The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 100: Go to the Xiao family


"Master, my name is Kou Zhong, he is my good buddy Xu Ziling, we can help you identify this person..." <r/>


The two teenagers who jumped out saw Ling Tian look over, and there seemed to be a little bit of an opening. Listening to the voice, it was obviously the same teenager who spoke at the beginning. Moreover, the teenager next to him was pulled by his wrist, obviously , the reason why he jumped out was also pulled out by him. <r/>


Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling…<r/>


Ling Tian looked at the two teenagers, but there was no change in his expression. <r/>


In the world of Tang Dynasty, from ancient times to Ming Dynasty, there are many heroes and wizards, many of them are loved by Ling Tian, ​​and many are admired. Tian will definitely drink two cups with him, and if he encounters Chuanying, Ling Donglai will definitely choose to have a discussion with him. <r/>


However, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, and later Han Bo, Ling Tian would not have the slightest feeling, the so-called protagonists who were completely fascinated by women's sensuality, really couldn't make Ling Tian bring up the slightest idea of ​​making friends, and the only one who was confused by the waves. Comparing the extreme love to the sword, Kou Zhong is to Li Xiuning, Xu Ziling is to the concubine Xuan, and Han Bo is to Qin Mengyao. <r/>


"Master, this person's accent has a bit of Lanling flavor, but it's not complete. This person should have been from the rivers and lakes, and was later recruited by a family in Lanling to be worshipped. Strength, the only family in Lanling who can recruit him is the Lanling Xiao family, so this person is ten percent from the Lanling Xiao family..."<r/>


Over there, Ling Tian looked at him and Xu Ziling immediately smiled and said. <r/>


Following Kou Zhong's words, the face of the man who was being held by Ling Tian changed greatly. The eyes he looked at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling showed the murderous intent of Sen Han, and from time to time he glanced at Ling Tian with a look of fear. <r/>


Ling Tian saw the change in the man's expression, and immediately understood that Kou Zhong was right. <r/>


Although Ling Tian had no special feelings for the two protagonists of the Tang Dynasty, he had to admit that they were indeed worthy of the protagonists. <r/>


His talent and talent are the best choice. <r/>


Of course, not to mention that the world of the Tang Dynasty is full of geniuses. The later generations of Ling Donglai and Lang Fanyun both rely on the cultivation of ordinary martial arts to reach the extreme. The battle was broken. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties alone, none of Shi Zhixuan, Song Que, etc. were worse than Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. <r/>


"Lanling, Xiao family...very good..." <r/>


Laughing faintly, Ling Tian picked up the man, hesitated slightly, and glanced at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling again. <r/>


"This booklet is my thanks for your help. We will meet again in the future..." <r/>


With a flick of his wrist, Ling Tian immediately threw the Nine Transformations from Yuan Taizuo to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. Immediately, without waiting for the two to respond, Ling Tianren disappeared directly in place. <r/>


"Hey, hero, hero, I, fuck..." <r/>


"I heard that heroes can hear for dozens of miles..." <r/>


"I took up the knife and wanted to accompany the hero to trouble the abominable family. Why didn't the hero give him a chance..."<r/>


Kou Zhong looked at Ling Tian throwing out the booklet and left, and immediately shouted loudly. After two times, he found that Ling Tian had really left, and he couldn't help but swear, but before he could swear, Xu Ziling's voice was already lingering. Kou Zhong's words immediately turned sharply, his words were very strange and funny, but his expression gradually showed loss. <r/>


"Zhong Shao, what the hero threw to us may be the secret book of peerless martial arts, come here, let's take a look..." <r/>


Beside him, Xu Ziling watched Kou Zhong's expression change, grabbed the secret book that Ling Tian had thrown over, and opened it in front of Kou Zhong. <r/>


"It's not possible, it's certain..." <r/>


Two brothers in the same world, Kou Zhong knew that Xu Ziling was comforting himself, and immediately showed an ecstatic look on his face as if he had obtained the secret book of peerless martial arts, raised his hand and looked at the secret book that Ling Tian had thrown over together with Xu Ziling. <r/>


It's just that although the two of them learned a little bit of writing, Jiu Bian is an extremely advanced martial arts manual of the military family. How can they understand it at the level of the two of them. At the moment, the two of them are showing great interest, and they seem to see something, but in fact they are completely Just comforting each other. <r/>


Ling Tian is naturally not at all clear about the behavior of the two protagonists of Datang at this moment. Carrying the offerings from the Xiao family, Ling Tian unfolds his movements, and the whole person disappears and flashes like a ghost, each time spanning dozens of meters. , but swiftly headed towards Lanling. <r/>


Lanling, in Wujin, Changzhou in later generations, is a small place in this era. In fact, this Lanling appeared entirely because of the Xiao family. <r/>


The Lanling Xiao clan originally migrated from Lanling to the south during the Five Husbands, and because they did not want to forget their birth, they decided to live in Nan Lanling and become the current Lanling. <r/>


Ling Tian carried the Xiao family's offering without stopping. He only bought a carriage halfway through a certain town. By the afternoon of the next day, he had already arrived at Nan Lanling, and soon arrived at the Xiao family's house. main entrance. <r/>


There is a saying in later generations that only a nobleman can be born after three generations, but in this era, three generations are nothing, but the family members, even the smallest ones, are born after the continuous accumulation of several generations, dozens of generations, or even dozens of generations. <r/>


This Lanling Xiao clan, although Wuhu Luanhua moved to the south and changed its settlement location to Nan Lanling, still has a very deep background, especially when it was an emperor, its background is even more profound. <r/>


This Nan Lanling house is connected to a hill. It seems that the entire mountain and the surrounding river are part of the house, and the gate of the house is as spacious as the city gate of the city wall. how many times. <r/>


The thick wooden door is wrapped with colorful iron hoops smeared with gold powder, and on both sides of the door are two stone lions that seem to be ordinary, but give people a kind of stone lion that looks more and more delicate. <r/>


Even Ling Tian could sense how unreasonable he was with wood and stone. These two seemingly ordinary things were absolutely invaluable, and should be regarded as a low-key luxury. <r/>


And this is just a door. <r/>


Arriving outside the continuous mansion of the Xiao family, Ling Tian had a sense of values ​​for the family for the first time in his heart. <r/>


"Who, UU reading, that is Qin worship..." <r/>


"Quick, quick, there is an enemy coming..." <r/>


Before Ling Tian could sigh with emotion, the two Xiao family guards who were guarding the gate had already shouted loudly. The next second, they saw the Xiao family worshipping Ling Tian was carrying. Suddenly, the guard guarding the gate shouted loudly. , There was a vague beginning of noisy footsteps. <r/>


Ling Tian glanced at the guards guarding the gate indifferently, but did not stop these guards from calling, but slowly spread his spiritual power and swept towards the continuous house of the Xiao family. <r/>



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