Saying that, she got up immediately.

One is to sell the demon pill as soon as possible. After all, the demon pill is broken and the spiritual energy has been flowing out.

The second is because...

She felt that staying by this man's side, she felt as if she was about to change and not like herself.

Becoming... less ruthless.

And Lin Xian... continued to eat.

After a long time, after he finished eating, he realized the truth.

"Speaking of which, she seemed to have said something just now..."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal anyway."

Chapter Six Find him at all costs!

On the other side, outside the city wall.

City Lord Xuanyuan Chang and others, you look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what to do.

The famous Purple Blood Eagle King died, and half of his body remained.

According to common sense, this thing should also belong to the unknown senior.

But senior, where are you?

But if they wanted to let them accept the priceless Yuan Ying monster corpse, they dared not.

"In this way, our family, let's take turns to send a Jindan stage to guard this corpse." Xuanyuan Chang finally sighed and said, "Senior doesn't care, but we can't do it arbitrarily."

Everyone nodded and agreed with the result.

Then, after they separated, Xuanyuan Chang rushed home immediately, and respectfully invited out a stick of incense and lit it with the fire of a golden elixir.

The incense seemed to be extremely difficult to burn, and it was only when Xuanyuan Chang's face turned pale that it could be ignited.

As soon as it was lit, the cigarette suddenly soared and finally turned into a human figure.

"Xuanyuan, what's the matter with you?"

"Report to the sect master, there is indeed something to report." Then, Xuanyuan Chang went over the matter one by one.

From the arrival of the Purple Blood Eagle King, to the horrific corpses, and the result of being blasted by an instant punch.

Of course, there are also the demon clans who ran away with the corpses of their own clan after the death of the Eagle King.

The sect master of Wanjianmen was silent for a moment, and said: "With your cultivation at the peak of Jindan, you can't even see the figure of that person?"

"That's right... I dare to ask the sect master, could it be that this person is the legendary..." Xuanyuan Chang resisted the shock and asked.

The sect master of Wanjianmen let out a long sigh: "It is rumored that the loser of the tribulation can be converted into a loose immortal. Although he is not an immortal, he has some immortal abilities."

"If what you're saying is true, then you should be right."

"Sure enough!" Xuanyuan Chang's pupils shrank instantly.

That is a loose fairy!

In the cultivation world, the strongest existence!

Such an existence is actually not far from him?

"Xuanyuan Chang!"

"The disciple is here!"

"I order you to find this person at all costs."

"But the sect master, after this person killed the Purple Blood Eagle King, he disappeared immediately. Thinking about it, he didn't want to be disturbed by us..." Xuanyuan Chang said in embarrassment.

"Do you know what I'm looking for him for?"

Xuanyuan Chang shook his head.

"Wanzai's once-immortal ceremony is about to begin." The master of Wanjianmen sighed: "This person is definitely a powerful help to my Wanjianmen."

"There is no room for loss in this matter. I will send an elder to assist you. If you can find that person, I can enshrine the Silver Sword City and save a thousand years!"

To be exempt from thousands of years of worship?

Xuanyuan Chang's eyes suddenly heated up.

"Please don't worry, the disciples will do their best!"

"En." The Sect Master of Wanjianmen nodded calmly, and then exhorted again.

"Remember, you must not anger this person."

"Disciple understands!"


After a few hours, the ruthless man came back.

Lin Xian gave her a strange look. Does it take so long to sell something?

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