The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 158: The secret in the wind and cloud

"Are you sure?..."

In the first episode, the emperor put down the wine glass, and his expression finally became serious.

The unparalleled city, the world society, the power spread all over the world, just like a country within a country, but these descriptions are because of the division of the rights that originally belonged to the emperor.

If these two forces can be destroyed, how could the emperor refuse.

No matter how many reasons he has to kill Ling Tian, ​​as long as Ling Tian can help him destroy the Peerless City and the World Society, he will... postpone the time to kill Ling Tian.

"The world will not be much stronger than Peerless City..."

Ling Tian looked at the emperor and said slowly.

In the same way, no matter how much the emperor wanted to kill him because of the palpitations given by the sixth sense, as long as the emperor is still willing to cooperate with him for the time being, so that he can use the power of the imperial court to destroy the world society and obtain a lot of luck, then Ling Tian will continue. Cooperate with the emperor.

"The 300,000 Northern Territory Cavalry is at your disposal, as long as you can destroy the World Association..."

In Ling Tian indifferent, the queen was horrified, the crown prince was in disbelief, and even looked at Ling Tian with a look in his eyes, "Could it be that this is the son of the father and the royal family, and I just picked it up as a shield" in the eyes of the emperor, the emperor spoke slowly but firmly.

"The little minister will never disappoint His Majesty..."

Ling Tian clasped his fists in a salute.

The 300,000 iron cavalry in the northern border is completely enough, and swept the world with 300,000 iron cavalry, how shocking it will be, and how much luck it will bring him.

Ling Tian clenched his fist in his short hand, slightly excited.

These days, the news of the suppression of Wushuang City has brought him millions of luck. However, these lucks have only allowed him to upgrade Qingqing VII to Xiaocheng, which is still a long distance from Dacheng. , not to mention the further promotion of Dacheng and the full version of Allure Love.

Of course, the hope of Qingcheng's love is still with Dugu and Wushuang's grandmother, which is why Ling Tian did not destroy Wushuang City.

However, because of the relationship between the seven generations of love, Ling Tian's demand for the Heaven-shifting Divine Art and the World-Destroying Demon Body is no less than his demand for any martial arts.

These two martial arts that can last forever, if the system can completely repair their imperfections, their value is definitely higher than that of Ling Tian's acquisition of any magical stunt.

However, Ling Tian was almost certain that not only repairing two martial arts, but simply not repairing any one of them to the extreme would require an astronomical amount of luck.

And this is also the reason why Ling Tian first set his goal on the World Association.

At the dinner, the atmosphere that followed was extremely strange, not to mention the prince, even the queen was now suspicious of the relationship between the emperor and Ling Tian.

Regardless of Ling Tian or the emperor, they didn't care about the strangeness of the prince and the queen, and almost ignored them, which made them even more uncomfortable. When the dinner was over, Ling Tian said goodbye and left, and it was the first time for the queen and the prince. Instead of pleasing the emperor, he left with his farewell.

The side hall fell silent in an instant, and after the three left, the emperor continued to drink the wine in front of him leisurely.

"Wenchang and Wusheng, the wind is surging, the mystery of immortality, the eternal life... Xuanyuan's remains, the dragon roars in the sky, the world has changed dramatically..."

In the wine's mouth, the emperor's eyes slowly turned sharp, and a booklet floated and opened beside the emperor. This booklet seemed illusory, and the text on it was even more bizarre. It didn't look like any text in history, but it seemed Some kind of natural pattern, with some kind of mystery of heaven and earth.

"Longevity, immortality... I hope, the person who this prophecy says finds out this secret is you..."

The wine glass was raised, and endless expectations were revealed. It turned out that the emperor had suspected from the beginning that Ling Tian was someone in the prophecy, who could find the secret of immortality and find Xuanyuan's remains.

The emperor wanted to kill Ling Tian because he suspected that Ling Tian would find Xuanyuan's remains and change the world and destroy the Shenzhou Empire, but he tolerated Ling Tian because he was immortal.

Who in this world does not want to live forever, obviously not, and the emperor will not want to.

After spending a few days in Shendu, Ling Tian spent a few days in the royal library and read books. In this turbulent world, most of the history seems to be the same as normal. If you look at it rudely, it seems that history only happened after the Tang Dynasty. Change, after the Tang Dynasty, there were no Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, but the founding emperor of the Shenzhou Empire was born. In just a few years, he swept the world and established the Shenzhou Empire, which has continued to this day.

However, if you look closely, the history of this world is full of weirdness. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, when Dongfang Canglong swept the world, the Li family had no power to fight back.

And going forward, the Sui Dynasty, the two Jins, the two Hans, the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States, and the first emperor ruled the world, all of which are different from history.

Ling Tian doesn't know what happened here, nor is he curious. However, because of these, the ancient books of hundreds of schools of thought that Ling Tian had read in the Tang world were slightly different in this world, but it made Ling Tian was full of curiosity.

Those classics not only record thoughts, but also carry the essence of martial arts of each school.

And these are the refinements that can further refine Ling Tian's martial and are also refinements that Ling Tian can integrate into his own martial arts.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and with the emperor's generous approval, Ling Tian brought a few books of hundreds of schools of thought in a carriage and began to head towards the Tianshan Mountain, the main rudder of the Tianxia Association.

At the same time, a large amount of information about the Tianxia Association also gathered in Ling Tian's hands from all directions.

The dynasty in this world is definitely not weak. This is also confirmed by Ling Tian after entering the six gates, because the dynasty in this world has extremely detailed information on any forces in the whole arena, and even some of them are about Tianmen. Although there are not many records of hidden sects such as the Palace, Chijue Shrine, etc., it also shows that there are few existences in this river and lake that can completely avoid the gaze of the dynasty.

Inside the carriage, looking at the information gathered from all directions, Ling Tian's expression suddenly changed when he opened a page of information.

"The world association Bu Jingyun disappeared in the Suzhou-Hangzhou area. The world association Nie Feng went to the Suzhou-Hangzhou area to search for the traces of Bu Jingyun. It is suspected that the encounter may be the person who searched the Shengong..."

In a piece of information, two suspicious words were used in a sentence.

Obviously, although the dynasty knew about the existence of Soujing, and could vaguely perceive the activities of Soujing, it could not fully grasp the trajectory of Soujing.

Soon, this **** will be blown to pieces by Fengyun with the protagonist halo and explosives. At that time, only the demon master Bu Bai Suzhen will understand the two magic arts of immortality. However, the martial arts created by that woman later are even more. Strange, that kind of martial arts that captures the soul anytime, anywhere, Ling Tian doesn't think he can catch her.

"Turn around and go to Hangzhou..."

Inside the carriage, Ling Tian's cold voice sounded, and immediately, his mental power changed, and the driverless carriage turned and headed south.

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