The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 202: The curtain is drawn

The fact that Ling Tian was used by the virtual shadow to resist the old man obviously greatly surprised those secret existences.

In this fox fake tiger power, those secret existences have presented Ling Tian with luck. Although these secret existences are much inferior to the old monks in Lan Nuo Temple, the luck given by each of them is also 20,000 yuan. up.

Facing this kind of gain, Ling Tian completely began to let go of himself, letting the phantom use his body to confuse the old man.

Under the power of the phantom, a trace of real fire tenaciously resisted the energy that the old man was constantly crushing.

It seems that some kind of invisible change was caused by excessive pressure. Ling Tian's true fire source trembled slightly, as if infinite vitality was born out of thin air.

After that kind of vitality was born, Ling Tian's True Fire was vaguely more tenacious, and it only took a little recovery time to produce an unquenchable stream of True Fire.

Facing this change of Ling Tian Zhenhuo, the old man's face suddenly showed a look of hesitation.

By this time, Ling Tian probably also saw that the reason why the old man kept using energy to crush his real fire was not to suppress him. In fact, with the strength of the old man, if he really wanted to deal with him. , probably don't need to rely on energy to continuously crush, and a direct slap can probably kill him.

The reason why the old man used his energy to slowly crush the real fire was not so much to say that he was crushing, but rather that he wanted to use Ling Tian's real fire to burn his energy.

Ling Tian thought more about Lan Nuo Temple. Originally, he couldn't enter the door, but when the monk who opened the door knew that he had real fire on him, he immediately brought him into Lan Nuo Temple.

Later, when Huo Ying was talking with the old monks, he even said that the old monks wanted real fire.

From this, it can be seen that true fire is extremely important for the extraordinary people of this era, or for those who seek immortality, and can even help them extend their lifespans.

At this moment, the old man is indeed burning energy with real fire, but the real fire Ling Tian has now is far from enough for the old man. Therefore, when he finds that Ling Tian's real fire has changed and can be continuously generated, the old man hesitated. up.

He kind of wanted to keep Ling Tian and get a real source of fire that could burn his energy for a long time.

Ling Tian saw the old man's thoughts, but his expression did not change in the slightest. At this time, he guessed the phantom's plan, but he did not want to intervene. Anyway, he had nothing to do with the old man, and the old man did not know Even if the phantom exists, he also wants to be detrimental to him.

In the body, the energy poured into by the phantom is constantly changing, and the state of Lingtian True Fire is constantly changed by the amount of energy input.

The virtual shadow is obviously a good player here. Finally, after a lot of hard work, no matter how tenacious the real fire is on the verge of being extinguished, the old man's energy seems to be completely extinguished in an instant. fire.

At this moment, the energy of the old man suddenly shrank back, and a deliberate force entangled towards Ling Tian.

Although this special power is also extremely mysterious, it feels far less violent than the energy that crushed Lingtian's true fire before, and its power is also much smaller. It seems to be purely a restraint rather than a killing force.

When this power appeared, Ling Tian only felt his body tremble slightly, and the power poured in by the phantom suddenly stiffened his whole body.

Ling Tian's heart froze, and then he forcibly restrained the urge to fight back, and the energy of the old man was immediately set on him.

Along with Ling Tian's quilt, the old man's face showed a proud and sinister smile, just like a hungry wolf caught a rabbit and planned to raise it and eat it slowly.

While showing this look, the old man completely relaxed his vigilance.

A force suddenly rose up behind Ling Tian, ​​and then penetrated towards the old man fiercely.

The energy was like an arrow, different from the warm energy that the old man wanted to capture Ling Tian alive. This energy was extremely sharp, obviously aimed at killing.

When this energy appeared, the old man's whole body started to fry instantly as if he was electrocuted. Ling Tian vaguely saw a strange light flashing in the eyes of the old man.

When the lightning flashes, the old man's whole person is more like a god, full of awe-inspiring sacred breath.

Ling Tian was a bystander, and he could even tell that the old man's breath was very similar to the statues enshrined in the temple behind him.

The old man is a god, a **** enshrined in this temple. Those old monks at Lan Nuo Temple are simply the Buddha enshrined in Lan Nuo Temple...

