Central Plains, the land of the west.

This should have been a very prosperous place, but as far as the eye can see is an endless sea.

The turquoise waters are overflowing, and the crooked yellow sand is intertwined on the shore. This scene is no different from the scene of the holiday resorts such as Lingtian I Dubai.

However, Ling Tian's mental power could feel the incomparable heart palpitations from the seemingly beautiful seascape.

What's more terrifying than heart palpitations is the dead silence in this area.

Lifeless silence.

This is incomparable to any place on the earth in Lingtian's first life. In that world, whether it is an iceberg of 10,000 years, a desert that claims to be able to swallow all life, or even the Dead Sea, etc., there is still life in fact. signs.

Animals, bugs, and even bacteria, there will always be some local life in every place.

In front of him, there was no life in the area that Ling Tian saw.

Ling Tian's primordial spirit could feel that this area was completely dead.

There are no traces of life here.

Even, standing here, Ling Tian could feel that there was a slight stagnation in his Demon Body of Destruction of the World, the Heaven-shifting God Art, and the Longevity Art. smooth.

And this is simply because these three exercises have the characteristics of enhancing vitality.

Feeling the dead silence here, Ling Tianxia consciously wanted to leave immediately, but, for some unknown reason, there was an urge to stay.

It seems that he can comprehend something here.

Death, absolute death.

This was an aura and power that Ling Tian had never touched before.

Ling Tian opened the dungeon world, and everything he has done so far is for the sake of living, and death may be able to become a strong martial arts force, but Ling Tian has not deliberately pursued it in the past, and second, Ling Tian's power is basically above are enough.

Therefore, this is the first time Ling Tian has come into contact with this pure force of death.

Walking slowly to the side of the sea area, Ling Tian's spiritual power explored the sea.

This is the battlefield in the ancient times. Ling Tian knew nothing about the ancient times of this world. There is no doubt that there are many secrets in this world. Ling Tian was only the son of a small gang leader. To the gods, under this circumstance, how could Ling Tian know so many secrets.

However, there is one thing Ling Tian is sure of, there is a very high upper limit of power in this world.

God is not necessarily the limit of this world.

After all, the Great Zhou Empire, which Ling Tian thought was weak, had terrifying power.

And under the circumstance that this world has a very strong upper limit of power, any place in this ancient battlefield is not unusual.

Since this sea area is dead silent, then the power of the ancient times may not exist in this sea area.

Sitting cross-legged, Ling Tian forgot for a while that his purpose of coming here was to take advantage of the special environment here to leave. God, the Great Zhou Empire, these are indeed powerful and dangerous. Ling Tian felt that he could not deal with the two sides. piles of masters.

However, speaking individually, Ling Tian is not necessarily afraid. Before, he just felt that there was no need to collide with him. Now, this dead sea makes him feel that he has special power. Then, Ling Tian will never mind with God or the Great Zhou Empire. A touch of any city lord.

In the world of wind and clouds, Ling Tian left quite abruptly, and many things had not actually been resolved.

For example, the Heaven Shifting God Art and the World Destruction Demon Body could not solve the problem of immortality. This problem still remained unresolved after he repaired the two martial arts with Qi Luck.

Even Ling Tian had a feeling that no matter how much luck was consumed, there would be no way for the two martial arts to have the characteristics of immortality.

The system consumes Qi Yun to repair the defects of martial arts, and the repairs are only harmful to the practitioners.

Inability to age is not actually harmful. After all, aging itself is a natural process of the human body and has nothing to do with martial arts.

In a sense, the Heaven-shifting God Art and the World-Destroying Demon Body are delaying aging.

Therefore, Ling Tian did not have a solution to the problem of immortality in the Wind and Cloud World. Even if he integrated the Longevity Art, the Heaven Shifting Divine Art and the World Destruction Demon Body into his own martial arts, he would be able to support him for a while longer than the gods.

Three hundred years, or four hundred years of prosperity, and then I am afraid that I have to continue to grow old.

But now, standing on this sea of ​​dead silence, Ling Tian had a feeling that this sea area seemed to be able to help him solve the problem of immortality.

