"Of course he can't let you go..."

The old man blocking the road smiled, and a clear voice already sounded in the carriage.

Immediately, the curtain was lifted, and a young man stepped out of the carriage.

"Your cultivation base has already condensed the primordial spirit, and it is even more wonderful that you control the power of flames associated with martial arts. In terms of strength, you are no less than any first-class master in the world, but you are not a disciple of any sect, so what about him? To allow you to exist in the world..."

The clear voice sounded with a hint of coldness.

The young man stood beside the carriage, his handsome and elegant face looked at the old man blocking the road with a hint of sarcasm.

"You waited for the sect to pursue the so-called immortality and Buddhahood, but you tried your best to block the opportunity for ordinary people to cultivate and become sanctified. Thousands and thousands of years have finally led to the extinction of gods and Buddhas, but you still don't know how to wake up and realize that one day. , this world will enter the world of the end of the law, when demons are rampant, but there is no one who can kill demons and eliminate demons, not to mention sects, I am afraid that even the human world will disappear..."

The sarcastic words continued.

Ling Tian's eyes flashed with more confusion.

There is a lot of content revealed in the words of this young man, but unfortunately, he still can't think of what kind of world this is.

"Enough, this is not the reason why your royal family recruited monsters as ministers... Then Cihang made a thousand-year-old centipede into an elite. If your royal family continues to be obsessed, it will be a catastrophe..."

Ling Tian was still confused, but the old man who was blocking the way had already spoken coldly.

It was a very short sentence, but Ling Tian's body trembled slightly.

Cihang Pudu, he knows what kind of world this is.

Cihang is the name of Guanyin, but Cihang and the centipede spirit are linked together, and there is only one world that is most representative.

A Chinese Ghost Story...

However, there seems to be no royal family in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story. Moreover, according to the old man's words, Ci Hang did not seem to conceal the identity of his monster, and even this monster was recruited by the royal family.

In this way, I'm afraid this is not the normal world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

The Wind and Cloud World before, and even Datang and Xiaoao further ahead, made Ling Tian clear that the copy of his experience might be based on a certain novel or movie, but it was not limited to that novel or movie.

This is the real world, as small as martial arts and martial arts, there are countless hidden things, not to mention the fairy world that involves the existence of gods, demons and monsters.

As for the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, this is a world that is extremely dangerous.

It's not that the demons and ghosts here are dangerous, but the people's hearts here are dangerous, except for a few people such as Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia, the heroine of the first book, the family of the heroine of the second book, and the monk of the third book. As well as the descendants of Yan Chixia, none of them are considered good people.

The second part of the heroine's family almost killed Ning Caichen as evidence, if it wasn't for Ning Caichen's identity card with Zhuge Wolong, I'm afraid the second part would be GG directly.

And the monk in the third part is even more oblivious to everything, making it clear that he is a real "monk".

Therefore, apart from Yan Chixia's coldness on the outside and hot on the inside, Ning Caichen is really pedantic. In other original works, standing on the protagonist's side, a decent existence is basically forced by the situation and has to fight the demon.

And if there is no situation to force, those important characters who fight against the demons with the protagonist are all selfish, and even murderous.

Just looking at these characters who are considered good people in the plot, it is conceivable what kind of temperament should those who were originally villains be.

Now, this mouth is full of justice, obviously thinking that it is wrong for the royal family to recruit monsters. It seems that the old man who wants to eliminate demons and defend the road also has no mercy for Ling Tian, ​​a passerby, just because Ling Tian meets him and kills the royal family. Murder and kill.

What a world of disgusting people...

Ling Tian cursed helplessly in his heart.

The old man in front of him is naturally more tyrannical than the ghost he killed before, and the foolish thing is that even if the old man is killed, there will not be much luck to gain.

It can be said that there is no benefit, and it is desperate.

It's just that, if he doesn't fight, he is afraid that he will really have to be left here.

He looked at the old man with fear in his eyes, and immediately, Ling Tian quickly looked at the young man with fear, and then slightly retreated from the team on the carriage side.

It seemed that the old man was wary of the seventh prince because he said that the royal family recruited monsters.

However, at this time, the power in Ling Tian's body began to change continuously, and it gradually became a kind of explosive that could explode at any time. However, before it erupted, it seemed that he just wanted to guard his own safety and beware of others attacking him.

