The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 214: Nie Xiaoqian's last hope

"Sure enough, he can't escape now..."

Following the words of the young man in the air, on the ground, the head of the wolf demon sneered.

"I heard that the four great masters in the south of the Yangtze River, the king of Zhao Qian, the first of the Zhao family, the latter rising from the Qian family, the third son of Qian is indeed worthy of being the first among the rising stars. My clansmen, think about our family, if you can help With the third son of Qian, our family can get enough food, and we don't need to endure the cold and hunger in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month..."

The loud voice of the head of the wolf demon sounded.

The Sirius family sounds noble, but in reality they are just a savage tribe.

For food, for supplies, these savage tribes can do everything.

A demon, perhaps to ordinary people, it can fly in the sky and have all kinds of strange powers, but, in essence, a demon is just a kind of life, and it also needs food and supplies.

Although they can endure extreme cold, they also dislike extreme cold, and hunger in the extreme cold will kill them.

For thousands of years, they have been fighting with the Central Plains Dynasty, not because of their instinct to kill, but to live.

Of course, because they stayed in the dangerous environment for too long, their dispositions were also slightly distorted. They would be the most generous and generous people, and they would take out all of their hospitality to entertain guests from afar.

However, at the same time, they are also the most ruthless and ferocious hunters. When they find any weak tribe or even the city at the border between the Central Plains and the grasslands, they will pounce on them, take a bite, and then drag them all back to their lair.

However, no matter how their minds change, they are the most greedy seekers and the craziest laborers when it comes to food and supplies.

And their labor is mostly labor at the cost of their lives, because they will, except for the worthless grazing in this era, there is only killing.

For food and supplies, they can go crazy to loot, fight with the border guards of the Central Plains Dynasty, and fight with other tribes on the grassland. Similarly, for food and supplies, they will also accept any form of employment.

Of course, this kind of employment is not between countries. If the Central Plains Dynasty wants to hire them, and the purpose is to let them deal with other tribes on the grassland, maybe they will consider it.

But now, the purpose is just one person, a **** who has not yet been born, so there is nothing to consider, in order to obtain supplies, they will fight to the death to the last person.


A crazy roar sounded.

The contract engraved by the four major families with the family seal has been sent back to the grassland, trade will be carried out, and the Sirius will no longer lack any supplies.

Under this circumstance, none of the Heavenly Wolf clan monsters here would flinch.

A wild wolf with a huge body, fast movements, and a dark and demonic aura all over his body began to rush towards Ling Tian frantically.

A terrifying force shook.

Each of these wild wolves is a wolf demon of the Sky Wolf clan, and each has a power that is far beyond the reach of ordinary mortal warriors.

Ling Tian's ultimate yang attribute spreads out. Although each attack can severely damage these wolf monsters, because more power is contained by Nie Xiaoqian, they cannot easily kill these wolf monsters.

And with the attack of the wolf demon, Ling Tian's power was consumed crazily.

Around, the masters of the four major families looked at the battlefield coldly.

Third Young Master Qian showed a particularly proud look on his face.

The grandson of Zhao Qian, the four major families, dominate the south, but there are also small battles within. Originally, the Zhao family was the first-class existence. However, the Qian family itself was second only to the Zhao family, and the third son of Qian was also known as the younger generation. Rising star first.

Under this kind of public opinion, Third Young Master Qian always had the ambition to lead the Qian family to become the number one of the four major families.

Because of this ambition, Third Young Master Qian always demands himself with extremely high standards, but, in the eyes of Third Young Master Qian, anything done with high standards in the past is definitely not comparable to this one.

Get in touch with the northern Sirius clan and reach an agreement, so that materials from the south can be smuggled into the grasslands in exchange for a steady stream of profits.

In this way, he made the Heavenly Wolf Clan a card in his hand, replacing the masters of the four major families to fight against Ling Tian who was guarding Nie Xiaoqian, thus ensuring that the four major families would win the new **** at the least cost.

After this is done, his status in the hearts of the four major families will definitely be greatly improved.

And because of the importance of the new **** to the four major families, after this incident, the entire Qian family will go further because of his relationship, and truly set foot on the first-class position of the four major families.

