The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 161: God's wrath

The carriage swayed towards the outside of Hangzhou City.

Without the slightest hesitation, the godmother told Ling Tian all the half-heaven-moving magic formulas and the world-destroying magic body formulas that she knew.

As for the nature of God, Mother God knows very well, as long as Ling Tian learns these two and a half martial arts, God will definitely not let Ling Tian go.

Of course, she, the person who taught martial arts, will never have a good end, but with Ling Tian's tyrannical display, even if God kills her first, he will definitely choose Ling Tian as the second person to deal with. Bu Jingyun.

In this way, at least the safety of Bu Jingyun and the other boy can be greatly guaranteed, which is enough for the godmother.

With this kind of thought in mind, the godmother said the formulas of the two and a half martial arts in one breath, for fear that Ling Tian would not be able to comprehend it quickly, and then she began to talk about her own comprehension of the two and a half martial arts in the past two hundred years, as well as the previous year. The profound meanings that Bai Suzhen taught her.

It's just that Ling Tian couldn't care about what the godmother was saying at this time, because the prompt from the system had already made Ling Tian excited from the bottom of his heart and couldn't help himself.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the incomplete version of the divine art of longevity. The host can consume Qi Luck to deduce the entire divine art, and the host can consume Qi Luck to fix the flaws that the divine art cannot age..."

These two martial arts are equally shocking in the world of wind and clouds. They can live forever, but only the martial arts that cannot be immortal, the system can actually repair the defects of immortality.

A trace of strange emotions rose in Ling Tian's heart.

His initial motivation for entering the dungeon was to survive. Now, a divine art capable of immortality and immortality was in front of him. Ling Tian wanted to repair it immediately and improve it to the extreme.

However, Ling Tian quickly calmed down.

A love for seven generations, small Chengdu needs millions of luck, then, strictly speaking, the full version of the immortal and immortal Heaven-shifting God Art and the world-destroying demon body grade will never be inferior to the love of the city, and how much luck does it need It can only be completed, and how much luck is needed to improve it to the extreme after completion.

Undoubtedly, that was an astronomical figure. Perhaps, all his gains in Fengyun World were not enough to complete this improvement.

His heart gradually calmed down, and then Ling Tian chose to first comprehend half of the Heaven Shifting Divine Art and the World Destruction Demon Body.

All kinds of profound meanings began to appear in Ling Tian's mind after his decision.

Soon, Ling Tian fully grasped the secrets of the Heaven Shifting Divine Art and the half body of the World Destruction Demon, and a look of surprise flashed across Ling Tian's face.

These two martial arts are indeed unbelievable. Although the world of wind and clouds is already considered a high martial arts, but after all, they are still martial arts. Strictly speaking, these two martial arts are no longer martial arts, and can be completely classified into the category of true cultivation.

The biggest feature of the Heaven-shifting God Art is that it can transfer not only any energy, but also any wound. As long as the body is not immediately decapitated, the injury can be transferred. Of course, it is easy to transfer oneself, but it is more difficult to transfer other people's. A little difficult.

In some respects, the world-destroying demon body is similar to the innate body refinement. This martial art can not only make the body defend against Wushuang and attack Wushuang, but also make the body immortal.

Theoretically speaking, these two martial arts have been perfected to the extreme. They are both martial arts that capture heaven and earth and create their own immortality. However, the biggest problem of these two martial arts is also here. Martial arts are too overbearing.

In this turbulent world, although the vitality of heaven and earth is much richer than that of the Tang Dynasty, Xiaoao and other worlds, it still has not reached the point where such beasts can be turned into monsters by the vitality of heaven and earth. Therefore, these two martial arts Overly domineering capture of heaven and earth is like throwing a high-power water pump into a small ditch, instantly draining the surrounding water, and then damaging the water pump itself.

What is even more helpless is that the power of the water pump cannot be adjusted, and even the working state of the water pump cannot be stopped. Of course, I am afraid that when the gods and demons created these two martial arts, they never thought about stopping and adjusting the power. Come on, the stronger the effect of martial arts, the better. As for things like the vitality of heaven and earth, they should have never thought about it.

But also for this reason, Ling Tian couldn't change the martial arts created by the gods and demons at all, even if he knew that the biggest problem with these two martial arts was that they were too overbearing. It can not only make people immortal, but also make people have a long time of immortality, partial birth, weakening the martial arts, such a thing that ordinary people in the martial arts can't avoid, Ling Tian can't do it on the magic of moving the sky and the demon of destroying the world. arrive.

With a helpless sigh, Ling Tian closed his eyes slightly, a trace of strange power spread out, and immediately, endless mysteries began to change.

It can’t be adjusted, it can only be compensated. The domineering of the Heaven-shifting God Art cannot be compensated by the Longevity Art. Stop, even if there is no way to completely make up for the domineering of the Heaven-shifting God Art, it can still hold up a little.

And innate body training not to mention, Taoist health preservation, innate body training is mostly defensive martial arts in Ling Tian's hands. In fact, this is indeed the highest state of Taoist health preservation in the proud world. This is similar to destroying The demon body of the world, but it is the exact opposite of the demon body of the world destroyer. The world destroyer is domineering and unparalleled, and absorbs everything to quickly achieve an immortal body, while the congenital body strengthens itself, and then performs some kind of cycle with heaven and earth, and naturally strengthens itself.

Inside the carriage, as Ling Tian comprehended and merged, the godmother's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that Ling Tian could comprehend the Heaven Shifting God Art and the World Destruction Demon Body so Martial arts are only half, but the blink of an eye is beyond her imagination.

However, in this shock, suddenly, the godmother felt her body loosen, and the acupuncture point she had been taped had been untied.

"You guys, it's better to leave Hangzhou..."

Ling Tian's indifferent voice sounded.

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, for the time being, Ling Tian will not be able to kill, there is no way, who made them the protagonists, the love of Qingcheng needs them to be unblocked, and Tulong also needs their traction, with Ling Tian's current situation The development situation, Di Shitian is likely to not come to him to kill the dragon because of fear.

After unlocking the acupuncture points of the two, Ling Tian moved his arm slightly, and without waiting for the godmother and Bu Jingyun to say anything, he had already swept the two of them out of the carriage.

Ling Tian didn't plan to pay attention to what was going on next. He believed that Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, who were Feng Xing and Yun Xing, would not die so easily, and what he had to do now was to attack the World Association and gain more More luck, and then wait for the unparalleled love of the city to be born.

At this moment, Ling Tian didn't know that under the West Lake, in the endless abyss, the **** who had the same appearance as Bu Jingyun was listening to the report of the old man who saw the goddess being taken away by him, but suddenly looked at his carriage with sharp eyes. the direction in which it is located.

"The magic of moving the sky, the demon body of destroying the world... Even the ants dare to spy on the power of God... Go and release the general, tell him, drain the brains of the ants who spy on the power of God..."

A cold voice sounded, separated by the unknown thickness of the earth and the distance, this **** seemed to sense that Ling Tian had already comprehended two martial arts. Also mysterious do not know how much.


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