Di Shitian fled before not because he couldn't match Ling Tian, ​​but just because he didn't want to expose himself too early.

For this reason, Emperor Shitian did not hesitate to destroy the main rudder of his own Heavenly Sect, but now, Ling Tian's aggressive behavior of chasing him to the end completely angered Emperor Shitian.

After the roar, Di Shitian's figure moved, and a violent aura swept over to Ling Tian. When this Di Shitian was furious, it seemed that nearly two thousand years of cultivation had completely exploded. come out.

That energy just rolled, and all the wind and snow in the sky have been used by it.

What Di Shitian swallowed was the blood of the phoenix, which sounds like it should be refuted with the power of ice and snow, but at this time, accompanied by the violent surging of Di Shitian's power, the ice and snow on the snowy mountain that has not melted for ten thousand years seems to have disappeared. Integrate with Di Shitian.

Ling Tian looked at Di Shitian coldly.

Since chasing the helm of Tianmen, Ling Tian already had a hunch that there would be a battle with Emperor Shitian. At this time, when Emperor Shitian took action, Ling Tian had no extra thoughts in his heart.

The arm holding the Yanyue Knife stretched out slightly, and a trace of strange power began to extend.

The extreme scorching heat began to rise.

Large areas of ice and snow melted in an instant, and in an instant, the icebergs in the Tianshan Mountains actually appeared rolling waves.

And that scorching heat collided with Di Shitian's ice and snow power in the next second.

The terrifying power surged, and both Ling Tian and Di Shitian had extremely calm expressions. However, the faint sneer in Ling Tian's eyes had already dissipated.

As expected, Di Shitian's talent for martial arts is not strong. At this time, the collision between the two seems to be indistinguishable. However, Di Shitian has actually fallen to the disadvantage. On the snow-capped mountains of Tianshan, Di Shitian used ice and snow The power of Ling Tian did not suppress Ling Tian.

This undoubtedly means that Di Shitian's strength is far inferior to Ling Tian, ​​and with the melting of the snow-capped mountains under his feet, the entire environment will tilt towards Ling Tian.

"Junior, you came to me just because of Shenlong, that Shenlong cannot be defeated by one person..."

Di Shitian also felt that the situation was not good for him, and finally, after resisting for a while, he opened the mouth with a hint of panic.

By this time, Di Shitian had clearly begun to fear and admit counsel.

However, Ling Tian looked at Di Shitian coldly but did not relax at all.

"Junior, do you think that immortality is really as simple as obtaining the essence of divine beasts? Haven't you thought about it, if that's the case, why has no one in Leshan's fire unicorn ever made an idea..."

Di Shatian's roar continued, "Junior, do you know the Four Great God Stones, do you know Nuwa, do you know the ultimate mystery of this world, it's actually not simple, immortality is actually a kind of extreme torture, The so-called immortality is just entering some kind of endless reincarnation, becoming a puppet stared at by a pair of eyes, and it takes more attempts to break this curse... Why do you think I will tell the dragon slaughter this time to You, because you are someone who shouldn't be in this world at all... You don't exist in any destiny..."

The roar began to gradually calm down, but the content of Di Shitian's roar made people tremble.

people who don't exist...

This clearly means that there are people in this world who can see through the future.

Hearing this, Ling Tian's body trembled, and he couldn't help but feel a 'squeak' in his heart.

He is familiar with the original book, and naturally knows how mysterious the world of Fengyun is. To put it bluntly, this world, like the superhero world of the Eagle sauce family, has long been played by the author, especially when TV, movies, comics , animation, etc., the timeline of Fengyun World has long been a mess, and traveling through time and space is a common thing.

That is to say, the author is not as shameless as the authors of the superheroes of the Yingjiang family, and has not done any tricks to restart the timeline.

Of course, even so, this situation can basically be regarded as a world that can be ranked from Gao Wu, Xianxia, ​​to the prehistoric universe.

At this moment, Di Shitian's words seem to indicate that this world is not the situation of high martial arts, but the situation of immortal heroes, and it may even be the kind of situation where the timeline is casually shuttled~www.readwn.com~ When I think of this, it may be like this In the wind and clouds, Ling Tian couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

The situation that can travel through the time line, whether it is Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Wuming, etc., there is a powerful person who pays attention to it all the time. He will be slapped to death by that powerful slap.

No matter how powerful the system's cheating function was, Ling Tian thought that it wouldn't be too difficult for the almighty to kill him.

Just as he was terrified, suddenly, a sharp spiritual force pierced into Ling Tian's mind.

This mental power came very suddenly, and it pierced Ling Tian's mind almost instantly. However, now Ling Tian's mental power has already reached an unimaginable level. Although this mental power is powerful, it can pierce Ling Tian in the blink of an eye. However, it was directly annihilated by Ling Tian's mental power, and even the waves couldn't turn up even a little bit.

Awakened by this spiritual force, Ling Tian raised his head and looked at Di Shitian in the distance.

At this moment, Di Shitian was looking at Ling Tian in amazement.

The mental power just now obviously came from Emperor Shitian. In this turbulent world, Wuming is the mental power generated by the cultivation of swordsmanship. This Emperor Shitian doesn't know the reason, but he has also mastered the mental power, and, Not weak.

"Very good mental power..."

An indifferent smile emerged from the corner of Ling Tian's mouth. Although Di Shitian's mental strength was good, he was a slacker against him, which seemed extremely ridiculous.


Di Shitian looked at Ling Tian's smile and roared. The sneak attack failed. Di Shitian knew that he probably had no chance of winning against Ling Tian.

Countless mysterious martial arts spread out from Ling Tian's hand, and then quickly smashed on Di Shitian's body. In an instant, all the real essence in Di Shitian's body had been blocked, and Ling Tian's hand followed and pinched Di Shitian. neck.

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