The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 231: Dahan's heritage

Bingzhou, Xihe Yanmen area, a big man with a halberd galloped quickly on his horse. In the distance, the soldiers guarding the gate of the military camp hurriedly moved away. The dust from the horse's hooves made the two soldiers feel quite embarrassed. None of the soldiers were angry, but looked at the direction where the big man rode his horse with worried expressions in their eyes.

"No, Big Brother Fengxian is going to go to Lord Inspector for the theory, and quickly find Big Brother Wei, Big Brother Hou, Big Brother Song, and Gao Shun..."

With worried eyes, one of the guards at the gate spoke hurriedly, and before he spoke, he turned and ran wildly outside.

"You guard the door, I'll find some big brothers..."

The hurried words fell, and the man had already rushed out all the way.

It turned out that the man with the halberd was Lu Bu. He was originally from Jiuyuan, Wuyuan County. , So, Lu Bu brought his own group of brothers to Ding Yuan's command and was arranged in the Yanmen area.

However, after arriving here, Ding Yuan did not let Lu Bu be a military officer, but instead gave him a civilian one.

Originally, clerical jobs were also clerical jobs. Anyway, most of the people under Lu Bu’s command came to join him spontaneously after hearing his reputation outside the invincible fortress.

However, recently, the grassland has changed, and more than 300,000 cavalrymen have moved south. Although according to the reports of the spies and the tribes that tended to be Han on the grassland, the target of 200,000 Khitans was the Hexi Corridor, not Bingzhou.

Ding Yuan didn't want to be too busy, so he simply contracted his troops. However, Lu Bu did not rub the sand in his eyes.

The reason why Lu Bu didn't go to trouble with the alien races on the grasslands was already considered a blessing by the heavens to those alien races. Now, those alien races dared to go south, which was undoubtedly a provocation for Lu Bu.

What made Lu Bu even more uncomfortable was that the Khitans had to pass by the gate of Bingzhou when they went to the Hexi Corridor.

The 200,000 Khitan iron riders are eaten by horses and chewed by horses. This journey is not as simple as borrowing a road.

Perhaps in the orthodox Three Kingdoms, and even later in this world, Lu Bu went to Luoyang, killed Ding Yuan, then Dong Zhuo, and then moved to the Central Plains, and his reputation would be extremely bad, but at this time, Lu Bu was not the later Lu Bu. .

Jiuyuan Lv Bu, who was outside Yangweisai, was frightened by the people of the grasslands and thought that he would be born again. Except for those officials and aristocratic families of the current dynasty, who were above the top, there was no one among the common people who disrespected or admired him.

And now Lu Bu is indeed a hero.

Ranger, in this era, is not a very good title. It can probably be regarded as a name for later generations of gangsters, gang members, etc. However, in the chaotic frontier, if there is such a gangster, or the gang leader can resist foreign enemies, and also The oppressed foreign enemies dare not offend the Chinese people at all. This is not a hero.

Before the war horse quickly arrived at the commanding tent of the military camp, Lu Bu reined in the horse with one hand.

Lu Bu was slightly taken aback, but his figure slipped away subconsciously.

The warhorse fell to the ground with a thud, and Lu Buler was already unable to breathe.

"what are you up to……"

The warhorse fell to the ground and died. Inside the handsome tent, Ding Yuan, who heard the movement and came out to check, happened to see it. His eyes showed anger and he couldn't help looking at Lu Bu and asked coldly.

"My lord, why don't you allow me to go on the expedition? Do you know what kind of tragic scene we will see after the 200,000 Khitan army passes..."

When Lu Bu heard Ding Yuan's words, his expression changed slightly. He seemed to think that he had done too much, but then he spoke loudly.

Yanmen went outside, but it was his hometown.

Although according to the inquiries, nine out of ten Khitan people will not invade Bingzhou, but will quickly go to the Hexi Corridor, but Lu Bu did not dare to gamble, because once the Khitan people leave Bingzhou, there is no doubt that those counties outside Yanmen All will suffer, including his hometown.

"You think this time is about the 200,000 cavalry of the Khitan people. You know how many aliens there are on the grasslands. You know, once we move, we will be taken advantage of by aliens, and what a terrifying scene will be waiting for us. …”

Ding Yuan looked at Lu Bu coldly, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"I asked you to be the master book, not really asking you to learn to read and write, but to allow you to gain an overall view from the many classics. You and I both came from poor and humble backgrounds, and it is more difficult than others to get ahead. If you don't have a big picture, don't you just want to be the captain in your life... If you want, I will appoint you to be the captain now, and then you can stay in this position freely and spend your time..."