Ling Tian wanted to make the old man and the seventh prince ignore him subconsciously, and then, after the fight between the two sides, he could have a chance to escape quickly.

At this moment, there are at least dozens of ghosts around the forest, Ling Tian has no confidence that he can kill them.

However, Ling Tian believed that since the seventh prince was a prince, he must have some cards to play.

And his vitality lies in the trump card of the seventh prince.

"This friend, let's cooperate, otherwise, these so-called sect masters will not let you leave alive, monsters, huh, these sects are the biggest monsters for the world, if not for them Blocking the method of self-cultivation, how could there be so many demons in this world..."

The Seventh Prince watched Ling Tian retreat, but there was no sign of anger on his face, instead he said with a smile.

When these words fell, the knights who were guarding the seventh prince had already started to disperse quickly, and it seemed that they wanted to cooperate with Ling Tian to fight.

As the guards of the Seventh Prince dispersed, Ling Tian's expression suddenly changed.

Originally, he retreated a little, and the whole person had already withdrawn from the center of the battle between the Seventh Prince and the old man, and with his aura restrained, he had basically completely wiped out his sense of existence.

But at this moment, the people of the Seventh Prince dispersed, but once again raised his sense of existence without limit.

To put it bluntly, the seventh prince almost directly pulled him into the water again.

"Royal family, hehe..."

Not far away, the old man sneered at the guard of the seventh prince.

He could naturally see the seventh prince's intentions, but he could see that the old man still chose to attack Ling Tian first.

It has to be said that the love of the city that Ling Tian displayed before really made the seventh prince and the old man dare not ignore Ling Tian.

The Love of the Fallen City contains an extremely terrifying scorching aura, and it has great restraint on ghosts. Although this restraint is infinitely reduced because of ghosts and ghosts, it is only because the special nature of ghosts can make this move impossible. , and if the target is changed to a human, no matter how high the strength is, it is absolutely impossible to completely escape.

At least, the old man blocking the road thought he couldn't escape completely.

In this case, no matter how important the seventh prince is, this old man will choose to kill Ling Tian first, which can hurt him and even have the opportunity to kill him.

The figure swayed and dissipated, the old man stepped back, and phantoms quickly swept past the old man's position, flocking towards Ling Tian like a shadow.

Ghosts, or a large number of ghosts, I don't know if it's a few, or a dozen...

The speed of those things has exceeded a certain limit, and even Ling Tian's cultivation base is unable to identify the figures of those things.

Martial arts, even in the Shattered Realm, at the **** level, in some respects, it is still incomparable to the immortals.

Of course, the most important thing about Ling Tian's current martial arts is that he has only gone through the early stage, which is about to reach the martial arts world of fantasy realm, not the super martial world that has really experienced fantasy.

Gao Wu's limit has not yet reached the state where he can control all things in nature, and those ghosts are detached from nature, or in other words, those ghosts are anti-natural beings, the accumulation of the dark side of the world.

Inside the body, the scorching aura dissipated, and Ling Tian's figure did not retreat, but instead advanced.

At this time, the old man had already started to attack, and even if Ling Tian retreated, there was no way out.

The people of the Seventh Prince did not retreat, which undoubtedly meant that there was something more terrifying on the way. Then, if Ling Tian wanted to survive, he could only enter, kill, kill through the jungle, and then gain life.

The scorching heat swept through, the breath dissipated, and Ling Tian plunged into the dense phantom.

A dark cold current swept across Ling Tian's body frantically, and it seemed that there were sharp steel needles piercing into the body continuously, but soon these steel needles encountered the scorching breath flowing through the meridian bones.

Hot and cold meet, and then confront each other.

Ling Tian could feel the dark and constant absorbing heat, and even piercing the heat and pulling some warm currents out of his body.

Those warm currents are the embodiment of life force. If you were an ordinary person, even a top martial artist would probably have been drained of life force and died.

It's just that Ling Tian's vitality itself is tyrannical, and the scorching aura of Qingcheng's Love is a natural restraint against the dark aura. Soon, Ling Tian has already knocked out a lot of phantoms, and after being knocked away by him, those phantoms seem to be Much more transparent.

"Follow up..."

