The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 180: each show his powers

Fuyu, the land of Liaodong.

The Eastern Canglong family was indeed migrated from the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, unlike the rumors spread by the emperor, the people of Fuyu never said they would help the Central Plains in times of crisis.

In fact, the descendants of the Dongfang Canglong clan have long complained about their ancestors migrating from the Central Plains to Fuyu and ceding the Central Plains to Li Tang.

However, the Dongfang Canglong clan is indeed one of the strange clans in the world. Those ancestors seemed to have already guessed that their younger generation would have an opinion on their arrangement, so they arranged an extremely terrifying battle in advance.

"As long as people of our family step into the Central Plains, they will be punished by the formation, and they will die before the age of forty..."

In Fuyu, the holy king looked at the emperor and said with a smile that he was powerless to the emperor's request.

"The two martial arts of immortality in the Central Plains have been born, and according to the book of fate, the dragon that can make people immortal is also about to be born..."

The emperor looked at the holy king indifferently. The holy king in front of him was said to be the most outstanding king in the history of Fuyu, and the most perfect and benevolent king.

However, the emperor who is also the emperor can see that the outstanding evaluation of the holy king is no problem, but the kindness has to be a big question mark.

This guy's appearance is just a disguise under the premise that he can't see the reversal of fate.

Formation, curse...

These hidden emperors of Fuyu Kingdom also know it, and he even knows how desperate they are. In the past countless years, it is not that the king of Fuyu Kingdom has sought help from the Central Plains Royal Family.

"The Son of Destiny has appeared, not only the Son of Destiny, the Love of the City, the Four God Stones, etc. have also appeared..."

The indifferent words continued, and the holy king's eyes suddenly lit up.

The curse of Fuyu Kingdom, the formation, these are all deadly threats.

However, these are not impossible to change, but the conditions required are extremely harsh.

Among them, the Son of Destiny is an essential requirement.

"With the jade seal as collateral, cooperate to win the immortal martial arts and dragon..."

The emperor flipped his wrist, and a jade seal that released indifferent energy fluctuations had appeared in his hand.

"In a week, I can follow you to the Central Plains..."

The Holy King grabbed the jade seal and slowly opened his mouth.

The deal is here.

At night, the Holy King was in a good mood, and even rarely got drunk, and he foolishly favored a palace maid.

This made the emperor completely convinced that the holy king cooperated with him.

However, the emperor did not know that on the same night, the Holy King favored the maid and quickly went to the ground floor in the backyard of the palace.

There, some old people of the Eastern Canglong clan who had been cultivating deeply opened their eyes one after another as the Holy King entered.

"The Son of Destiny is in this world, and martial arts that do not belong to the past and the present will also follow in this world. Dragons will also appear. The great calamity of Qianqiu is about to begin. Our family will break the curse and be able to rule the Central Plains forever. The opportunity has come..."

Underground, the face of the holy king was distorted, and the whole person seemed to be mad and shouted with full breath.


Accompanied by the words of the Holy King, a low and neat shout sounded, and all of a sudden, the luster gathered, and a huge dragon appeared on the ground.

It twisted twice like a solid body and like a phantom, and opened the originally extremely wide underground space a lot before slowly dispersing.

Snow Mountain, when Saint King Zhong Er was full of breath and interacted with the ancestors of the Eastern Canglong Clan, Wuming, Fengyun was walking slowly with an elegant and easy-going middle-aged man.

"Love in a Fallen City, Moon Sword..."

The middle-aged man was talking to Wuming and the others while walking. When he heard Wuming's love for the city and Yanyue Dao, his face became bitter because of helplessness.

"How can you let these two things come into being... Now the world will be in trouble..."

Cheeks twitched, the middle-aged man shook his head.

"I have seen Wu Sheng during the Three Kingdoms period, and I have also felt the power of the love of the city. Even now, I can't stop it. Moreover, that is the power to destroy the world. If two people who also master that power fight against each other, I'm afraid it will shatter the void of this world, causing the whole world to be swallowed by the void..."

The helpless voice continued, and the faces of the three of them became bitter.

They knew the identity of the person in front of them, Xu Fu, who was a **** who was lucky enough to get immortality after the tyrant Ying Zheng was not allowed to live forever.

With such a nearly 2,000-year-old existence, there is what else he doesn't know about.

And even Xu Fu finds troublesome things, who else can easily solve Unfortunately, my qualifications are limited, and I have been empty for two thousand years, but I can't solve the devil who got the love of the city and the sword of the moon... …”

Seeing the expressions of the three unknown people, Xu Fu sighed helplessly again, and then slowly opened his mouth in thought.

"Now, I'm afraid there is only one way to deal with this devil, slaughter the dragon, form an independent world with Long Yuan to trap the devil, but the dragon is not easy to deal with..."

The helpless voice carried a kind of sadness, as if suffering from the misfortunes of this world, and at the same time seeming to hate his own poor posture.

"If you want to kill a dragon, what should I do..."

Different from Xu Fu's helplessness and sadness, the three Wuming's expressions at this time were sternly cheered up.

For them, the biggest pain is not how hard the road is, but the lack of a way to go.

Now, since there is a way to go, no matter how difficult the road to slaughter the dragon is, it is good news for them.

"Slaying the dragon, I need..."

Xu Fu looked at the three of them with a faint apology in his eyes, and then slowly opened his mouth to tell what he needed to slay the dragon one by one.

On the snowy mountain, the three Wuming finally knew what they needed to slay the dragon.

In the north of the Shenzhou Empire, Ling Tian, ​​who had already begun to expand, and 40,000 ordinary elites in addition to the 5,000 elites who could cooperate with the Emperor's Fury, suddenly looked at the jungle outside the army's marching route.

There, a hidden breath is lurking in it.

"By the order of Emperor Shitian, the mystery of the dragon's disappearance was sent..."

When Ling Tian looked over, a cold voice sounded there, and immediately, a piece of parchment flew out from there.

"Leave me..."

Ling Tian didn't move, the gods had already rushed out, grabbed the parchment, and at the same time, the powerful energy turned into a cage and shrouded the jungle.

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