After being disappointed, Ding Yuan even lowered his voice.

A guilty look appeared on Lu Bu's face.

He heard good intentions from Ding Yuan's words, but he still felt uncomfortable for some unknown reason.

Not only Ding Yuan's kindness might make his hometown disappear, but also the kindness itself, like the intuition of a beast, Lu Bu's subconscious seemed to resist such kindness a little.

"I, I don't dare to mess around, but there is my hometown outside Yanmen. Although my parents have died since I was a child, I have no relatives and no reason, and my wife and children have already brought Yanmen, but Lu Bu dare not sit back and watch my hometown. In the event of a disaster, please forgive the Governor, Lü Bu temporarily relinquished his position as the chief clerk, and used the identity of Jiuyuan Lv Bu to face the Khitan army..."

Lu Bu glanced at Ding Yuan, took a slight breath, and then spoke slowly.

He is a flying general outside the Great Wall, but he is not a barbarian. Ding Yuan's words are good words inside and out, and he can't say anything evil, but it is absolutely impossible for him to abandon his hometown.

Intervening in a salute, Lu Bu turned around and strode out of the barracks.

The halberd slanted across, and the war horse was dead, but Lu Bu never seemed to think about it too much. Even if he walked over with the halberd, he would keep walking outside the fortress.

"Fengxian, this old man has a mission and can't help you too much, but he can give you a horse. You must remember that if you can't do anything, you must take care of yourself. Only by living can there be hope of revenge... "

Ding Yuan's voice sounded, his palm patted, and behind him, a servant in blue clothes and a small hat came quickly leading a majestic warhorse.

"Thank you, Inspector..."

Lü Bu turned around, glanced at Ding Yuan, bowed again with a hint of gratitude, and then got on his horse and hurried away.

"Lu Bu... the flying general..."

At the entrance of the handsome tent, Ding Yuan looked at the direction where Lu Bu disappeared and said indifferently, then turned around and went back to the handsome tent.

After half a cup of tea, at the gate of the military camp, several fast horses approached quickly, and several men rolled over.

"Fengxian (eldest brother) didn't conflict with Lord Prefect, right..."

Several people looked at the soldiers standing at the gate of the barracks and asked hurriedly.

"Big brother Fengxian, big brother... went to the grassland alone..."

The soldier standing at the gate of the barracks said with a hint of weeping.

In their hearts, Lü Bu is indeed the strongest in the world, but no matter how strong a person is, how can one person form an army against 200,000 iron cavalry.

"Go find someone, Wei Xu, you are good at tracking, you go after Fengxian, and leave a mark along the way, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, Gao Shun... Go and gather people, remember, you can't find those who have joined the army, look for rangers, and follow They said that Feng Xian was going to go outside the Great Wall to fight with those aliens who went south, and it was up to them to choose whether they had eggs in their crotch..."

In the crowd, Zhang Liao's voice sounded.

This young man was no more than twenty at this time, but he was extremely calm when Wei Xu, Song Xian and others were all overwhelmed.

Soon enough people were allocated, Wei Xu and the others also dispersed, but Zhang Liao turned to look at a man behind him.

"Zhang Biao, go to my uncle and tell him that Ding Yuan may have also participated in this game, and then tell him that this game has been completely out of control, and whoever dares to go north will inevitably be slaughtered by aliens. The impact of this game must be prepared immediately, otherwise, the Central Plains will also follow the chaos...

In the year of famine, refugees are everywhere, and demons are rampant, and if you are not careful, the troubled times will start. You tell your uncle, if you save Lu Bu, this big man will have more life..."

A sharp look flashed through Zhang Liao's eyes.

Ding Yuan was indeed born from the grassroots, but the grassroots background did not make Ding Yuan want to help Lu Bu. Although Zhang Liao was young, he saw people very accurately. It was because of the grassroots background that Ding Yuan did not want to appear in the first place. Two like him.

In this era when even county magistrates need to be filial and honest, Ding Yuan thinks that it is enough to have someone like him who has gone from the grassroots to the prefect.

However, Lu Bu had all the advantages that Ding Yuan had, such as martial courage and heroism. Moreover, Lu Bu's martial courage and heroism were stronger than Ding Yuan's.

Under this circumstance, how could Ding Yuan tolerate Lu Bu?

