The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 103: Road and left meet

The terrifying spiritual power covered everyone in the entire house group, including the head of the Xiao family on the ground.

Feeling the spiritual power of Ling Tian that can definitely easily destroy the entire spiritual consciousness of an ordinary person, the face of the head of the Xiao family suddenly changed. The Xiao family is a top family, but this does not mean that everyone in the Xiao family is a top martial arts master.

There are more ordinary people who do not understand martial arts in this group of houses of the Xiao family, as well as more children and grandchildren of the Xiao family who have not had time to practice martial arts.

Ling Tian's spiritual power really took action, and the Xiao family did not dare to say that they would directly exterminate their clan, and they were basically on the verge of exterminating their clan.

"All you want is the longevity formula. That thing was brought back to Luoyang by Yu Wenhua and you. My Xiao family doesn't actually have a deep hatred with you. The reason why you were designed was also entrusted by Yu Wenwen and he. Now, since you occupy the The upper hand, I also recognize that you have killed many of my Xiao family's masters, but if you continue to attack and destroy my Xiao family, I guarantee that the whole world's aristocratic families will be with you forever...

Rabbits are dead and foxes are sad, and things are hurt. You don't want to know what kind of terrible power will burst out when the aristocratic family feels threatened..."

The quick words came out of the mouth of the Xiao family patriarch, and he was able to take the position of the patriarch, but this Xiao family patriarch was not a fool.

Yu Culture and...

Ling Tian muttered the name to himself, and Sen Han's killing intent swept through his heart.

The longevity formula, this is the greatest possibility of his long-term vision, whoever touches it will be with him forever.

"Compensate, the Fajia stuff is still very interesting. If you can come up with a Fajia practice that makes me satisfied, I don't want to do that kind of destructive family annihilation..."

He read Xiayu Wenhua's name fiercely, and then Ling Tian looked at the head of the Xiao family on the ground again.

"Most of the inheritance of the hundred schools of thought is not perfect, the legal school that my Xiao family acquired..."

On the ground, the Xiao family's patriarch's eyes remained unchanged, and he seemed to speak very sincerely. He wanted to explain to Ling Tian that his Xiao family's legal family inheritance was not perfect, so he hoped that Ling Tian would not ask too much.

However, the words were only halfway out. Suddenly, Ling Tian's spiritual power exploded in a house, accompanied by a rush of screams, the house fell silent in an instant, and all the breath of life in it had been exhausted in an instant. erase.

"Stop, my Xiao family has the inheritance of Han Fei, the legal family, and I'll go get it to you immediately..."

The fear spread on the Xiao family's face, and he shouted loudly.

"Let's go..."

Ling Tian looked at the head of the Xiao family indifferently, with a smile on his face and a gesture of invitation. Sure enough, people are all cheap bones, especially those from aristocratic clansmen.

On the ground, the Patriarch of the Xiao family got up, and then went up the mountain with Ling Tian. After a while, Han Fei said that the Patriarch of the Xiao family had handed it over to Ling Tian. He broke the neck of the head of the Xiao family and left the Xiao family.

Leaving Lanling Xiao's house, Ling Tian thought for a while and then headed straight for Luoyang.

At this moment, Yu Wenhua may not have returned to Luoyang, and he may be able to intercept him halfway. However, Ling Tian does not have any intelligence network, but it is impossible to intercept, so it is better to go directly to Luoyang.

Ling Tian didn't know that after he left the Xiao family in Lanling, several carrier pigeons flew out from the Xiao family's house. Within a few days, the information about Ling Tian's behavior in the Xiao family was quickly passed on to almost all the aristocratic families in Da Sui. In the hands of the owner of the house, and at the same time, it was also passed on to the hands of Yu Wenhua.

"Go back to see the head of the family immediately, tell him Ling Tian's behavior in the Xiao family, and then tell him that it's best not to live at home during this time, if possible, stay in the palace and stay with your majesty... Forget it, you don't need to say more, you just need to tell the old master of our plan and Ling Tian's actions in Yangzhou and Nanlan Ling during these days..."

On a ship on a large river, Yu Wenhua received a letter from Nan Lanling, and Yu Wenhua immediately summoned his confidants to explain it.

At this time, he was not even worried about the carrier pigeon, for fear that an accident would happen and the carrier pigeon would not deliver the letter, thus putting Yu Wenshu in danger.

However, in the beginning, he wanted Yuwenshu to hide in the palace as much as possible, so that Ling Tian would not treat the Yuwen family like the Xiao family in Nanlan Ling, but after thinking about it, he gave up the act of helping Yuwenshu make decisions. He believed that Yuwenshu would be more He knew better what to do next.

"Speed ​​up and rush to Luoyang at the fastest speed from now on..."

When his confidant left, Yu Wenhua got up and strode out of the cabin to instruct all the soldiers who followed him to Yangzhou.

Ling Tian's tyranny and terror, Yu Wenhua had seen it when Fan Yang gathered outside the city, and the battle of Goguryeo had been proved even more, and now the matter of the Xiao family in Nanlan Ling, at this moment, Yu Wenhua and even a little bit have no idea. He didn't want to face Ling Tian alone.

Not to mention that the longevity formula is also related to the matter of killing Yang Guang.

On this side, Yu Wenhua started to speed up, on the other side, Ling Tian was still swaying around in a carriage.

At this time, it had been more than ten days since Ling Tian got Han Fei Nei said, and even Yu Wenshu's message had been delivered to Yu Wenshu for more than ten days. Fei Nei said that he had already mastered everything at this time, but Han Fei Nei said that Ling Tian above did not consume Qi Luck to improve.

Jiu Bian and Ji Zi Nei said that after the promotion, Ling Tian still had more than 700,000 luck left, and these days, the follow-up of the Goguryeo incident brought him hundreds of thousands of luck, and now his luck It's over a million.

However, Ling Tian, ​​who has been promoted through nine changes, clearly knows that one million is not a lot of luck. In fact, if Han Fei is improved, he is afraid that half of it will be consumed. Even, this million may not be enough to say that Han Fei is successful. Raised again.

As for Ling Tian, ​​who was about to arrive in Luoyang to obtain the Secret of Longevity, at this moment, he would never consume the million fortune at will. There was no way, the impact of the incident in Goguryeo would only become less and less.

In the future, if he wants to obtain luck on such a large scale, he needs to wait for an opportunity again, or rack his brains and work hard to create similar opportunities.

Therefore, as before, Ling Tian walked all the way, while trying to integrate the mysteries of Han Feinei into his own martial Legalism, some of the mysteries run counter to the military, it can be said that water and fire are incompatible, But there are also mysteries and strategists that are similar in effect, for example, domineering, majestic, not to be offended, and so on.

At the same time, Legalism and Confucianism, especially Jizi Nei's theory, have something in common. This Han Fei's theory has made Ling Tian's Jizi's theory a lot more complete.

The carriage swayed, Ling Tian squinted slightly, feeling the new profound meaning that Han Feinei said after completing Ji Zinei's speech, suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened, outside the car window, in front of the road, the whole world seemed to have more Some kind of living feeling.

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