Ling Tian's heart trembled slightly, he had already guessed this at Lan Nuo Temple, but at this time, he felt the aura on the old man's body, and he really confirmed this matter.

At the same time, Ling Tian was finally certain about the phantom's behavior, that the phantom was hunting gods.

It's no wonder that the luck provided by these things is counted in ten thousand.

Ling Tian thought to himself, looking calmly at the phantom's fierce energy that had penetrated the old man, and then the phantom figure appeared, the whole person submerged into the old man's body, and the old man's energy was completely annihilated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go, the next place..."

With the disappearance of the old man's energy, the restraints on Ling Tian's body naturally dissipated, and the voice of the phantom sounded.

It is the name of a place and the location of a god.

This time, Ling Tian was willing to follow the goal stated by the virtual shadow.

The gods can provide much more luck than ordinary people.

Now the power Ling Tian possesses has reached an extraordinary state. The amount of luck needed for any kind of improvement is in the millions, and in the future, it will be tens of millions. If it is obtained by ordinary people, I am afraid that Ling Tian may not be able to change the world. enough.

The appearance of these gods, demons and ghosts just happened to give Ling Tian a new place to get his luck.

Time passed quickly as Ling Tian began to cooperate with the virtual shadow willingly. In the blink of an eye, several months passed, and the virtual shadow had already destroyed more than ten gods with the help of Ling Tian's hand.

And with ten gods being killed, Ling Tian's luck has also exceeded ten million.

By this time, even if Ling Tian could raise the fire control technique to Dacheng in one breath, it would be very possible, but Ling Tian did not rush to improve, but continued to follow the phantom to the next place.

This time, the place where the virtual shadow chose is Mount Tai.

Hearing the destination this time, Ling Tian was a little stunned, but then he smiled lightly and still chose to go on the road.

In the Central Plains, there are countless famous mountains and rivers. There are many mountains and rivers that are more majestic than Mount Tai, and there are definitely many mountains and rivers that are more famous than Mount Tai. Among them, there are more legends than Mount Tai, and there are also many mountains and rivers with stronger gods.

However, if the legend that is closest to mortals, Mount Tai is definitely second to none.

Legend has it that under Mount Tai is the passage to the underworld.

Legend has it that the Lord of Mount Tai is in charge of the level of life and death.

It is the boundary between life and death, and it is also the boundary between the human world and the underworld.

In another world, this legend may not be true, but in this world, Ling Tian believes that nine out of ten the legend is true.

Then, if the phantom kills the **** of Mount Tai, the consequences will be quite serious.

This way, although Ling Tian has never turned back, he has a general understanding of the consequences of the things he has done before. Lan Nuo Temple is now rampant with demons, just like the Lan Nuo Temple in a Chinese Ghost Story. No two.

Other temples, Buddhist temples, Taoist temples, etc., all the places where the gods who were beheaded by the phantoms are now forbidden places where demons and ghosts are rampant, the Jedi.

And with the appearance of those forbidden places and Jedi, the surrounding areas have also changed.

The original prosperity has long since disappeared, as has peace and tranquility. The barren, ruined, and slaughtered world began to replace the original world.

Under this circumstance, Ling Tian really couldn't imagine what it would be like if there was a problem in Mount Tai, where the legendary passage to the underworld was located.

In the mountains, Ling Tian walked slowly. Around, the wind blew through the woods and brought the pine waves to burst, creating a leisurely scene. However, Ling Tian's face slowly showed a solemn look while walking.

This piece of forest seems normal, but Ling Tian was originally a reincarnated person, and the information explosion in the first life gave Ling Tian too much power of observation beyond the people of this world.

Therefore, even if the gods and demons may not find the problem, Ling Tian can see the problem.

The scene of this place seems normal, but it is too neat and similar.

It feels like this scene is constantly copying and pasting on a computer.

In a word, Ling Tian had at least two or four hours from before to now, the surrounding scene seemed to have changed, but it was essentially the same.

Such a scene is obviously from a deliberate arrangement.

Mount Tai...

This is really a place that cannot be passive. The gods of this world, even if they are unable to protect themselves, will not let people touch Mount Tai.

Ling Tian thought to himself.

