The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 153: Grandma, Guan Gong

This is a dead end.

Now, whether he chooses to cooperate with Dugu or not, Ling Tian seems to be on the brink of desperation.

If he cooperates, he is very likely to be taken down by Dugu when he gets Love of Allure. In this process, he will even take the initiative to show his strongest point to Dugu, so that the other party can see through him completely, and he must guarantee Don't hurt the other party, and then wait for the other party to see through him and take him down. If he doesn't do this, he won't be able to deceive the peerless city guardian who hides the secret of Qingcheng's love, and will attract Dugujian.

Without cooperating, at this stage, Ling Tian still has the possibility of retreating.

Above the building, Dugu looked at Ling Tian with indifferent eyes. In his heart, Ling Tian had no other choice at this time. In addition, human nature was inherently greedy, so Ling Tian would definitely give it a try, no matter how many problems there were. , first get the love of the city and talk about it.

People are not like this, they always think that they will benefit in the end, instead of thinking about how much they are.


After a slight hesitation, Ling Tian seemed to be greedy for the sound transmission.

At this moment, Dugu did not notice a trace of absoluteness flashing in Ling Tian's eyes.

If the current Ling Tian is seen through by Dugu, he may not be able to compete with Dugu. After all, he is not the protagonist, so he cannot be like Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun. In the original book, Nie Feng even fights at the beginning. However, Dugu Ming, but, after the explosion, he can easily kill the Dugu party, and he is really the protagonist.

However, although Ling Tian won't explode seeds, he can cheat and fight hard. As long as he can rely on Dugu's side to obtain the love of the city, he can immediately ascend through the system, and then easily counterattack.

Of course, his current goal is not the full version of Love in the City, but a reduced version, with only one percent of the original version of Love VII.

"Needless to say, it is impossible for me to agree to such a request..."

Dugu's voice suddenly became violent, and then, the figure swayed, and the person was already in front of Ling Tian.

The sharp fingers pierced through the space in an instant, like sharp arrows enveloping Ling Tian.

Between the heavens and the earth, the vitality fluctuates violently, and every blow of Dugu's finger strength contains terrifying power, and what is even more frightening is that his finger strength is not pure finger strength, and there is more sword energy in it.

The three unique skills of Unparalleled City are Unparalleled Fingers, Unparalleled Swords, and Dragon Subduing Legs.

At this time, Dugu's side was using Wushuang Fingers and Wushuang Sword, and the footwork under his feet was the secret of subduing the dragon's legs. Occasionally, one or two legs turned into direct attacks, but it was hard to guard against.

Dugu is forcing Ling Tian to exert his full strength.

Although the two sides have negotiated the conspiracy of the allure of love, the Dugu side really wants to swallow the allure of love.

He accidentally learned about Qingcheng's love, and then slowly figured out how powerful the Qingcheng's love was. In contrast, he believed that if he could learn this martial arts, he would no longer be afraid of him. Invincible master.

So, not to mention that this martial art can make him so powerful that he can do whatever he wants, and just being able to get rid of that terrifying master, it is impossible for Dugu to share it with Ling Tian.

At this moment, he dared to shoot unscrupulously, but Ling Tian didn't dare to hurt him. This was the time when he could easily test out Ling Tian's strength. Dugu's side naturally tried his best to attack frantically.

Of the three great skills, Dugu only uses one-third of his moves at most. However, without the need for defense, the attack power he can exert is only when all three great skills are used but defense is required. several times.

And under this circumstance, Ling Tian finally played the strongest unique skill.

Serving all things, Beiming magic, changing shapes, the wrath of the emperor, and even the catalog of the God of War...

All the martial arts that can reach and approach the Immortal Realm are endlessly unfolded, and under such desperate circumstances, Ling Tian finally suppressed the Dugu side. He had indeed seen through Ling Tian.

Although the latter is strong, he is still a little weaker than him. If he didn't have the help of his divine spiritual power, I am afraid that even if he wanted to act, he might not be able to perform well, so that people would not doubt that he was really taken by Ling Tian. .

"Threat me with Duguming, and then take the opportunity to pretend to point my acupuncture points... Those people are here..."

Quickly fighting, Dugu's side blocked Ling Tian's blow between the virtual and the real, and suddenly a happy voice flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Dugu party vaguely noticed a figure similar to Guan Gong flickering not far away, and he immediately knew that the Wushuang grandma who guarded Wushuang City had arrived.

And the secret of the allure of love lies in this unparalleled grandma.

The Dugu party believed that Ling Tian knew about this matter. At this moment, the reason why Wushuang's grandma didn't respond to Ling Tian was entirely because the battle had already involved Ling Tian's energy, so she did not notice Wushuang's arrival.

This discovery made the Dugu party extremely happy.

The secret of Qingcheng's love is about to arrive, and Ling Tian's details have also been tested out. Next, it is time for him to get Qingcheng's love and kill Ling to conquer the rivers and lakes.


Ling Tian's voice transmission, in his hand, the Dugu Ming who was holding it suddenly sent it towards the Dugu side.

The onslaught Dugu side swept his fingers, seeing that he was about to hurt Duguming, he forcibly retracted his power in a hurry, and then, his entire body trembled, and was counterattacked by the forcibly retracted power, Ling Tian took advantage of this, his fingers quickly swiped. Passing a point in the chest of the Dugu side.

"Who dares to invade Peerless City..."

The battle at the top of the building was unpredictable. On the street, the experts from Peerless City, who were following the battle, saw that Ling Angel had defeated the Dugu side by deception, and just cursed words like 'despicable' and 'shameless', ready to strangle those masters from Six Gates. Then I went to save Dugu Fang. Suddenly, a strong and heroic voice sounded, followed by a long knife first, and then the silver-white gloves holding the long knife.

Following him, there was a burly man with a long beard, red face and a green hood.

Since ancient times, there have been countless people in this world with long beards, and countless people have worn green headscarves. As for the red face, although it is rare, it is not uncommon, even if these three kinds of people are complete.

However, since ancient times, whenever these three things are put together, the first person in any Chinese person's mind is only one person, and if these three things are complete, and a Qinglong Yanyue Saber is held in his hand, then whoever sees To be afraid to exclaim.

On the street, whether it was the people from Peerless City or the master of the Six Doors brought by Ling Tian, ​​they couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the man who had just appeared at the top of the building.

"Kuan, Second Master Guan..."

"Why, how is it possible..."



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