Lin Xian glanced at the dull willow tree, then slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Xian suddenly opened his eyes, and the already scarlet eyes were as dazzling as two crystal rubies under the refraction of the flames.

At this moment, Lin Xian had an invincible belief.

Those who are close to me, die! "Today I will use your blood to sacrifice the dead deceased of the Salted Fish Gang!"

Lin Xian looked excited and roared up to the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Hearing Lin Xian's words, the red-robed man at the head was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and laughed coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Following his laughter, the other four people in red robes also laughed.

However, the laughter was full of murderous intent, and they were completely angered by Lin Xian's words.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

"kill him!"

With a loud shout, five world-destroying energies hit Lin Xian in unison.

The five world-destroying energies automatically blended in the air and turned into one... The Great Peng Bird swooped towards Lin Xian.

"Ah! Go to hell!"

Lin Xian's eyes were also split, and he waved his fists forward to meet him.

Boom! Lin Xian's fists are like two long rainbows running through the sun, the energy of the vast sea is surging, and the deafening sound echoes.


Changhong and Dapeng Bird finally collided together, and in an instant, the sky and the earth turned white, and no longer... could not see anything.

The six hundred and ninetieth palm boss is crazy

When Lin Xian tried his best to punch that punch, his whole person seemed to become ethereal, and he didn't know where he was.

After the white awn is boundless darkness.

Silence, deathly silence, so silent that I could not hear my own breathing.

Am I dead.

This was Lin Xian's last thought, and after that, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Liu Shen, Ruthless Man, Zi Yan, Meng Yao... I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you."

Lin Xian was confused and muttered.

...don't know how long has passed.

"Water...Give me water...I, how long have I slept"

Lin Xian's eyes were scattered and he said in a daze.

"Boss, boss!"

In Lin Xian's mind, there seemed to be a voice calling him. The voice seemed to be near or far, as if it was in his ears, and it seemed to be on the other side of the world.

I can't die, I want revenge! A consciousness sounded, and at this moment, Lin Xian suddenly opened his eyes.


He drank suddenly, and when he looked around, he realized that he was lying on the bed in his own room again.

Around the bed, Ruthless, Zi Yan, Meng Yao, all looked at themselves nervously.

"The Ruthless Ziyan Mengyao"

Lin Xian looked at the three girls with shocked faces.

What's going on, isn't the Salted Fish Gang already in crisis, didn't he just hit the five holy places head-on?

Why, came back here again, "Wake up, the boss finally woke up, Liu Shen's medicine is effective."

"elder brother!"

Seeing Lin Xian wake up, Ruthless said in surprise.

"What's the matter, Liu Shen?"

Lin Xian asked.

"You suddenly fainted outside the shark gang, and then sent it back. Who knew that you slept for a long time this time, and slept for seven days."

"Slept for seven days"

Lin Xian frowned.

Didn't he sleep for seven years? "Yes, until yesterday, Liu Shen finally refined the elixir to resolve the nightmare. After feeding you to take it, he finally woke up now."

Hearing the words of Ruthless and Ziyan, I rubbed the aching eyebrows.

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