Behind, the Seventh Prince looked at Ling Tian arrogantly smashing away those phantoms, his eyes suddenly lingered, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said.

As a member of the royal family, the Seventh Prince naturally has a trump card, but now that Ling Tian has knocked off those ghosts and made a way for him, the Seventh Prince will naturally not choose to play the trump card by himself.

The figure swept up and landed on the back of the pulled horse. The seventh prince waved his palm back, and the rope linking the horse and the carriage suddenly broke.


As soon as he grasped the broken reins, the seventh prince slammed his legs hard and slammed the horse's belly, and the man was already rushing forward.

The jungle is deep and wide, Ling Tian rushed forward in one breath, and he didn't know how long he had been running. Suddenly, an equally hot and tyrannical aura came from the front.

Ling Tian, ​​who was rushing forward, was shocked, the power in his body turned, his hands quickly intertwined, and he formed the starting gesture of Qingcheng Love. However, just after posing the starting gesture, Ling Tian found that there was nothing in front of him.

The heart palpitations in his heart turned, Ling Tian's arm fell, and Qingcheng's love instantly turned into the sword of the primordial spirit.

A phantom formed in mid-air, and then violently collided with Ling Tian's Primordial Spirit Sword. The violent impact made Ling Tian's figure tremble, and the invisible and intangible power poured into his body. In a trance, it seemed that the soul was almost shaken out of the body.

At the same time, in the air, a half-empty, half-truth figure appeared, but it was a monkey-like monster. After the monster appeared, it smashed its body towards the back.

"Be careful, that's a fire monkey..."

Behind, the cry of the seventh prince sounded.

"Come with me, help..."

Immediately after the shouting, the seventh prince sounded a righteous and awe-inspiring voice.

Ling Tian's cheeks twitched violently when he heard the voice. It was the first time that Ling Tian was so depressed for the four copies. Obviously, the battle itself had nothing to do with him, but he was now the main target of the old man's attack.

The seventh prince who was originally chased and killed seemed to have become a third party who drew his sword to help him.

In fact, without the Seventh Prince, perhaps he has already escaped from the jungle.

Resisting the urge to slap the Seventh Prince to death with a backhand slap regardless of the old man and the ghosts around him, Ling Tian's mind retreated, and the power of the Primordial Spirit Sword quickly returned to himself, and then, the scorching aura of Love in the City began to spread within his body. .

In the next second, Ling Tian's figure rushed forward more quickly.

In this jungle, as well as the Seventh Prince, and the old man blocking the way, he didn't want to pay attention to it.

It's the same sentence, when there is no certainty of victory, and there is no benefit to be gained~www.readwn.com~ Ling Tian really can't bring up the energy to do it.

The dark coldness, the tyrannical heat...

One after another auras kept falling on Ling Tian, ​​each aura was extremely terrifying, any ordinary person would die in the blink of an eye, but Ling Tian just ignored them and let those auras fall, and then he was swayed by his body refining power and the love of the city. The scorching heat of the double block, even if it can cause a little damage in the end, but it has little effect.

On the other hand, Ling Tian rushed towards the front on his own.

The jungle finally came to an end, vaguely, a light could be seen ahead. Ling Tian looked at the exit, but his mind was even more concentrated. He was on guard against the old man who was blocking the way.

There is no doubt that the old man really wanted to kill the seventh prince. Now that they are about to leave the jungle, the old man is afraid that he will take action.

With such thoughts in mind, Ling Tian rushed to the exit faster while taking precautions.

However, a strange thing happened. When Ling Tian rushed out of the jungle and stood on a field, the old man didn't even reveal the slightest trace.

"This gentleman..."

Afterwards, the seventh prince and his guards rushed out, and when they got outside, the seventh prince dismounted again and walked to Ling Tian and spoke politely.

Just for the courtesy of the seventh prince, Ling Tian didn't even want to reply a word, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Sir, in order to thank you for your life-saving grace, I have a book of fire control secrets that I can give to you..."

Seeing that Ling Tian didn't respond to his intentions at all, a chill flashed in the depths of the seventh prince's eyes, and instantly a trace of murderous intent emerged from the original polite intention to solicit, but this murderous intent was forcibly restrained before it took shape, and immediately, The Seventh Prince spoke politely again directly.

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