The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 216: The possibility of man replacing God

The positive and negative are born, this is the principle, and it is also the secret of Sunflower's martial arts.

Although Ling Tian didn't rely too much on Sunflower after Xiaoao, in fact, his current martial arts and Sunflower are still in the same line by coincidence.

To the sun.

However, Ling Tian's extreme yang has reached the point where it will not damage the yin, so naturally there will be no extremes of sunflowers. The extreme yang turns to yin, which is still the kind of extreme yin, and even the cultivator himself has been completely transformed. Negative.

However, this does not mean that Ling Tian does not need Yin.

In fact, the balance of yin and yang and the coordination of the five elements should be Ling Tian's greatest pursuit right now.

As for the longevity formula, Ji Zinei said, even a series of martial arts magic, such as destroying the demon body of the world, moving the heavens, etc., all contain the four characters of yin and yang and the five elements.

In this world, it is now called the Fire Control Art. The magic art that can generate real fire, which I didn't know what it was called before, gave Ling Tian the foundation to go further, the real fire.

Yin-yang and the five elements are created by true fire to the ultimate yang, and the balance of yin and yang of the human body enables the power of the yang attribute in the five elements of yin and yang to be exerted.

This gave Ling Tian the qualification to set foot in this world with first-class strength.

But this is not the culmination. The reason why Lingtian's real fire belongs to Yang, not fire, is not because real fire cannot become the fire of the five elements, but once it becomes the fire of the five elements, then Ling Tian's yin and yang and five elements will immediately become unbalanced. .

The appearance of Nie Xiaoqian gave Ling Tian the opportunity to acquire the Yin attribute.

This is actually one of the reasons why Ling Tian stayed by Nie Xiaoqian's side. Of course, the current Ling Tian has already passed the initial period when a little bit of strength can be crazy.

Therefore, if the price of acquiring this power was Nie Xiaoqian's life, Ling Tian would probably not accept it.

And now, Ling Tian has obtained the power of Yin attribute from Nie Xiaoqian, making this power slowly integrate into his martial arts. Naturally, for Nie Xiaoqian, who gave him the power of Yin attribute, he is even more reluctant to die.

After the figure was passed, the power of the formation arranged by the four major families has swept over.

The virtual fire generated by the real fire suddenly exploded on Ling Tian's body surface, and then spread overwhelmingly, turning into a sea of ​​fire to meet the power of the formation.

The flames, the power of the formation, were soon intertwined.

"Brothers of the Sirius Clan, please help stop this court's lackey..."

In the distance, Third Young Master Qian looked at Ling Tian coldly. When the two forces crossed, the young man roared at the wolf demon again.

The formation itself was used to target the new gods. Third Young Master Qian obviously did not think Ling Tian could compete. Once the formation began to suppress, then the next step would be to deprive Nie Xiaoqian of the power of the new gods.

At this time, what the third son of Qian needs most is time.

Ling Tian needs to be delayed during this time.

Depriving the power of the new **** is very fast, but it will take a while for him to completely control this power.

This is also the reason why Third Young Master Qian cooperated with the wolf demon. He needed the help of the wolf demon to hold Ling Tian down.

However, in the next second, Third Young Master Qian's eyes suddenly widened.

The phantom fire generated by the real fire and the power of the formation are intertwined. The flame of the real fire is violently suppressed and shrunk, and it seems that it is about to go out, but in the blink of an eye, the flame begins to boil.

The scorching aura continued to rise, and soon, the power of the formation had been completely burned, and then the seemingly empty flames began to climb wildly.

At this time, the virtual fire of the real fire that Ling Tian unleashed was more than 30% stronger than before.

This terrifying rise made Third Young Master Qian tremble subconsciously.

Before, the situation of Ling Tian and Nie Xiaoqian was extremely bad, so at that time, Third Young Master Qian affirmed Ling Tian's strength and was confident that the wolf demon would be able to help him hold Ling Tian down.

But at this time, Ling Tian's strength made Young Master Qian's heart sink.

This kind of power is completely beyond what the wolf demon can hold back.

"Go all out to motivate the formation..."

His face changed suddenly, and Third Young Master Qian shouted loudly.

After all, this young man is also a rising star. He immediately saw that with Ling Tian's current strength, in fact, he didn't need to care about the power of the formation at all, and he could directly kill all of them.

