The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 149: copy, wind and cloud

God, was devoured.

Murong Xian and the innate gods of Shisanlian Fortress were almost slack. Ling Tian actually devoured a god. Even if it was just a clone of the lowest servant god, it was still a god.

"An ant, how dare you devour my clone..."

However, compared to those who were swallowed, the innate fears of Murong Xian and Shisanlian Castle were nothing at all.

Accompanied by a huge roar, a phantom appeared in front of Ling Tian out of thin air. His appearance was the same as the avatar of the **** who had been swallowed up by Ling Tian before, but neither his temperament nor his expression made people feel noble. How many.

This is the real god.

Unfortunately, this is just a projection.

"Ridiculous arrogance..."

Ling Tian glanced at the phantom in the air, and then walked slowly towards Murong Xian and the others. Under the look of the latter's terrified, horrified, etc., Tianzi's anger, who had reached the realm of immortals, swept through, directly suppressing the latter's body and unable to move, and then He stretched out his arms and crushed several people's necks one by one.

Crushing the necks of Murong Xian and the six thirteen-connected city Xiantian, Ling Tian did not go back to chase and kill the other seven Xiantians in the Thirteen-connected city, but strode towards the outside.

At this time, the projection of the **** was still roaring in anger.

Ling Tian is more clear, although the projection is not real, the **** should be far away from here at the moment, but with the power of a **** in the realm of immortals, no matter how far it is, it will never take too long to get here. time.

The projection of this **** has directly 'seen' his appearance, so if he can't escape from the north of the Great Zhou Empire quickly, I am afraid that this **** will soon find him.

The figure quickly sank into the black smoke. This was a black smoke that was extremely dangerous to Ling Tian in the Xiantian realm before, but it was nothing to the current Ling Tian.

The Great Zhou Empire is an extremely huge empire. The north is linked to the grasslands, but it is not as perpetually slaughtered as in the ancient world of Lingtian. In fact, the north here is more about trade.

The special products on the grassland are continuously sent to the Central Plains and the South through here.

Every year, there are countless caravans traveling to and from the northern border of the Great Zhou Empire. A few days later, Ling Tian restrained all his breath and left the northern land leisurely while sitting on the goods of a caravan truck.

Ling Tian didn't know, just after he left the north of the Great Zhou Empire, a terrifying beast tide swept over seventy cities including Anyuan City, and millions of people died in this beast tide.

After the beast tide, the major gangs appeared out of nowhere, and the calm in the north was restored again. However, there were such a group of leaders in these gangs who resigned their positions as gang leaders shortly after the beast tide. Then disappeared without a trace.

It is said that some people saw that the leaders of those gangs flew away directly, and the direction seemed to be the south.

Of course, this southern statement was quickly refuted. Some people said that the leaders of those gangs had all cultivated to the realm of gods and had already soared to the realm of gods. Others said that this was all a rumor.

After the beast tide, under the grief of the deaths of millions of people, these various rumors seem to have slightly eased the pain in the north, giving people some topics to distract them after dinner.

On the carriage heading to the south, Ling Tian was constantly restraining his true essence, spiritual power, and constantly trying to figure out the realm of immortals.

It was just a few days later that Ling Tian gave up on continuing to speculate step by step. Ling Tian's accumulation has reached the realm of immortals, and he has also reached the extreme. , This is already the ceiling of the past two worlds, and if you want to take a step forward, unless Ling Tian can bring forth the new, and use his supreme talent to glimpse the subsequent realm.

Unfortunately, Ling Tian is not such a genius.

Lying on top of the cargo, Ling Tian squinted his eyes and turned on the system.

It has been a full half a month since he left the world of the Tang Dynasty. By this time, his immortal realm has already been firmly established, and the remaining water mill time will not be able to reach Consummation for a while.

Now, it's more likely that a **** is chasing after him. If he doesn't enter the dungeon world, he will be called an idiot.

"This search costs 40,000 air..."

"Thousands of years are long, eternal and ancient search, immortals and Buddhas are extinct, what is longevity, the sword world is nine empty, where does **** exist, this world needs 200,000 luck to open..."

"Buddhism and Taoism follow, Confucianism becomes empty, **** is desolate, demons are in troubled times, open the spiritual mountain, enter the gate of heaven, and require to reshape the three worlds, in order to clear the copy, this world needs 1.2 million luck to open..."

"Buddhism and Taoism compete, Kyushu is in turmoil, Nanhua gives books, flames rise again, dragons and snakes dance, demons lurk, and they demand that they be re-appointed as emperors. Only by uniting the three realms can clear the dungeon. This world needs 1.5 million luck to open... "

The mechanical voice of the system sounded slowly, Ling Tian cursed at the first prompt, and the cost of searching for copies doubled again, from free to 20,000, then 40,000, and the next time it might be 80,000...

And before the complaints were over, Ling Tian's face stiffened.

Three dungeons were presented in front of him. The first dungeon seemed to be the one that needed the most luck. The previous time, Ling Tian was very jealous. After all, there were words like Immortal Buddha, Longevity, and so on.

However, for Ling Tian now, Immortal Buddha is no longer a great existence, and Changsheng, he is almost infinitely close.

At this time, Ling Tian was more concerned about the latter two copies.

These two dungeons are not only in the same level of luck as the previous ones, but they have a million bases, and the latter two dungeons seem to have mandatory tasks.

To reshape the Three Realms, the Emperor...

There is no doubt that it is the real mythical world, and it is not the world of martial arts like the Great Tang that can open the gate of immortality. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's just that the hateful thing is that Ling Tian's luck is simply not enough to open up these two worlds.

Because of the lack of luck last time, Ling Tian has already accumulated a little more luck this time, and has left a million fortune. Who would have thought that, except for the 200,000 at the bottom, there are two least two left. That one also costs 1.2 million, which is really a fool.

"Consumes 200,000 luck..."

Fiercely, Ling Tian, ​​who was almost gnashing his teeth, chose the first world.

The world in front of him began to be nothing, and then dissipated. Ling Tian opened his eyes wide and carefully felt the changes in the surrounding space. At the same time, a wave of spiritual power went into it frantically. flow.

The terrifying power surged, and the expression on Ling Tian's face began to change continuously.

And at this time, when Ling Tian let go of his spiritual power and strength, in a certain mountain range in the northern part of the Great Zhou Empire, a light suddenly appeared among several men who were all exuding a holy aura. The screen flickered.

"That person, at this time... catch up with him and kill him..."

Ling Tian swallowed up a clone of the **** projection, and looked at the men coldly and said, these men are the leaders of the northern gangs that disappeared after the beast tide. The reason why they disappeared was because After absorbing the power of sacrifice, they broke through the innate and advanced gods realm. Originally, they should have entered the world where gods are.

However, because of Ling Tian's reasons, they were left behind by a servant **** to hunt down Ling Tian.

The flames flickered, and these figures disappeared in place.


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