The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 188: Advent Unparalleled

Primordial Spirit's Trick...

Ling Tian can be sure that the martial arts performed by the Demon Lord at this time, like the Sword Saint's Sword Twenty-Three, are based on the attack of the primordial spirit.

Of course, whether it is the Demon Lord or the Sword Saint's Primordial Spirit moves, they are still extremely rough. Although Fengyun is a world from martial arts to fantasy Xianxia, ​​just for now, Fengyun is still martial arts after all.

Regardless of whether the Demon Lord or the Juggernaut is still just an ordinary human being in this life at least, the creation of the Primordial Spirit Martial Skill is already like jumping out of this world for them. This is originally a groping for the perfection of the power of creation.

Ling Tian's mental power spread wildly.

Ling Tian still knew how powerful the Primordial Spirit's move was.

In the original book, the Juggernaut even had difficulty walking, but he almost destroyed the world society by relying on his Yuanshen's move. If Bu Jingyun hadn't moved the Juggernaut's body, I'm afraid that the Juggernaut in the state of Yuanshen would be able to kill everyone with one sword. At that time, the world would meet everyone.

And now, in Ling Tian's mental power perception, he can clearly feel the terrifying power of the Demon Lord at this time.

Primordial Spirit's move has not really reached the point of freezing the time, but the Primordial Spirit is like the soul and thinking, and the speed of the soul and thinking is something ordinary people can never perceive with the senses of the body, so it will give people The feeling of being frozen in time.

However, this kind of fixation still exists in the perception of spiritual power.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the Demon Lord has penetrated the surrounding world, and the rich vitality is gathered, and then frantically entangles towards Ling Tian.

The Demon Lord, after all, is not a Juggernaut. The Demon Lord is not inferior to the Sword Saint in terms of the Primordial Spirit's move, but, in terms of lethality, even the Demon Lord's magical martial arts is definitely not as good as a long sword born for battle.

When the spiritual power sensed it, the power of the Demon Lord had already swept the surrounding heaven and earth, and the vitality fell on Ling Tian's body.

World-destroying demon body, innate body refining...

All of Ling Tian's body-refining defenses failed to stop the power of this move. The violent force smashed through Ling Tian's protection, and then tore Ling Tian's body surface, blood splashed, and the expression on Ling Tian's face remained unchanged.

The hand holding the Yanyue Saber slashed forward fiercely.

The mental power was attached at the moment when the Moon Blade fell.

The pure love of the city may not be able to kill the demon master, not even mental power. However, Ling Tian has only these two methods to threaten the demon master now.

At this time, Ling Tian could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

And in the same way, when this sword fell, the front, starting from the tyrants, then to those generals, and then the entire palace was covered by the power of Love of Allure.

The love of Qingcheng, which is attached to the spiritual power, collided with the power of the Demon Lord, and most of the power dissipated in an instant. However, after being neutralized for the most part, the Primordial Spirit of the Demon Lord collided fiercely with Ling Tian's spiritual power. Together.

Between heaven and earth, Yuan Qi suddenly swayed, Ling Tian's mind was dizzy for a while, Yuan Shen confronted mental power, and it was the latter who suffered.

However, no matter how much he suffered, Ling Tian still froze the Demon Lord for a while.

This moment of stagnation, the energy of heaven and earth drawn by the Demon Lord was immediately penetrated by the power of Love of Allure.

Silently, a scorching aura swept through, and everyone at the gate of the palace, together with the palace, turned into ruins.

In the lingering smoke, the shadow of the imperial palace can still be vaguely seen, but within the wreckage of the huge palace city, there is no trace of human beings, not even the broken limbs and arms.

The energy after the fall of Allure's Love actually vaporized everyone directly.

A knife fell, Ling Tian's mouth opened, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at the wreckage and ruins in front of him.

"Dare to betray me, it's not a pity to die..."

Looking at the wreckage, Ling Tian didn't know what to feel in his heart. Since the three copies, he thought he had completely abandoned all three views and could do anything to survive. Knowing whether it killed thousands or tens of thousands, Ling Tian still felt a suffocating depression.

At this time, Ling Tian also roughly understood why Guan Gong was reluctant to use this martial art even if he died.

He will always feel uncomfortable because of this martial arts. After Guan Gong took that knife, he would probably live in some uncomfortable feeling all his life. In that case, with Guan Gong's character, not to mention death, it would be eternity. If you don't think about it, you will never use this trick again.

Taking a deep look at the wreckage and ruins, Ling Tian turned around and quickly headed out of the capital.

Repression is repression, but once again, Ling Tian asked himself that he would still do it. At that time, the Demon Lord's offensive was so terrifying. If he didn't do it, he was afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of Guan Gong and die with such magical powers as Love in the City. .

Perhaps, we should find another less powerful skill, but it is also extremely strong, and it is a controllable divine art.

Leaving the capital with great strides, Ling Tian thought so in his heart.

And just when Ling Tian had just left the capital of God, on the side of the palace, in a room several kilometers away, a woman with a pale face that looked like a dead man suddenly opened her eyes.

This is a maid. Just now, she was punished for making a mistake. She lost her life for failing to But now, this maid seems to be resurrected by some terrible power.

"Love in a Fallen City..."

The low voice came out of this maid's mouth. The accent was not strange, but the tone and demeanor were clearly the devil master Bu Bai Suzhen.

"Perhaps, I should learn this martial art. If I can learn it, at least I have the possibility to break free from my destiny... Catch up with the person who shouldn't exist first, and use him to cover up the glimpse of fate... Let him live for a while longer. , try to learn the love of the city...

It's a pity, it shouldn't be just fate, not power, otherwise, the shackles of this fate can be broken together with them..."

The indifferent words continued slowly, muttering to himself for a while, and with a slight sigh, the Demon Lord got up and walked outside.

In the land of Heluo, Peerless City, Ling Tian saw the city from a distance, his mental power had spread out, and then swept over.

He came from the capital of God, but within two or three days, Ling Tian had already obtained more than 2 million luck. At this time, Ling Tian had a new idea about how to start his trip to Peerless City. After getting the Holy Spirit Sword Art from the Juggernaut, he will also obtain a fortune from it.

In the original book, the Sword Saint single-mindedly wanted to create a sword technique to defeat Wuming. However, when Sword Twenty-Three was successfully created, the Sword Saint was obviously unable to use his sword with all his strength, but he still gave up the plan to meet Wuming again, and went to The World Association is for the survival of the Peerless City.

Ling Tian didn't believe that such a Sword Saint would really ignore Wushuangcheng.

The power of Qingqing VII was covered in Ling Tian's stride, and soon a piece of the city wall of Wushuang City was eliminated.


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