The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 192: Against Buyeo

Learning in the front, fusion in the back, and still the perfect fusion.

There is no flaw at all, and it is completely integrated with one's own martial arts, which is unimaginable for any martial arts practitioner.

Not to mention how long it takes from learning a set of martial arts to mastering it, even if you are proficient, both martial arts and martial arts have their own characteristics. If you want to integrate different martial arts together, it is more important than simply learning a set of martial arts. Much harder.

And Ling Tian accomplished everything in the blink of an eye, which is beyond the realm of human beings.

At the very least, the Sword Saint and the Demon Lord, who believed that they were rare martial arts prodigies once seen in a thousand years, believed that neither of them would be able to do what Ling Tian was doing now.

They may be able to learn a set of martial arts in a short period of time, but it is absolutely impossible to cultivate it to a great success, and it can be perfectly integrated with their own martial arts.

"You can't kill me..."

Ling Tian looked at the Demon Lord and said slowly.

At this time, Ling Tian suddenly had no idea of ​​killing the Demon Lord, or in other words, killing the Demon Lord would not get much luck at all, which made Ling Tian unable to think of killing the Demon Lord.

However, at this time, Ling Tian had no intention of cooperating with the Demon Lord.

At this time, the power of Yuanshen was integrated into the martial arts, and Ling Tian vaguely felt that his martial arts seemed to have reached a certain level.

And this level, the system can't help him break through, he can only rely on his own perception to break through this level.

At least, when he didn't find further martial arts or secret techniques for self-cultivation, he could only rely on his own insights to break through this level and turn martial arts into self-cultivation.

The sword intent converged, and the Yanyue Sword fell at the same time, Ling Tian's eyes slowly turned to the northeast.

According to the information detected by the World Association before, the emperor should have gone to Fuyu, and it is no surprise that nine out of ten he went to find the holy king.

The Fuyu Kingdom was invited by the emperor to send troops to the Central Plains. This was already a huge gimmick. It was used well enough to bring Ling Tian a lot of fame, and the Holy King himself was a top-notch existence.

In the original work, the Holy King once even completely suppressed the two protagonists of Fengyun. If it weren't for the so-called fate, I am afraid that the Holy King would have completely defeated the two protagonists.

In this way, the Holy King plus the fact that he was the emperor who has been hidden all the time is absolutely enough for Ling Tian to experience the battle of life and death, and there is a great possibility for Ling Tian to break through the level.

"Can you...can you feel that will..."

Ling Tian's words fell, and the fighting spirit on the Demon Lord began to subside.

At this time, the Demon Lord can be sure that he can't kill Ling Tian, ​​and at the same time, the Demon Lord is even more amazed at Ling Tian's talent.

At this time, Ling Tian did indeed have the power to talk to the Demon Lord on an equal footing.

"The emperor and the holy king have indeed come to find you. At this time, it is very likely that experts from Dongying will also come across the sea... These are already desperate situations for you, but that will will not let you go. It Since we can urge us hidden masters and holy kings to kill you, then after we all fail, I'm afraid we will take action in person... You, be careful..."

The Demon Lord slowly spit out a few words again, and the figure suddenly disappeared on the city wall.

After all, this is not a brainless novel, and the devil is not a fool, so he will not suddenly say that he will fight against fate with Ling Tian.

The Holy King of Fuyu, the emperor of the Central Plains, plus a large number of experts from Dongying, there is still a mysterious and unpredictable consciousness behind him, the devil does not think Ling Tian has a chance of winning, even if you add her, there is no chance of winning, in this case, the devil It is impossible to stay and fight side by side with Ling Tian.

After the Demon Lord left, the Juggernaut didn't stay any longer. He and Ling Tian were not friends, but enemies. No matter how surprised Ling Tian's talent was, he would not help Ling Tian fight against a powerful enemy. Although the Demon Lord's words were unclear. , but the Juggernaut could already hear that Ling Tian's enemies were almost unmatched, so the Juggernaut and Du Guming quickly disappeared over the city wall.

But at this time, Ling Tian actually had no time to take into account the thoughts of the Sword Saint and the Demon Lord.

Just when the Demon Lord said the news of the Holy King and the Emperor, Ling Tian felt that a new task reminder came from the system.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully triggering the confrontation quest, defeating the invasion of Fuyu Kingdom and Dongying, completing this quest can get a special item, and the host can choose to return after the quest ends..."