To live to death, to understand the meaning of life from death.

This is not surprising.

As for Ling Tian's own martial arts, many of them also used the truth that extremes must be reversed to generate powerful power.

Sitting down on the edge of the sea with his knees crossed, Ling Tian's mental power continued to penetrate into the sea.

Silence, utter silence.

A sea area, I don't know how wide, how wide and how deep, but the whole sea area does not feel alive at all, only endless silence.

It is extremely boring to explore such a place with spiritual power, but Ling Tian is not impatient at all. He sits very calmly on the edge of the sea, and his spiritual power is constantly sensed in the sea.

Even though most of the time, what he perceives is dead silence, a dead silence without any response, but Ling Tian is still unmoved.

One day, two days...

Soon three days passed, and Ling Tian's martial arts realm, food, sleep and other essential elements of survival for ordinary people were no longer necessary. For three days, Ling Tian sat quietly on the edge of the sea, and the expression on his face changed from one to another. What started out as being extremely calm slowly turned into a hint of confusion.

With the change of expression, Ling Tian gradually gained a little understanding of living towards death and surviving from death.

That kind of comprehension is very sparse, Ling Tian can't even turn it into any skill, even the most incomplete one, so naturally there is no way to use the system to speed up comprehension.

Just as Ling Tian continued to explore and comprehend without the slightest impatience, in the distance, a group of figures came quickly under the leadership of a young man.

That group of figures are the bosses of the major northern gangs sent by the servant gods. Of course, now they are quasi-gods, and the young man is Yunyang's son, Yunding.

"Fortunately, Ling Tian is there..."

From a distance, Yun Ding smiled when he saw Ling Tian sitting cross-legged on the edge of the sea.

As the son of Yunyang, in fact, sending masters with those servant gods to hunt down Ling Tian does not require Yun Ding to go out in person, but, in the restaurant, because Yunyang wants to subdue Ling Tian, ​​so in order to show that he is not interested in Ling Tian. Tian's concern, he gave Yun Ding a slap in the face.

This incident made Yun Ding very resentful towards Ling Tian. Originally, if that slap successfully helped Yun Yang take down Ling Tian, ​​perhaps Yun Ding would have recognized it. thing.

This Yun Ding couldn't bear it any longer. He was a young city lord after all. As a result, Ling Tian felt that he was just the same. For the arrogant Yun Ding, it made him even more angry than killing him.

Therefore, this time, Yun Ding volunteered to go out in person as the guide sent by the servant **** to hunt down Ling Tian's master team.

"Thank you Young Master Yun for leading the way, we can leave the rest to us..."

The master dispatched by the Servant God also saw Ling Tian, ​​and immediately opened his mouth to Yun Ding with a smile. Between the words, a trace of smirk and ease and complexity were intertwined.

They are quasi-gods now, and they have to wait for the servant **** to bring them back to the place where the gods live before they can truly become gods. Therefore, these masters are also full of anger towards Ling Tian who sent them out at this time.

However, killing Lingtian, a quasi-god, is not an ordinary person, and they are very happy to be able to please the servant god.

"Asa, this mortal is too weak. If you don't accompany you to do it, leave it to my brother to do it..."

"Go away, this mortal can make God speak in person, it must be very laborious, let me do it..."

"Don't grab it, this is a task assigned by God, we should work together..."

"Whoever is faster is who's..."


All kinds of words sounded, or showed weakness, or toughness, or deceitful deceit, or simply, none of these former gang bosses was simple. Although their respective codes of conduct were different, each of them was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Accompanied by different voices, these masters have quickly rushed towards Ling Tian.

"Let me join in the fun with you big brothers..."

And when those masters jumped out, Yun Ding's figure followed, and unexpectedly mixed into the middle of those masters.

There are dozens of people, each of them are masters. Not to mention those sent by the servant gods, they are all masters of martial arts who have reached the realm of gods, and Yunding, although it seems that they are not practicing pure martial arts, their strength is slightly inferior to those of martial arts masters. Just one piece.

The huge movement suddenly made Ling Tian, ​​who was exploring the edge of the sea and felt the power of death, open his eyes.

