
The duel between the two finally ended.


"The ingredients are gone." Liu Shen spread his hands: "The vegetables and meat you want are all gone."

"How is that possible?" The ruthless man's eyes widened: "That's the whole small world!"

Zi Yan also said: "There is also a stockpile of masters who suppressed the formation of an era!"

"However, what's gone is gone." Liu Shen sighed, "Do you know how much you've done and how much Lin Xian has eaten..."

Although there is a thousand inventory and the whole small world support.

But obviously people's inventory is not all meat!

Small world too, do you think people only grow edible plants?

Both women are cultivators, and during this period of time, they have consumed a mountain of materials!

Willow God: (→_→)

So many things, Lin Xian, how did you put them in?

Bottomless pit?

Ruthless and Zi Yan are naturally dissatisfied.

"Then go out and fight again!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

"Come on! Let's go out!"


At the same time, at the entrance of the small world.

Several figures also appeared above the stone gate.

"Is this the place that radiated the light before?"

"It should be, I don't know what secret realm it is."

"Hehe, looking at it like this, there should be a lot of things. It's not worth my hair to travel through the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, and I have to come..."

"Young Daoyou Wang is joking. With the strength of your Loose Immortal, who can stop you except that old wolf?"

"Hehe, I just don't know who created the secret realm here."

"There is a word here, Array Master Tu Qian... Tu Qian? Isn't that the one who stole the accumulation of the ten major sects?"

In an instant, everyone's eyes became hot.

Tu Qian, this name may not be familiar to others at all, but to these few existences standing at the top of the Tianyuan Realm, it is not a rumor at all!

If the family (sect) record is not bad, there should be...

"Come in! Don't let others get ahead!"

For a moment, this sentence floated in everyone's mind, and then they went in without hesitation.

You know, because of their different distances, they lost a lot of time!

Just the next moment, there was a flash of light on the stone door.

At the same time, there was a chatter between the two.

"Hey, come to my Wan Yao City if you have the ability, let's have a showdown again!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed? There are many vegetables in the forest, but there will be no situation where there is no material before!"

"Hehe, isn't that what I said the same?"

"It is because of the same that I can win. After all, my strength is above yours."

"Ruthless man, how dare you say it!"

The two of you said a word, and I said a word, and walked out of the stone gate.

The few monks in the sky were stunned for a moment, and then a ruthless look flashed in their eyes.

Actually, was preempted?



Chapter [-] Why are they all blocked at the door? (Fourth more, ask for collection, ask for evaluation, ask for flowers)

Chapter [-] Why are they all blocked at the door? (Fourth more, ask for collection, ask for evaluation, ask for flowers)

The expressions of several figures in the sky suddenly turned cold.

Because of the distance, they came here a few days after the light spread out.

Naturally, they also thought about the possibility of others taking the inheritance first.

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