? "Fuck, really."

With these words, everyone was in an uproar.

However, most of Lin Xian didn't have so many, he just copied the guy and ate it.

"By the way, that..., you come to eat too."

Lin Xian shouted at the woman who was holding the jumping candy before.


"Yiyi, let's go."

"It's alright, let's go."

Maybe because she was very hungry, this woman came to this side, and sat beside her with embarrassment to eat.

"Boss, can I eat?"

"Boss, just let me have a bite"

"Boss, as long as you let me eat this meal, I'll be your sidekick!"

However, a minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Three minutes passed.

...Lin Xian has been gobbling it all the time, and he doesn't pay any attention to this voice.

Suddenly, a hand quickly grabbed onto the table, and then quickly retracted it, at the same time, took a steamed bun.

The air froze for a moment.

The eyes of the ruthless man are unbelievable.......Incredulous, Lin Xian chewed quickly.

Yiyi frowned and looked at the hand.

"do you know"

The ruthless voice was extremely cold.

The hand stopped, bewildered, in fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't move at all.

"You are the first person who dares to grab food while the boss is eating."

"Food is very precious to... bigwigs."

The ruthless man said word by word, for such a long time, he naturally knew Lin Xian's habits very well.

Hiccup finally, with the sound of a full hiccup, Lin Xian stopped moving.

Looking at the plate in front of Lin Xian, everyone fell into shock again.

"I'll take you somewhere."

Lin Xian said to the guy in front of him who was holding out the salty pig's hand, and the latter was holding a steamed bun in his hand.

Lin Xian's figure and this guy's figure disappeared, and after a breath, Lin Xian appeared in place.

"Boss, where's Liu Yunzhi?"

A trembling voice asked, unable to comprehend the time of a breath, how could people disappear.


Lin Xian said casually.

"What, you know, you are a crime, here in the wilderness, how do you let him live!"

The man immediately roared, his expression ferocious.

"Then, you should go with me too."

Lin Xian said casually, a sentence that made this person look extremely ugly.

Without further thought, Lin Xian's figure disappeared again. Of course, there were also vulgar people who disappeared together.

In a place where birds don't poop, two figures suddenly appeared.

"Changqing, you are here!"

A voice with surprise came, Li Changqing saw it, Liu Yunzhi was not far away, and was extremely excited to see him.

"Cough, boss, I was wrong, take me back"

Chapter five hundred and forty-ninth out of the forbidden area

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