The system has left the dungeon task.

After entering this world for so long, Ling Tian can already be sure that this is definitely not the situation in the TV series, and the martial arts in it are much more powerful than the TV series.

Although I haven't been able to confirm which version of the novel, manga, and animation this is.

However, Ling Tian was almost certain that, according to the martial arts power that appeared now, Smile Three Smiles, the Great Demon God and the Chihuo Divine Art probably existed in this world.

If you count the so-called will of the devil, it sounds like some kind of existence standing outside the clouds and watching the gods in the world, then the level of this world is definitely not low.

Tathagata, half god...or something else...

Ling Tian raised his head and glanced at the sky, there were no clouds in the sky, it was a very clear sky, and the sun was very good, but a chill was spreading in Ling Tian's heart.

The feeling of palpitations began to diffuse in my heart.

The power of Yuanshen is integrated into his own martial arts, and more things seem to be promoted.

This feeling of palpitations at this time is one of them.

Before Ling Tian could sense that the world was not right, but now Ling Tian could feel that something was staring at him.

Where is this special code in the world of 200,000 luck...

Cursing secretly, Ling Tian's figure showed, and he had returned to the city.

Fuyu, Dongying, he must win. The task of the system appears now, not because the system has a good heart, but it indicates that there is some kind of change in this world, some kind of change that exceeds the system's prediction, if he If you don't go, you will die in this world.

However, even so, Ling Tian still didn't want to give up the opportunity of Fuyu and Dongying to gain luck.

In several cities, all the gangs were driven by Ling Tian in a very short period of time.

The pills that Lingtian added with his spiritual power were stuffed into the mouths of those gang members. Fortunately, this is a cruel world. When the bosses eat poisonous pills, those bosses will stare at every one of them. Subordinates, in a mood that I am unlucky, you can't imagine better than to ensure that every subordinate swallows poisonous elixir.

Then, these guys who thought they had eaten the poison pill given by Ling Tian began to honestly follow Ling Tian's instructions to invite the emperor to use all the territories in the east and northeast regions as the same as he used to invite the wolves at the expense of the north and northwest. The price invited Fuyu, and then invited Dongying with all the territory in the south and southeast to help fight against Lingtian.

In just a few days, these news have been spread to every corner of the world.

The emperor's actions naturally made all the people in the Central Plains despise, and at the same time, Ling Tian's ability to force the emperor to use such means surprised all the people.

A large number of large quantities of luck were quickly obtained by Ling Tian.

Half a month later, Ling Tian rode his horse to the Dou County area, and the Fuyu people's army in the northeast direction of Dou County had already entered the Central Plains.

The team led by the Holy King himself, accompanied by the Emperor of the Central Plains.

The army of Fuyu people swept through all the cities along the way like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

Many cities were not attacked. The emperor of the Central Plains came forward and surrendered, and then the whole city surrendered. Then the people of Fuyu took over the city, and the city became the country of the people of Fuyu.

Of course, there are those who surrender and those who do not. After the emperor gave several cities to the people of Fuyu, it gradually began to appear that he would rather die than surrender and never accept the cities ruled by Fuyu, and then there was fighting, flames, and then the whole The city was reduced to wreckage.

The appearance of these cities also greatly increased Ling Tian's acquisition speed of luck.

What is this world like, no one cares about the bland excesses, and once there is a matter of burning jade and stone, even if there is only one city, the whole world will be shocked, let alone more than one city.

With the burning of jade and stones in several cities, the tragic smell swept across the entire Central Plains in an instant.

Originally, Fuyu was invited by the emperor. Although it was considered a foreign race to enter the Central Plains, the public was not too afraid. When several cities and jade were burned, when the Fuyu army was provoked and began to massacre the city.

Even if some people say that it's okay if they don't resist, more people have begun to feel fear, anger and other emotions.

No one wants to be enslaved.

No matter what the emperor said about the city that was given to Fuyu, the people in those cities would be ruled by the Holy King of Fuyu as the people of Fuyu. However, as some cities were slaughtered, no one in the people of the Central Plains believed in the city that was given to Fuyu. The people here will live as freely as they do now.

In Shanhaiguan, a carriage swayed out. In the carriage, Ling Tian sat cross-legged, and a strange force kept spinning and floating around him.