"Master, you..."

Behind him, Zhang Biao looked at Zhang Liao with an embarrassed expression. At this time, no matter how Zhang Liao manipulated him, the number of people he could gather for Lu Bu would not exceed 2,000, and 2,000 versus 200,000 would be a joke.

"Do as I say, it's just an alien, a turkey, as long as it can kill its head, it will be decided by a battle..."

Zhang Liao glanced at Zhang Biao coldly, and immediately ran out on his horse. Under Lu Bu, no matter whether Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hou Cheng...or Zhang Liao, which one was not a local hero, which one did not have a large number of followers.

And among these followers, 80% would not mind rushing towards the aliens with them.

This is a big Han. One Han enemy and five hus are not just words, nor is it just relying on weapons and equipment. The martial arts of the Han people have been verified for four hundred years. Anyone who raises a knife will be afraid of aliens.

Yanmen, outside, the vast world, one person walks alone.

This is a burly man with a sword on his back, and his face is extremely gloomy.

"Teacher, will you come back..."

It seemed that the girl's voice could still be heard in his mind, but this man knew that he would not be able to go back, unless, in the future, when the prince was born, the emperor could still think of him.

His name is Wang Yue, the number one swordsman in the world.

The great swordsman of the palace.

It's just that these are all jokes in front of the word "aristocratic family".

Just because he had a little entanglement with the current princess, and even, he kept his identity in mind, kept a distance at all times, and even sent his own disciples to teach swordsmanship, but those noble families still couldn't let him go.

In one sentence, his swordsmanship had not been tested at all and he was expelled from the imperial capital.

Leaving the imperial capital, he originally wanted to go to the grasslands to hone his sword intent with the incomparably vast world, but when he arrived at Yanmen, he heard that the alien race was preparing to go south.

Also, 200,000 Khitan cavalry is about to arrive in Bingzhou.

With 200,000 yuan, he could kill more than one person with one sword.

However, if he only wanted to take the head of one person, then it would be five hundred thousand, so what was the use of one million.

The head of the head of the Khitan, he, has been decided.

Perhaps, this head can allow him to return to the palace again, because there is a worldly difference in his identity, and it is destined to miss this life, it is always good to be able to take a look from a distance.

With just one head, the head of the head of the Khitan, maybe he can become a palace swordsman again, and he can have another chance to see the woman who haunted him.

Stepping with both feet, although the speed is not as fast as a galloping horse, it is a peak skill that can preserve physical strength under the highest speed exercise. Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves sounded from behind, rushing, violent, and even with some kind of heart palpitating feeling.

This is a master...

Wang Yue turned to file a case, but he didn't stop. With his strength, he wouldn't stop when he met any master. It's not a matter of face, but it's not necessary because his sword is always at its peak. The state can be cut out at any time.

On the side, when the galloping horse was about to get behind him, it didn't stop at all, just gave in a little.

The man on the horse also felt Wang Yue's strength.

The one on this horse is Lu Bu.

Lv Bu, who was holding a halberd, and Wang Yue, who was carrying a sword, looked at each other as they quickly dismounted from one horse to the

Liaodong, no, to the east is not even Liaodong, but to the north, it has already passed the position of Liaodong.

Between the mountains, Ling Tian looked coldly at the surrounding tents.

This is where Tiele and Goguryeo are mixed. From here, the tribes of Goguryeo and Tiele can be found everywhere. However, Ling Tian was unfortunate enough to guess Kurke's mind. Children, only old people and slaves.

These people, like those of the Khitan people, were all abandoned or voluntarily abandoned.

"Captain, the shopkeeper asked Dian Wei to send someone..."

When Ling Tian's face was cold and gloomy, Han Dang quickly approached and opened his mouth. Behind Han Dang, was a dark, burly, tall... and ugly. He was a strong man like a gorilla. Carrying a middle-aged scribe.

"Dian Wei, I have seen the commander. Following the shopkeeper's instructions, I specially brought this guy named Jia Xu to the commander..."

The black and sturdy man threw the middle-aged scribe who was holding the middle-aged scribe on the ground, clasped his fists, looked at Ling Tian and said.

Dian Wei, Jia Xu...

Ling Tian looked at the black and strong man, and then looked at Jia Xu on the ground. He had a little admiration for Nie Xiaoqian again in his heart. Nine times out of ten, this woman expected that he would encounter difficulties, so she sent the poisoner.

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