The smoke and dust filled the air, and the semi-circular tunnel extended straight out until it reached the foot of the city wall that sank into the palace city.

The quiet, dark, and empty scene disappeared. Thousands of elites had already landed on the surrounding houses like various birds, and even on the palace city of the palace, not far in front of Ling Tian. , God and Xiongba stood vigilantly watching Ling Tian with solemn expressions at a distance and angle that could cooperate with each other.

"I'm very surprised. What is the reason for you to betray me like this? It stands to reason that one of you is a hero and the other is a smart person. You should know that it is actually your best choice to cooperate with me..."

After breaking the battle between the tyrants and the gods, Ling Tian looked at the two of them coldly.

His eyes swayed slightly, vaguely, Ling Tian felt that perhaps the betrayal of God and Xiongba was the same as Di Shitian's death, because of some mysterious existence.

If the two of them could say something, it would definitely be a good thing for him.

"There are always some existences in this world that are truly irresistible and irreversible. Unfortunately, you are the kind of person whose existence wants to be erased..."

God looked at Ling Tian calmly.

In one sentence, Ling Tian's guess was proved.

God's betrayal is indeed because of something.

Ling Tian took a deep look at God, and then, instead of pressing God, he looked at Xiongba.

It is not surprising that Di Shitian and God could be selected by that existence, Ling Tian, ​​but the strange thing is that Xiongba was also selected.

It stands to reason that with the strangeness of Emperor Shitian's death and the awe of God, there is no need to say that the existence is powerful. How can such an existence be regarded as a tyrant.

However, if that existence really pays attention to Xiongba and chooses Xiongba, then the only reason is that only that existence is specifically staring at him Ling Tian. In this case, Ling Tian will have to fight ten times from now on. Twenty thousand spirits.

"Don't tell me what great beings you believe in, let alone what great beings you believe in because of a few words of God..."

Ling Tian looked at Xiongba calmly,

At this time, he only hoped that Xiongba could give him an answer that was unreasonable, but had nothing to do with any mysterious existence.

"Some things you haven't seen before, how can you directly say that they don't exist..."

Unfortunately, Xiongba's answer was the last thing Ling Tian wanted to hear.

Xiongba's betrayal was also because of that mysterious existence.

Ling Tian took a deep breath, and his mental power suddenly spread wildly, sweeping, and the power of the emperor's anger surged into the sky, instantly covering the entire space outside the gate of the palace.

Di Shitian's death was an exception, and Ling Tian couldn't figure out what was going on until the end.

Now, Ling Tian wanted to fight against that mysterious existence again, to see if he could stop that mysterious existence, or if he could detect how the mysterious existence did it.

Killing people out of thin air and silently killing people, although these are strange and powerful, they are not incomprehensible forces for Ling Tian now.

If he could sense where it came from, Ling Tian might not be able to touch this kind of power.

"What a strange power, but, such power no longer works for me now..."

God quietly watched Ling Tian's power spread and swept away, a disdainful smile slowly appeared on his face, and in the next second, a terrifying force rose into the sky, and above the sky, the white clouds dissipated, and the power gushing out of God's body actually melted. A tornado that was visible to the naked eye swirled in front of God.

The terrifying and dangerous breath spread out from the tornado in front of the gods. Those swirling winds were like invisible blades, and they seemed to be able to shatter anything wrapped in them.

Ling Tian looked at the tornado, then looked at God, his eyes narrowed sharply.

It is not the fear of the tornado, nor the power of the gods, but the fear that the power of the gods has been raised to such a level in such a short period of time. Ling Tian can be sure that the power of the gods was definitely not as good as this ten days ago. Thirty percent of the time.

But, fortunately, the current Ling Tian is no longer the Ling Tian he was ten days ago.

Taking a slight breath, Ling Tian's arm turned over, and the Yanyue Knife appeared in his hand. Immediately, Ling Tian held the Yanyue Knife and pointed forward.

It's a ridiculous action, just like the copyist of the second dimension imitating Guan Gong, and the imitation is nondescript. However, as Ling Tian raised his knife and pointed his finger, the face of the **** and the face of the tyrant changed together.

Endless horror appeared on the faces of the two of them.


A huge roar sounded.

The tornado of God dissipated most of it, but on the side, Xiongba's eyes were sharp, a terrifying energy suddenly flashed out of Xiongba's body, and then quickly submerged into Lingtian's body.

Intangible and intangible power smashed wildly in Ling Tian's body. Suddenly, in Ling Tian's mind, the whole world began to be confused. All kinds of chaotic scenes were constantly changing. It seemed that Ling Tian suddenly recalled countless past lives. .

However, each reincarnation is an independent personality, and suddenly recalling countless past lives was a disaster, so that Ling Tian's brain suddenly appeared as if the computer was overloaded and the program was completely disordered.

At this time the tornado that was about to dissipate by God recovered completely and slammed down at Ling Tian.

God himself is also a top expert, but he did not miss this excellent opportunity.

It looked like a tornado, but it was actually the gods who slammed down Ling Tian with the heaven and earth energy gathered by the immeasurable Mahabharata. The terrifying energy had already broken through Ling Tian's defense, and a trace of blood appeared on Ling Tian's body.

Just when the bloodstain appeared, Ling Tian's originally confused expression suddenly cleared up.


Deep and dull, but definitely the exclamation of a woman's voice sounded, and then, the invisible force ejected violently, and plunged into Xiongba's body.

"Seize the house..."

"Six Degrees of Magic..."

The voices of Ling Tian and the gods sounded when the energy that bounced out of Ling Tian's body submerged into Xiongba's body again.

"Help me kill him, if you kill him, we can all get real eternity, Suzhen, no matter what I did or missed, but if I can get real eternity, I have time to make up for you... "

God's incomparably magnetic and incomparably gentle voice followed closely.

Moreover, the tone of voice sounded, as if he had great confidence in the fact that the energy master who was bounced back by Ling Tian could kill Ling Tian.

"Demon Lord, Bu Bai Suzhen..."

Ling Tian looked at Xiongba.

He vaguely remembered that there was a novel version of the story of the situation in the past life, and the Bu Bai Suzhen in it seemed to have a magical power similar to that of robbing a house.

In that version, Bu Bai Suzhen's strength has really reached the level of a demon and a god.


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