Immediately, he shook his head secretly, the gods of this world, he has watched too much with phantoms these days, they are definitely not the legendary gods and Buddhas he heard in the first life, they are just some with greed and so on. strong presence.

They do not have the kindness and kindness of the gods and Buddhas in the legend of Lingtian's first generation. The purpose of their existence is to become stronger and to be able to pursue eternity.

Therefore, when they sensed Ling Tian's real fire, they would **** it without hesitation. During this process, if Ling Tian had any intention of resisting, they would even suppress it forcefully.

How could such a group of gods care about the impact of the death of Mount Tai's **** on the world?

How could there be a place for human beings in the hearts of these so-called gods?

On the mountain road, the breeze was gentle, the pines burst into waves, and in the extremely peaceful weather, on the mountain road with the most beautiful scenery, a figure slowly appeared in front of the road where Ling Tian was, and slowly greeted Ling Tian.

This figure looks ordinary, and there is no breath on his body.

However, as the figure began to approach, the mad alarm sounded in Ling Tian's heart.

Heart palpitations, crazy heart palpitations, heart palpitations beyond the limit.

The palpitations had turned into some kind of fear that made Ling Tian's body stiff.

This oncoming guy is more terrifying than any gods Ling Tian has encountered before, and his strength is afraid that even a phantom cannot resist.

"Borrowing a knife to kill people, confuse them with a puppet, and then take advantage of those gods who are caught off guard, make a plan, make a plan... The Seventh Prince is really brave enough to be willing to use you like this..."

The figure gradually got closer, and looked at Ling Tian with cold eyes and slowly opened his mouth.

Undoubtedly, this figure saw the existence of a phantom.

The phantoms that were able to make the many gods who were unaware before could not hide the eyes of this figure in the slightest, and were actually seen through at a glance.

"It's a pity, after today, the seventh prince will lose you..."

Still speaking indifferently, the figure stopped at a distance of dozens of meters from Ling Tian, ​​and a trace of invisible power began to sweep. The surrounding, mountain roads, jungles, breeze, white clouds... everything began to twist.

Without any breath or movement, just a glance, the whole world began to change.

This figure is indeed terrifying to the extreme.

Ling Tian's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly opened the data panel in secret.

There is no doubt that this journey of obtaining air luck with the help of phantoms has now ended. Next, if Ling Tian does not raise his strength in this battle, he is afraid that he will die if he is affected by a little bit of strength.

"The courage of the Seventh Prince is naturally beyond your imagination, and you think that you have decided on me now, don't you think that you will end up in Laoshan after all..."

A phantom floated out from behind Ling Tian.

Being seen through by the figure on the opposite side, the phantom had no plans to hide it at all. He proudly floated in the void, looking coldly at the figure standing not far away.

Following Xu Ying's words, Ling Tian's heart froze slightly.


In Liaozhai there is an article by a Taoist priest from Laoshan Mountain, and the magic that appeared in it was just a wall-piercing technique. Then, there was a scene where a Taoist priest from Laoshan Mountain summoned Chang'e to dance.

Normally, in a world like Liaozhai, the highest realm that appears is an immortal, so calling Chang'e seems like a joke.

However, looking at the figure not far away at this time, Ling Tian only felt a chill in his heart.

According to the status of God and Buddha in this world, Chang'e may not be the wife of Hou Yi, or the wife of the descendant of the nine suns. I am afraid that this Laoshan Taoist summoned is really the Chang'e of this world.

Regardless of whether this Chang'e is the legendary Chang'e in Lingtian's first generation, she is obviously not an ordinary demon or an ordinary yin god, but a fairy who lives in the Moon Palace.

What kind of existence should be an existence that can summon a fairy to dance?

"Since you have descended from Laoshan, do you think you will die again..."

The cold voice continued to spit out of the phantom's mouth.

With the exit of this sentence, the originally distorted world was suddenly poured into by another force. In the blink of an eye, the whole world began to change. The distorted world, the normal world that seemed to be set by people, all disappeared. .

A world of nothingness, which was dark but could clearly see things, appeared. However, with the emergence of this world, apart from the phantom, the figure descending from Laoshan Mountain, and Ling Tian, ​​there were nearly a hundred more beings in this world.

: . :

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