Now, the reason why Ling Tian didn't immediately kill was because of Nie Xiaoqian's relationship.

The formations arranged by the four major families inside were too big a threat to Nie Xiaoqian, which made Ling Tian feel at a loss.

Therefore, when dealing with Ling Tian now, Nie Xiaoqian will be the biggest breakthrough.

As long as he can keep Nie Xiaoqian in danger, Ling Tian will continue to consume his strength to protect Nie Xiaoqian.

"You, you all deserve to die..."

Not far away, Ling Tian heard Qian Sangongzi's words, and a sneer appeared on his face. At this moment, the wolf demon happened to be surrounded, Ling Tian's figure turned, and he punched the wolf demon beside him.

The phantom of real fire wrapped Ling Tian's arm and made a whistling sound of wind.

The scorching heat of the real fire phantom was enough to directly burn the wolf demon into ashes. However, as Ling Tian's fist fell, the wolf demon he hit was suddenly smashed into pieces of flesh and blood.

The ferocious blood mist dissipated, and around Third Young Master Qian, the bodies of the masters of the four major families trembled.

Each of the masters of the four major families has a good reputation in the south, but because of their reputation, they are members of the four major families, so these so-called masters have actually not experienced fierce battles for a long time.

In the past ten years or even decades of their lives, even if they continued to fight for a few sticks of incense, it was already a big battle.

As for the bloody, broken limbs and broken arms, such a scene has basically never happened. After all, how solid the four major families control the South, if they, the masters of the four major families, still need to go through that kind of cruel battle, the four major families How can it be possible to firmly control the South.

With a slight tremor, the arrangement of the formation was slightly stagnant.

It is not a matter of saying a word to increase the power of the formation. It requires countless resources to be placed, and it requires the masters of each of the four major families to exhaust their energy.

And now, under the intimidation of Ling Tian's brutal methods, there is no other expert from the four major families who can completely calmly arrange the formation.

The real fire spread wildly just when the masters of the four major families were stagnant. Ling Tian Yuanshen wrapped the phantom of Nie Xiaoqian, and people had already rushed into the formation, and the terrifying power followed, mercilessly towards him. The masters of the four major families smashed over.

At the same time, Ling Tian's arm shook, and another violent force swept towards Third Young Master Qian.

Two kinds of attacks, whether it was the third son of Qian or the masters of the four major families avoided them.

Although they were also masters, facing Ling Tian at this time, they had no chance of resisting.

Ling Tian's speed was extremely fast. When he forced Young Master Qian and the masters of the four major families back, the rest of the wolf demons didn't have time to surround him.

The expression in his eyes moved slightly, Ling Tian's figure flickered again, and a man had appeared beside the source of God.

This source is condensed from Nie Xiaoqian's body, and it seems that it needs Nie Xiaoqian's soul to form. Ling Tian didn't intend to move, but now he has protected Nie Xiaoqian's soul with his primordial spirit.

By this time, Ling Tian could clearly feel that Nie Xiaoqian's breath had been completely stabilized in his Primordial Spirit power.

It doesn't take long to wake up completely.

And now, the formations of the four major families have also been broken, so it seems that they can try to make Nie Xiaoqian go further.

Ling Tian admired this woman very much, both in terms of personality and her relationship with him.

In this world, Ling Tian has another task of reshaping the Three Realms, so Ling Tian really hopes that Nie Xiaoqian can grow up.

If his reconstruction of the Three Realms requires the creation of Heaven and Earth, Ling Tian hopes that Nie Xiaoqian will be one of his goddesses.


Ling Tian stretched out his hand, just about to grasp the source of the god, when suddenly, a sharp cold light flashed across, Ling Tian's hand suddenly retracted.

The next second, a flame of nothingness burned, and vaguely, a phantom was forced away from the source of God.

The perception dissipated, and Ling Tian's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

There was an invisible enemy hiding beside him. Before, even if Ling Tian didn't deliberately perceive anything, his perception was activated, and he didn't realize that there was an invisible enemy hiding beside him. .

Even if this enemy had killing intent on him, he would be alarmed, but Ling Tian felt quite unhappy in letting a person hide by his side for so long.

Most importantly, if the enemy's target is not him, but Nie Xiaoqian, then, I'm afraid that Nie Xiaoqian is already dead and can't die anymore, and even his soul will be annihilated.

The perception spread, and then deepened, an air of emptiness was immediately captured by Ling Tian.