Below, the wolf demon's attack finally broke through Ling Tian's defense, and a dark claw landed on Ling Tian's chest.

With the black demon qi being burned by the real fire phantom, the entire front paw of the wolf demon dissipated directly, but at the same time Ling Tian also spit out a mouthful of blood.

The power of supreme yang does have great restraint on demons, ghosts, and monsters, but in the same way, water can put out a fire, and fire can also evaporate water.

Ling Tian had already consumed a lot of power at this time, but it was difficult to completely annihilate the demonic power that the wolf demon poured into his chest.

"Prepare to start, directly catalyze the birth of a new god, and then extract the source of god..."

In the middle of the air, Third Young Master Qian spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the masters of the four major families around him were stunned for a moment, some objections appeared on their faces subconsciously, and they opened their mouths to object.

Catalyzing new gods and extracting the source of gods is not an easy task. Of course, the four major families have extracted some, but every time there are the real elites of the four major families, the hole cards in the hole cards, and the last barrier to do it of these things.

Moreover, the gods drawn before are far inferior to this new **** who is now attached to Nie Xiaoqian.

Now, Third Young Master Qian actually said that they would do it, and their first reaction was that they were not confident.

However, soon, those who wanted to speak opened their mouths but did not make any sound, and even the expressions of opposition on their faces turned into greed, eager to try such expressions.

Extracting the source of God...

Why did the Four Great Families do this? Although those trump cards are loyal to the Four Great Families, but after all, they are killing gods, so why would they do it without hesitation?

Not because of the irresistible benefits of doing so.

The source of God itself can create gods, and even if you don't get the opportunity to use the source of gods to become gods, you can get the power of gods as long as you have the opportunity to contact them.

In the past, the power of such gods could only be obtained by the real trump cards of the four major families.

But now, if you do as Qian Sangongzi said, then everyone here will have the opportunity to obtain the power of gods.

And once they get this power, each of them has the qualification to become a real trump card.

Human nature is inherently greedy, and at this moment, greed is born in everyone here.

Third Young Master Qian showed a faint smile when he looked at the expressions of the people around him. Naturally, he was not impulsive and reckless.

In fact, for the principals of the four major families, the only thing that matters is the source of the gods. As long as the source of the gods is obtained, it doesn't matter who the power of the gods belongs to.

It's just that, in the past, each of the real trump cards had their own masters. Now, Third Young Master Qian just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to create a group of real trump cards that belonged to him.

The four major families, the four leaders, at most he would offend these four people.

In addition, if the head of the four major families can obtain the source of God, how can they blame him.

Since he helped the Four Great Clan and the Heavenly Wolf Clan to negotiate an agreement, the heads of the Four Great Families have collectively started to support him. As long as he does not make a principled mistake, probably, the four old guys will support him. of.

"Don't say that you didn't bring a new **** catalyzing the formation device..."

Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, Young Master Qian said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

His words are naturally a joke. Since the four major families want to steal the gods, then naturally each of the four major families has magical tools and treasures that can catalyze, extract, etc. for the gods.

Although the masters of the four major families in Guobei County at this time are not the strongest members of the four major families, they are also neatly brought with them.

"Listen to the third son..."

"Wai's family..."


There was a sound of reconciliation, and immediately, the people of the four major families dispersed, and each item was taken out.

Human nature is inherently greedy. At this moment, the greed of these people is stimulated by the third son of Qian. Moreover, no matter what the final result of this matter is, the third son of Qian is in the front, where can these people hesitate.

Objects fell to the ground, and the strange aura began to spread.

Between this world, purer vitality began to surge, and it seemed that in an instant, this world had a feeling of returning to the original.

Sitting cross-legged, while maintaining the balance of yin and yang in Nie Xiaoqian's body, Ling Tian's expression changed slightly while resisting the Heavenly Wolf clan. Although he did not know what the objects dropped by the masters of the four major families were, he could feel the aura in Nie Xiaoqian's body. The change.

The extremely negative attribute that had been suppressed before seemed to be re-boiling at this moment.

The re-boiling power became even more frantic and active. Ling Tian resisted the Heavenly Wolf Clan while continuing to suppress and extract it. He realized that Nie Xiaoqian's power had been slammed into his body by a strong yin force.

