The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 118: love between sons and daughters

Luoyang, the compound of the Li family.

The people who came and went piled up all the supplies, while Li Yuan sat in the main room and watched the people walking around like a weave outside.

More than ten days have passed since he dispatched the dead man, and the whole world is already boiling, but Li Yuan didn't even dare to estimate the next result.

In his life, he has enjoyed wealth and honor to the fullest. In his fifty-plus years of life, there are not many regrets in his life. Only two women can be regarded as his regrets in his life, and Fan Qinghui is among them.

Therefore, Li Yuan can be said to have tried his best to save Fan Qinghui this time.

"Father, it's time to set off..."

Next to him, the second son Li Shimin's voice sounded, awakening Li Yuan from his distraction.

"lets go……"

Li Yuan returned to his senses, and said coldly, Yang Guang was going to face the Turks in the north, and those from the aristocratic family had to follow him. This was a test for Yang Guang, but at the same time, it was not them and Yang Guang. game.

"Father, Duke Yang's treasure house..."

Watching Li Yuan walk to the door, Li Shimin flashed a hesitant look on his face, and suddenly spoke.

Before he could say a word, Li Yuan had turned his head and stared at him fiercely. All of Li Shimin's words dissipated immediately, and he lowered his head in fear.

"It's not your turn to say anything about the Li family. Even if I die, the Li family belongs to your elder brother..."

Coldly spit out two words, Li Yuan turned around and strode out of the room.

"The eldest son... Cihang Jingzhai..."

In the main room, Li Shimin's body trembled slightly with his head down, and a trace of unwillingness and resentment began to gather on his face. Hatred was buried inadvertently at this moment. If there were no accidents, there would be a day in the original trajectory. will bear fruit.

At this time, Li Yuan's face, who walked out of the main room, was also extremely ugly.

The jade pendant he gave to the dead man was indeed related to Duke Yang's treasure house, Duke Yang's treasure house, and He's jade, if you get one of them, you can gain the world. Li Yuan doesn't have any delusions about the world.

However, for the sake of Fan Qinghui, for the sake of muddying the water, and in order to attract more people in the arena, especially the appearance of another regrettable woman in his life, he handed it over.

He knew that the woman, although she was a mortal enemy with Fan Qinghui, would never take advantage of others' danger. On the contrary, that woman was afraid that she would rescue Fan Qinghui first, and then she would defeat and kill Fan Qinghui by herself.

Of course that was something Li Yuan didn't want to see, but as long as Fan Qinghui was freed from Ling Tian's control, Li Yuan believed that variables would appear, because Lingnan and Song Que would appear.

With the entanglement between Song Que and the two women, after Song Que appeared, Fan Qinghui would definitely be fine, and that woman would never insist on killing Fan Qinghui.

There are not many other variables here, the only thing is that Ling Tian is afraid that after getting the jade pendant, he will get the key to open the treasure house of Yang Gong, and then really get the Evil Emperor relic.

The Evil Emperor's relic is really in Duke Yang's treasury, but a special key is needed to open Duke Yang's treasury, and that key is now in the hands of Lu Miaozi, the only descendant of the Mo family, who has long since disappeared. If Lu Miaozi is found, even if he is found, it is impossible to get the key from Lu Miaozi.

And Lu Miaozi also had a lot of entanglements with that woman, and I am afraid that he would also help that woman to rescue Fan Qinghui first.

Of course, I also hope that Ling Tian never finds Lu Miaozi. For the sake of more secrets of Yang Gong's treasure house, he brings Fan Qinghui to the north to find Mai Tiezhu. At that time, he will not only have a chance to rescue Fan Qinghui, but also see him again. See that woman.

In the end, even if all calculations fail, Fan Qinghui's disciples still have the He Clan jade in their hands.

This love, of course, I want it extravagantly, but I have become accustomed to it for decades, but it will never be lost again in this world.

Li Yuan's expression slowly returned to calm, he went straight out, and then got on his horse. He had all kinds of calculations and all kinds of emotions in his heart, but he would never tell anyone, even his parents and children.

He believed in his own calculations, but he neglected a little, that is, human nature is fickle, and people's hearts can change in an instant, not to mention that he and that woman have not seen each other for decades.

The second woman Li Yuan regrets is Zhu Yuyan, who is as famous as Fan Qinghui, the current master of Cihang Jingzhai, the former saint, the current head of the Yinkui School, and the former saint.

"Master, let's really kill it like this, that guy captured Fan Qinghui alive..."

In the mountain forest, a group of women flew past like fairies. Among them, the girl who revealed the girl's quirky and quirky demeanor among the two of them looked to the side and didn't seem to be much older than her, but her demeanor was full of demeanor. , the iceberg beauty, who is more mature and charming, said.

The girl who spoke was named Wanwan, the saint of this generation of Yinkui sect, and next to her was the other of Li Yuan's two regrets, Zhu Yuyan, the head of the Yinkui sect.

"Kill it, why do we kill it, we have no grudge against Ling Tian..."

The indifferent smile spreads on Zhu Yuyan's face. This iceberg beauty is beautiful in itself, and, unlike Fan Qinghui, the beauty of Fan Qinghui comes more from the holy breath blessed by the Cihang Sword Canon she practiced~www.readwn. com~ The beauty of Zhu Yuyan is mainly her own beauty, appearance, skin color, figure, but wherever a woman uses to show her beauty, Zhu Yuyan is almost perfect.

At this moment, when Zhu Yuyan was no longer cold and frosty, but smiled indifferently, it was as if the whole world had become more beautiful.

The smile spread, and Zhu Yuyan's people had left the jungle. Outside, a carriage was walking leisurely. A few pairs of eyes happened to be seen from the car window, and then they saw Zhu Yuyan's smile. In an instant, several figures appeared in the car window. sluggish.

And Zhu Yuyan's people fell into the carriage with a few sluggish figures.

"I wish Yuyan..."

"I have long admired the great name..."

This carriage was the one belonging to Ling Tian, ​​and Zhu Yuyan fell into it. Fan Qinghui's eyes had already looked savagely. Just as Li Yuan had guessed, Fan Qinghui thought that Zhu Yuyan would save her first and then compete with her. , this is something that makes her feel more humiliated. On the other hand, Ning Daoqi and Ling Tian's voices sounded at the same time, but they were surprised and happy, and the other was indifferent.

As for Ssangyong, at the moment Ssangyong was still in a sluggishness shocked by Zhu Yuyan's beauty.

"The Evil Emperor's relic contains the essence of the past sect masters of the Evil Supreme Sect. There is no special technique of the Demon Sect, and absorbing it indiscriminately is tantamount to a collision with the essence of the evil sect masters of the past dynasties... And this treasure is even more Among Yang Gong’s treasure house, Yang Gong’s treasure house was built by Lu Miaozi, the only descendant of the Mo family, even if there is a map, you may not be able to enter…”

Zhu Yuyan didn't even look at the others, she sat down in the carriage gracefully, looked at Ling Tian indifferently and said.


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