This breath is very strange, empty, but real, sacred, but with a strong demonic aura, it seems to be human, it seems to be a demon, and it seems to be a god.

Moreover, this breath has an indescribable majesty aura.

The breath of royalty...

Ling Tian's heart suddenly flashed the figure of the seventh prince. At this time, the aura of the person who was hiding not far away was similar to that of the seventh prince.

An existence with royal blood, a human, a god, and a demon...

Ling Tian's eyes showed a trace of light.

Although this combination is strange and it feels unlikely to appear, in this world, Ling Tian has seen too many impossibles, so he no longer doubts anything.

"Since it's here, why hide it like this..."

Ling Tian's thoughts moved slightly, and the real fire spread out, wrapping him and Nie Xiaoqian, and at the same time wrapping the source of God...

And not far from him, a phantom slowly appeared.

This is a woman wearing a mask.

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, her temperament and figure showed that she was definitely a peerless woman.

With the appearance of this woman, those wolf demons suddenly became crazy, and the few wolf demons who were rushing towards Ling Tian directly slammed themselves into Ling Tian as cannonballs. His anger had exploded, and it turned out that he directly attacked Ling Tian in the form of self-destruction.

If these wolf demons were not afraid of death before, then these wolf demons are directly seeking death at this time.

This woman is the controller of these wolf demons... No, it should be faith...

Ling Tian's arm swayed, and the phantoms of real fire dispersed, and the wolf demons that collided with him with self-destruction were immediately swept away by him.

Sovereign aura, aura of gods, demons, people, etc., who exactly is this woman...

Ling Tian looked at the woman.

"The four major families welcome the adults of the Sirius Clan to visit..."

Not far away, Young Master Qian's voice sounded, Ling Tian's eyes moved slightly.

The Sirius Tribe...

This title seems to have a little impression on him.

In the world of Liaozhai, there are many stories, many of which are unknown, but there are also many well-known stories that have been adapted into TV and movies.

As for the Tianlang clan, Ling Tian's memory has a lot of fame, because it appeared in the classic adaptation of Liaozhai's painted skins.

If Liao Zhai's changes in Ling Tian's life were to be ranked in order, probably A Chinese Ghost Story and Painted Skin would definitely be ranked in the top five or even the top three.

Painted skin, Sirius clan, Huo Xin...Princess...

Ling Tian's mind quickly flashed through the characters in the story "Painted Skin". Among them, there was a royal aura, but they were also women, demons, and people. It seemed that only the princess was involved with the Heavenly Wolf Clan.

In the original book, Huo Xin, who fell in love with General Bianguan, once exchanged his heart and the nine-tailed fox for beauty, but finally moved the princess of the nine-tailed fox.

Ling Tian couldn't remember exactly what the ending of this movie was. He only vaguely remembered that the princess' true love touched the nine-tailed fox at the end. Nine-tenths of the time, the latter helped the princess survive and restored the princess' appearance.

It's just that even if it's the finale of the movie, it's just a movie, it's So, in this world, there should be other content in this story, if the one in front of you is really a princess, then it must still happen something else.

The final result was that the princess gained the power of a demon, and even the power of a god. She also had some relationship with the Heavenly Wolf Clan and became the top of the Heavenly Wolf Clan.

Ling Tian thought quickly in his mind that Ling Tian could only be sure of these things, assuming that the princess was in front of him. For the rest, Ling Tian had no idea why the princess became a member of the Heavenly Wolf clan and why she came here.

However, it only needs to be determined that this woman is a princess, then what Ling Tian analyzed is enough.

If the princess can capture the power of the gods as a human, then Nie Xiaoqian can do the same. As for this, if it requires the power of a demon, Ling Tian does not recommend helping Nie Xiaoqian to catch a few demons to merge. You can't threaten. In this world, demons, like people, also have emotions, and there are many demons who are willing to die for the family and lovers they care about.

As for whether it was immoral or not, Ling Tian would not care.

"Are you a princess? The princess who fell in love with General Bianguan Huo Xin? For the so-called love and collusion with demons, the original loyal and brave general became the princess of a traitor who was spurned by everyone?"

Ling Tian looked at the woman and said coldly in a mocking tone.

His perception is highly condensed at this time, as long as the woman has the slightest abnormality, he can't hide it from his eyes.

This is also Ling Tian's best method of lie detection.

: . :

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