Looking at each other a few times, everyone started to move.

The ruthless man pulled out the Emperor Sword, recited the sword art silently, and slashed out with one sword.

Tong Yashuang pinched her fingers, and Fen Ying flew out automatically, burning suddenly.

The Sky Frost Wolf King took a deep breath, and suddenly let out a wolf howl that shook the heavens and the earth.

Zi Yan is the most simple, raise her fist and bang directly.

Liu Shen was silent for a moment, and also started together.

Lin Xian... continue to salt the fish.

Ahem, although the cultivation bases are different, everyone is the top elite in the Tianyuan world, and when they join forces, their power is extraordinary!

Soon the formation in the palace was destroyed by everyone.

But after breaking the formation, there is no reward.

"I haven't got the meat yet... I mean inheritance?" Lin Xian frowned, he was a little tired.

"Perhaps we have to go down to another palace?" Ruthless said hesitantly.

Sure enough, when I walked to the next palace, the formation reappeared, and it was completely different from the previous formation.

The crowd did not hesitate and started to attack.

In this way, one palace after another was attacked, and eight palaces were conquered in a row.

But still nothing has changed.

"Why do you have to do anything else?" Lin Xian yawned and said.

Although he salted fish all the way... but walking is also very tiring!

"Don't tell me, do you want to go back to the previous palace?" Skyfrost Wolf King asked strangely.

Tong Yashuang frowned, as if she had heard of this formation...

But it's been too long, and it's still the records of the sect chatter that she read when her cultivation base was not high. It is inevitable that some of them can't remember clearly.

Everyone returned to the original palace, and sure enough, a formation appeared there.

Everyone was shocked, not afraid of difficulties, but afraid of nothing!

Immediately joined forces to attack, and soon broke the formation.

But unfortunately, after breaking the formation, there is still no change.

Going further, the formation of the second palace appeared again, followed by the third and fourth...

The ruthless man with a weaker cultivation has begun to close his eyes and rest, even Zi Yan of the Primordial Void Dragon is out of breath, and Liu Shen is also a little tired.

When is this a head...

"I remember it!" Tong Yashuang exclaimed suddenly, "This is an endless array of nine palaces!"

"Nine palaces are endless?"

"Not bad." Tong Yashuang said with an ugly face: "It's Tuqian's original formation. In fact, there is only one super complex formation in this formation, covering nine locations, and it can be formed by any combination of nine sub-arrays."

"But the key difficulty is that if we break open for a while, Tuqian can re-arrange it in the broken palace for a while. As long as our speed of breaking the formation is not as fast as the speed of their construction and arrangement, then this great formation will be infinite. It's endless."

Her face was a bit ugly, and her face was full of solemnity: "And the most troublesome thing about this formation is that unless we break the formation, we will never be able to get out of these nine palaces."

"Once, Tu Qian used this formation to kill three loose immortals abruptly, and he became famous in one battle, so he was honored as a formation master!"

Trapped and killed three loose immortals?

The faces of the people also became solemn.

The three loose immortals couldn't break the formation, what did they break?

"In other words, we were dragged here?" Lin Xian asked.

Tong Yashuang nodded solemnly.

"Can't find the meat warehouse?"

Tong Yashuang continued to nod.

"It's so troublesome!" Lin Xian frowned and kicked out angrily.

It happened to kick a stone, and the stone, like a bullet out of the chamber, instantly pierced through the nine palaces.


As if something had been triggered, a door creaked open.

Everyone: (⊙o⊙)

The ruthless man who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath frowned and opened his eyes.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what to say.

Sure enough, the boss is still the boss in the end...

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