That is Ling Tian's martial arts power, integrated into all the power he has learned now.

This force is vaguely undergoing some kind of change, just like a chemical experiment, but it seems to lack some kind of catalyst, so the change can't be generated for a long time.

A helpless sigh sounded, Ling Tian opened his eyes.

In his spiritual world, at this time, a large army was coming quickly from a few kilometers ahead. Nine times out of ten, it was the army of Fuyu people.

Obviously, he couldn't continue to practice, and he had to deal with that army, but even without that army, his practice wouldn't actually be fruitful.

These days, most of the luck he obtained has been consumed to improve the existing martial arts, even the love of the city and the sword twenty-three have been greatly improved by him.

However, the improvement of those magical stunts did not loosen his martial arts level in the slightest. There is no doubt that his martial arts level can no longer be solved by improving one or two magical stunts.

Perhaps, with the will that the Demon Lord said, 100% is the will of Di Shitian's self-destructed will that can definitely break through this level.

However, fighting against the current Ling Tian with that existence is definitely courting death.

So, now you can only fight against the holy king, the emperor, etc.

When the confrontation is over, no matter whether it can break through or not, you must leave immediately.

The carriage continued to move forward, Ling Tian's eyes were slightly closed, and a long sword was already in the palm of his hand.

Sword Twenty-three, although it is the sword of the primordial spirit, but holding a real sword will obviously improve this martial arts a bit.

A few kilometers away from Lingtian, the holy king and the emperor were walking fast, surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. These days, the emperor helped the holy king recruit all the cities outside Shanhaiguan.

Riding on the back of a horse, the emperor had a hint of excitement in his eyes, as well as a trace of untraceable worries.

The emperor considered himself a good planner, but now, the emperor really did not dare to underestimate Ling Tian as he did at the beginning.

The entire Far East region was sold by the emperor to the holy king. Now, the emperor is taking the holy king into the Central Plains to fight against Lingtian.

This battle is not only a battle for the subconscious given by that will, but also a battle for the emperor to take back his dynasty in the Central Plains. It is also a battle for killing Ling Tian to obtain the mystery of immortality.

There are too many things in it that the emperor must get, and the emperor cannot give up.

If this battle fails, the emperor will really have to lose his wife and lose his army.

Of course, the emperor wanted to use this battle to weaken the holy king. At first, the emperor abandoned the Central Plains, not just because he couldn't defeat it, but also wanted to bring disaster to the east and bring the holy king and Fuyu in.

The Eastern Canglong clan, how could the emperor not know.

This powerful force that is entrenched in the Northeast has always been jealous of the Central Plains royal family, even if this ethnic group has been replaced for hundreds of years After the Central Plains Royal Family has changed several times, there is no tendency to set foot in the Central Plains.

However, in the records of the royal family in the Central Plains, it was only because the Dongfang Canglong clan had some secrets and could not set foot in the Central Plains. Once they unlocked this secret, then this group would definitely set foot in the Central Plains.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you take back the Central Plains..."

Next to him, the Holy King spoke to the emperor with a gentle smile.

Holy King, probably the most perfect villain in the original work, even if the Holy King is negative, but the demeanor and temperament of the Holy King is definitely unmatched by other tyrants, the likes of Emperor Shitian.

Actually, it is.

Even if the holy king has completely decided to enter the Central Plains at this moment, and even changed his fate through the emperor's affairs, and changed the fate of his own ethnic group with the fall of the royal family, but when facing the emperor, the holy king no matter his tone or demeanor , or etiquette is not the least bit strange.

"I believe... what's wrong?..."

The emperor nodded and responded with a smile. He just said a word, and suddenly, his expression was stunned. Next to him, the holy king suddenly looked forward, and a dignified aura appeared on the holy king's face.

The emperor almost instinctively realized that something was wrong.

"That person is here... He is more dangerous and powerful than you said..."

The Holy King opened his mouth with a slightly solemn expression, but when the words fell, he smiled relievedly.

"Don't worry, although that person is strong, he is not too strong to be dealt with. I can help you defeat him..."

The smile spread out, and the Holy King spoke softly again.

It's just that this time the emperor's eyes have become weird. He doesn't feel anything. The Holy King has already clearly felt that there is an enemy coming, and his strength is not weak. The gap seems to be a little big.

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