The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 167: against the wolves

In the World Conference, at the rear of the main hall, among the most luxurious and majestic pavilions, Ling Tian stood at the window on the edge of the cliff and raised his hand.

For more than ten days, he has been staying in this pavilion and integrating martial arts in the time when the world will investigate the dynamics of the wolf clan and the emperor and promote his prestige.

In about ten days, his luck gained another batch.

This batch of luck was used by him in the seven worlds of love, and this weakened version of the love of the city was upgraded to a great success.

He clearly knows that what awaits him next will be endless battles. Although the Heaven Shifting Art and the World Destruction Demon Body can be repaired completely to obtain perfect immortality, their power is also great, but it requires too much luck. It's amazing, it's something he doesn't dare to ask for now.

For the time being, the only one he can rely on is Qingqing VII. This weakened version of Qingcheng's love itself is extremely powerful. After it has been raised to the extreme, it will never be under any top magical power in today's world.

And its large-scale lethality satisfies Ling Tian's next demand for luck harvesting.

Love in a Fallen City, although one-on-one is also extremely powerful, but the Martial God created it in order to help Liu Bei settle the world.

Standing at the window, Ling Tian's expression was extremely calm, his love for seven generations, and he was extremely fierce, so that the side effects were extremely large. After cultivation, it would have a great pressure on the body, not only damage the inside, but also make people's external appearance appear. Variety.

However, Ling Tian has already repaired it completely, and these problems are not at all in Ling Tian.

At this moment, Ling Tian stood in front of the wind, and the whole person was like a god. Those luster continued to gather in his palm, swept over, and then covered it forward while Ling Tian waved his hand.

Outside the pavilion window is the abyss, and opposite the abyss is the face of the mountain, the jungle, the luster on Ling Tian's hand did not dissipate after leaving his hand, but continued to move forward, directly covering several peaks opposite the abyss.

Silently, the luster swept across, and above several mountain peaks, the dense jungle disappeared and was devastated, as if a scene of being burned by a mountain fire suddenly appeared, and the dry tree trunks remained on those peaks. .

Wei Wei gasped for a while, and Ling Tian showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

This move at least destroyed thousands of squares of jungle. Compared with Guan Yu's move to annihilate a city with a wall of more than ten kilometers in the original book, it is naturally a difference between clouds and mud. However, looking at the world, such powerful martial arts are absolutely It's astonishing.

If it is on the battlefield, this kind of martial arts is probably completely comparable to the missiles of later thermal weapons, perhaps even better than missiles in terms of flexibility.

"Sir, there is news..."

Outside, the voice of the tyrant came.

Ling Tian turned around, closed the window, and opened the door of the house.

"The news I found is that the wolf clan is gathering and seems to be preparing to go south, and Shendu, the emperor has nothing to say to you, just because he suspects that the wolf clan will go south, and the Northern Territory Cavalry has suffered heavy losses, so, mobilized The West Zombie Army, the Central Army, and the Dongshan Army are ready to come to face the wolves..."

Entering the room, Xiongba spoke slowly, first telling the information he had found, and then, before Ling Tian could speak, he spoke again.

"However, this should be an illusion. Since the wolf clan ambushed the iron cavalry in the northern border, they are naturally ready to go to war. Therefore, the so-called assembly and preparation must be deceitful, and the reaction of the gods seems to be normal, but the emperor It is definitely a problem to ignore you. I suspect that the emperor and the wolf clan have reached some kind of agreement, just as they found a reason to kill you at the cost of 300,000 Northern Territory Cavalry, now they pay a higher price and directly Let the wolves get involved in killing you..."

Ling Tian's brows were slightly wrinkled with the very categorical words.

"The sacrifice of 300,000 Northern Territory Cavalry as a reason to kill me is extremely unbelievable. Now, pay a higher price to kill me directly?... The emperor should not be so irrational. After all, it is Shenzhou that will do the most damage. empire……"

Ling Tian opened his mouth with suspicion. In fact, if the 300,000 Northern Territory Cavalry was ambushed as the reason for killing him, it wasn't for Chang'an himself, Ling Tian might not believe it.

After all, that was 300,000 cavalry, and no matter how stupid the emperor would be, he would not be sacrificed for finding a reason to kill his officials.

"Because you shouldn't, that's why the emperor did this... Don't be angry, to be honest, probably in the eyes of many people, you can't be compared with 300,000 cavalry at all, so naturally no one will believe in 300,000 cavalry. Wanbeijiang iron cavalry was sacrificed because the emperor wanted to kill you, they will only believe what the emperor said, you betrayed the northern border iron cavalry..."

Xiongba spoke slowly. In the past ten or so days, Xiongba's attitude towards Lingtian is that one day is better than a day. There is no way. It was not Lingtian's first time to try a move in the window and Xiongba is I saw with my own eyes how Ling Tian's martial arts became more and more terrifying every day.

Up to now, Xiongba has secretly expressed his admiration to his father Ziyi boss many times in his heart. He really has to admire his eyesight, his determination to kneel when he says kneel, and his ability to be accurate when he kneels.

"And now, even if the three major legions and the wolf clan cooperate to destroy your world society, then, as long as the three major legions can 'drive' the wolf clan out of the border, the emperor's reputation will not be damaged at all. As for the loss in the process Those soldiers and horses, and the northwest that was completely cholera, it is not enough for the entire Shenzhou Empire to kill you at this price, and then, through your corpse, try to obtain the magic of moving the sky and destroy it. Two martial arts capable of longevity, the world's demon body, is definitely a good deal for the emperor..."

More respectful words spit out from Xiongba's mouth. This heroic, wily old fox slowly and completely analyzed the emperor's mind.

"You said that if we wiped out the wolf clan first, would the other three legions still come?"

Ling Tian couldn't help sighing slightly when he heard Xiongba's words, this man was calculating, he was indeed a child, fortunately, his biggest reliance was not calculating, but the system cheating to improve his strength.

"Of course……"

Xiongba nodded.

"Every time the Han people fight infighting is an opportunity for our grasslands. This time, I not only want to empty the northwest and north of the Han people, I also want the body of the warrior that the emperor of the Han people wanted, the magic of moving the sky, the demon body of destroying the world, and the longevity. Immortal, I want this very much, do you want it or not... if you want, use all your strength to **** it with me..."

A low roar roared from the wolf king's mouth, and in the golden tent, the faces of every commander immediately turned red, immortal.

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