Turning his head, Ling Tian saw the masters dispatched by the servant gods at a glance, and then saw Yun Ding's figure in the crowd.

When Ling Tian turned his head, these people were not too far away from Ling Tian.

The expression on his face did not change at all, Ling Tian stood up indifferently, and his palms were raised flat towards the front.

When his cultivation reached the realm of Lingtian, the masters dispatched by the servant gods and Yun Ding were nothing to him. Killing or not killing was also nothing. What he pursued now was eternity.

And those mundane battles, resentment and the like may still be there, but they will no longer be angry because others are chasing and killing them.

A gust of wind blew, the yellow sand rose, and then dissipated in an instant, as if being vaporized, the faces of the many masters sent by the servant gods and Yun Ding who were rushing changed one after another. Towards, and even backwards.

At this moment, these people felt extreme danger.

When Allure of Love first showed its hideousness in this world, these masters of the quasi-spiritual realm chose to avoid it, without any idea of ​​resisting or continuing to attack, but all avoided.

The Love of the Alluring City is worthy of its name, but if it is displayed, it must be the allure of the city and the country, and no one can resist it.

The scorching heat spread, and the ground covered with yellow sand dissipated a large layer, several meters in thickness, and the masters who had just jumped up and retreated, as well as Yun Ding, were emitting thick smoke one by one.

"Fire, the power of fire..."

"How is it possible, isn't he a mortal..."

"I know that it's not that simple for God to chase down people..."


All kinds of voices sounded again, but it stopped abruptly soon, all the people turned into ashes and drifted away, Yun Ding glared at Ling Tian with incomparable unwillingness and resentment before turning into ashes. .

If he had known about this fate earlier, I am afraid that this young man would never have personally acted as a guide to lead the masters sent by the servant gods to hunt down Ling Tian.

Very far away, in the hall where the servant **** was, his eyes were squinting like a sleeping servant **** suddenly opened his eyes, like a wooden statue of a **** suddenly coming to life, and a terrifying aura rose into the sky.

"An ant, **** it, how dare you do this..."

An angry growl sounded.

The gods of this world are not the gods on earth. There is no so-called kindness. They lead the gang bosses to become gods, and it is definitely not because those bosses have served God for many years, so they won the favor of God.

But because they need a new group of gods to do things for them, even fight.

This need is extremely important, and can almost affect the status of a god~www.readwn.com~ This trip, the servant **** loses so many quasi-gods, even his own status will be affected, so he is so angry.

However, compared to Yunyang in Quanjiucheng, the wrath of this servant **** is only a paediatric case.

In Quan Jiucheng, the City Lord's Mansion, Yun Yang's complexion suddenly changed when Yun Ding turned to ashes, without any extra movement, the phantom of a mirror appeared in front of Yun Yang.

The mirror surface quickly became clear, and then, there were indistinctly countless ashes flying up on it.

"Ding, Ding'er..."

The dull voice came out of Yunyang's mouth, and he stared blankly at the ashes on the mirror in front of him.

Qianyuanjing is the treasure of Yunyang's family. Although it is not a great thing in the whole world, it can definitely rank among the top five in the world in terms of searching and tracking.

And Yunyang is an elite figure of the Yun family's generation, so he has more authority to use the Qianyuanjing than most of the Yun family, and there will never be any mistakes when searching for characters. Just now, he felt the Qianyuanjing. The vague fluctuations seemed to be related to the authority he gave Yun Ding, so he immediately used Qianyuanjing to search for his son Yun Ding, and then saw the ashes full of mirrors.

Although as a father, Yunyang can't accept that his son has become ashes in the sky, but he knows a lot about the Qianyuan realm. No matter how Yunyang doesn't want to believe it, he has to tell himself that his only son, he The future leader of the Yun family, Yun Ding, has been turned into ashes in the sky many times, and has completely disappeared between this world.

"Ling Tian..."

An angry roar roared out of Yun Yang's mouth, he stood up, and strode towards the outside of the City Lord's Mansion.

A trace of strange fluctuations spread out, and the entire Quanjiucheng began to boil.

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