The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 176: mental collision

In the current arena, the most famous is who is who, the first choice is Xiongba and Dugu.

However, the death of Xiongba and Dugu is also scary, and only Wuming is the one who really makes people feel awe.

With one sword and one person, all the famous sects and sects in the rivers and lakes of the year were leveled. It can be said that it was not Wuming Shengsheng who killed the rivers and lakes out of a blank period of power, and neither Wushuangcheng nor the World Association would definitely be able to get up.

It had only been three or four days since Ling Tian asked Xiongba to spread the news that Wuming had personally attacked him, and his luck, which had slowed down, suddenly started to go crazy.

In just three or four days, millions of luck were obtained by Ling Tian.

The speed at which this kind of luck was obtained made Ling Tian couldn't help but feel emotional, this nameless in the world of wind and clouds has indeed been a myth, and it is still the recognized one.

However, this is also a good thing for him. While Ling Tian let Xiongba continue to pay attention to Wuming and others heading north, he continued to deduce his own martial arts.

At this time, Ling Tian didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​going south to compete with Fengyun for the chance.

Regardless of whether Ling Tian can get it smoothly, even if he gets it, he will definitely need a lot of luck to improve. He is not a natural protagonist like Fengyun. Perfect, I am afraid that if it runs out, it will be swallowed by a black hole like Nie Feng's lover.

The increase in luck brought by Wuming lasted for about a week before it slowly calmed down, and by this time, Ling Tian's love for the seventh generation had already reached an extreme level, even if he still had two or three million luck left, it was already there. Not enough to love the seven worlds.

As for the Heaven Shifting God Art and the World Destruction Demon Body, Ling Tian hesitated for a while, but after all, he did not use this luck to deduce it slowly.

In fact, the two divine arts themselves are not a big problem, except that there is no concept of immortality. Next, Emperor Shitian will slay the dragon, Ling Tian only needs to push his strength up, and when Emperor Shitian slays the dragon, he will **** Long Yuan. Naturally, it is possible to be immortal. Now, it is better to use air luck to improve the cost-effectiveness of Heaven Shifting God Art and World Destruction Demon Body than to accumulate it and directly use it to improve the seventh generation of love.

A week later, the luck slowed down, and Ling Tian was no longer in a hurry, but slowly continued to integrate martial arts, occasionally discussing martial arts with the gods.

Compared with talent, ten Lingtians are not as good as one god, but, relying on the cheating of the system, even if Lingtian only comprehends one martial art, his understanding of it is top-notch. Therefore, Lingtian rubs his own martial art mystery. Broken and discussing with God is definitely enough to shock God.

On this day, Ling Tian was discussing some mysteries of martial arts with God, when suddenly, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in the air above the two of them.

It felt as if there were countless sharp swords taking shape above their heads, and that veiled edge shrouded the two of them.

"Heavenly Sword..."

God's brows furrowed and he spoke coldly, but his eyes turned to Ling Tian as he spoke.

"Sword of the Spirit..."

Looking at God's gaze, Ling Tian's eyes showed some surprise.

In the original Fengyun novel, Wuming's most praiseworthy is the Heavenly Sword Realm. Maybe Wuming's swordsmanship is not the strongest, but his swordsmanship is the strongest, and he is recognized as the only Heavenly Sword Realm in the world.

When reading the original book, Ling Tian didn't understand the meaning of Tianjian at all. He could call him Tianjian, but he couldn't beat Sword Twenty-Three and Xuanyin Twelve Swords.

At this time, Ling Tian finally understood what Tianjian was.

It was actually this kind of sword of consciousness, the sword of spirit, a martial arts mystery that was completely different from the world of wind and clouds.

With a slight movement in his mind, Ling Tian's mental power spread out, and then moved towards those sword intents above the sky.

It's just a competition for spiritual power, Ling Tian will not be afraid of anyone in this world.

Invisible spiritual forces are constantly intertwined in the air.

Above the sky, dark clouds began to swept up, and emptiness of sword shadows flashed from time to time. The nameless, known as the Heavenly Sword, was actually a spiritual sword. Ling Tian's spiritual power was even more mysterious, and it was naturally not difficult to turn it into a sword shadow.

When the two men were fighting against each other, they immediately evolved into such a scene of a fight between gods and gods.

And just when the two men collided, suddenly, silhouettes rushed out from all directions of the mountains and rivers, and then rushed towards the location of Ling Tian and the gods.

Ling Tian glanced slightly, and immediately saw Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng among those people.

However, at this time, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng had two more strange weapons than a Qinglong Yanyue sword and a long sword that looked quite mighty.

The Love of the Fallen City and Guan Yu's real Qinglong Yanyue Sword in this world, plus a peerless sword.

Ling Tian recognized the origin of the two weapons at a glance. At the same time, he vaguely sensed that the aura on the two had reached an extremely terrifying situation.

These two are worthy of being the protagonists. It is good to say that Nie Feng has learned the love of Qingcheng, but Bu Jingyun can actually improve his strength even with a peerless sword. This is pure cheating.

"To be honest, sometimes I am hesitant, for my own selfishness, whether it should not cause chaos in the world, but there are always some people who have to jump out and die..."

Looking coldly at the people who poured out, Ling Tian spoke to the **** not far away.

Wuming's mental power is really good, and his mental power is completely trained by swordsmanship, so it can only be turned into a sword shadow, but because of this, his mental power appears extremely pure.

In this turbulent world, there are probably few who can compare to Wuming only in terms of mental power, but compared to Ling Tian, ​​they are far inferior.

At this time, Ling Tian was able to chat with God while suppressing Wuming's mental power.

At this time, when God looked at the masters who appeared around, there was a slight dignified expression.

I have to say that Wuming is much higher than the original book, both in terms of prestige and background. At least, the masters who appeared along with Wuming have not appeared in the original book, otherwise, they will not be able to play in Dongying. From the beginning to the end, the situation is the two of them fighting again.

"If you can stop and withdraw from the Central Plains, maybe we can stop fighting..."

God did not speak, Wuming's voice with a trace of vicissitudes had followed.

With a sigh, this martial arts myth seemed to know something.

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