The power of Zhiyang fluctuated slightly, almost out of balance. When Ling Tian increased the power of Zhiyang, he was attacked by the wolf demon of the Heavenly Wolf clan.

A demonic energy swept through, extremely yin, extreme yang, and the demonic energy collided fiercely in Ling Tian's body. The huge force exploded a blood hole in Ling Tian's chest, and the blood instantly dyed half of Ling Tian's body red.

"You, hurry up..."

At the same time, the extreme yin power in Nie Xiaoqian's body suddenly stagnated.

The extreme yin attribute power that was originally confronted with Ling Tian's input of the past extreme yang power suddenly dissipated.

Ling Tian's complexion changed again. Compared with the previous collision of three forces in his body, a blood hole exploded in his chest, a more ugly complexion appeared.

Since Nie Xiaoqian can temporarily suppress the extreme yin attribute power in the body at this moment, it means that what he has done before has already achieved results. If, if there was no collision just now, and no sudden action from the four major families, then maybe soon. Nie Xiaoqian can completely suppress the power of the extreme yin attribute for the time being.

At that time, Ling Tian will naturally be able to let go and do his best to deal with the wolf demon and the four major families.

In this process, Nie Xiaoqian can guarantee no worries.

But now, although Nie Xiaoqian seems to be suppressing the power of the extreme yin attribute, the situation is already extremely bad. At this time, Nie Xiaoqian's words are not pleasing, as if returning to the light.

She temporarily suppressed the extreme yin attribute, but it was the suppression of her life. At this time, the extreme yin attribute power was like a temporarily hidden volcano, which was already on the verge of eruption.

And once it erupted this time, Nie Xiaoqian would disappear completely.

All efforts have failed.

After the four worlds came down, it was the first time that Ling Tian failed, and the feeling of powerlessness swarmed from the bottom of his heart.

On the side, the wolf demon's attack fell again.

Ling Tian's arm greeted him, unconsciously, with all his strength, the terrifying force fell, grabbing the arm of the wolf demon and slamming it up, the sun broke out, and the wolf demon's body was burned before it fell to the ground. became ashes.

"Do it..."

Outside, Third Young Master Qian's voice followed.

At this time, Third Young Master Qian also saw Nie Xiaoqian's situation.

A new **** is about to be born.

Perhaps, as long as they wait a little longer, a new **** will be born completely. At that time, they will naturally be able to extract the source of god.

But Third Young Master Qian obviously did not intend to wait at all. He wanted to take the initiative to catalyze the new god, and then directly extract the source of god.

"Do you believe me..."

Ling Tian ignored Third Young Master Qian and the masters of the four major families, and also ignored the wolf demon who was slightly shocked by his real fire. He looked at Nie Xiaoqian and said slowly.

It was obviously impossible to help Nie Xiaoqian become a god.

The new **** is about to be born, Nie Xiaoqian's body is already full of extreme yin power at this time, no matter how invincible Ling Tianzhiyang is, it is impossible to suppress the extreme yin power in Nie Xiaoqian's body again under this circumstance, let alone Restore the balance of yin and yang.

However, even though she can't become a god, it doesn't mean that Nie Xiaoqian will disappear.

According to the original work, Nie Xiaoqian reincarnated several times, removing the human form, and even having a ghost form, and even, the ghost form is far more than the human form.

Ling Tian's knowledge of the soul is not extensive, but his power is strong enough. The sword of the primordial spirit can be said to be a first-class soul-killing power in this world of ghosts and gods, and he had previously realized Nie Xiaoqian's extreme yin power. , Although Ling Tian had never understood the power of yin and yang balance, he had also understood the power of yin attributes.

Originally, Nie Xiaoqian was a person, and Ling Tian really couldn't teach Nie Xiaoqian these things. After all, what Nie Xiaoqian lacked was the yang attribute power, but if Nie Xiaoqian became a ghost, then this power could be used by Nie Xiaoqian immediately.

However, when the new **** appeared, Nie Xiaoqian's own consciousness would also disappear. Therefore, Nie Xiaoqian's soul might have been infected by the new god. Ling Tian didn't know if Nie Xiaoqian died, his soul would immediately become the new god. part.



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