Luoyang, Yuan Fu, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu sat side by side in front of Yuan Kui, and the expressions on the faces of the three were extremely ugly.

"This **** butcher actually wants to recruit Lu Bu, Ling Tian, ​​and Sun Jian to the capital..."

Yuan Shao had a fierce look in his eyes.

There are no so-called secrets in this world. He Jin asked his confidants to send letters to Lu Bu and the others, and the top families in Luoyang knew about it.

And everyone from a top-level family knows what it will be like once He Jin really recruits Lu Bu and the others.

First of all, He Jin's power will reach an unprecedented level. Even if he can't match Wang Mang who usurped the Han Dynasty, he will definitely be much bigger than Huo Guang, the first official in the Western Han Dynasty.

And at that time, all the aristocratic families in Luoyang will become fish on the chopping board.

"I wanted to use Butcher He to stabilize the situation, but now it doesn't seem like a good idea..."

Yuan Kui shook his head slightly and said.

Between the words, there was a faint edge in the old guy's eyes.

"Butcher He can't keep it. Next, think about how we can stabilize the situation in Luoyang after we get rid of Butcher He..."

The world's water sources are half depleted, and the whole world is in turmoil. Even if the Yuan family has no loyalty to the big man, at this time they absolutely don't want to see the big man fall apart.

At this time, Yuan Kui only wanted to be able to stabilize the big man, but with the Yuan family as the mainstay, he didn't even think about being Huo Guang.

However, Yuan Kui had absolutely no idea, but the Yuan brothers who were sitting in front of him had other thoughts in their hearts.

Ten days later, a call came from the palace. He Jin believed that the emperor was now his nephew, and the queen mother was his sister.

Immediately after that, the Yuan brothers swarmed in with the Xiyuan army, the **** fled with the young emperor and King Chenliu, and the majesty of the Han Dynasty that was re-established by Emperor Guangwu after Wang Mang usurped the throne was consumed by this incident. .

Of course, the consumption of royal majesty is an afterthought.

At this time, the **** who fled with the emperor and prince had already been blocked by the Yellow River.

In front there is Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Jingqi, and in the back there is the army of Yuan's brothers Xiyuan.

The two armies should both belong to the Han Dynasty, but at this time, neither the Yuan brothers nor Dong Zhuo took them seriously. They both belonged to the Han Dynasty. This is a joke. All are like tigers staring at the same prey.

Behind the Yuan brothers, Cao Mengde, who was not tall but had a mighty spirit, looked at the confrontation with a solemn face, and his eyes showed a look of incomparable grief.

In his life, his ambition is to be the general of the Han Dynasty to conquer the west, and to reproduce the grandeur of the thirty-six cavalry swept across the Western Regions.

But now, let alone sweeping the Western Regions, this big man seems to have disappeared.

"A certain, Dong Zhuo, has been ordered to **** the king, but no one in front hastened to get out of the way. Don't blame Dong Zhuo for being rude..."

As he rode his horse forward, Dong Zhuo roared loudly as he looked at the Yuan brothers.

Dong Zhuo was also recruited by He Jin, and this guy had the same thought as Ling Tian and the others. He didn't come immediately, but got stuck at the checkpoint.

At this time, he had already received the news of He Jin's death. At this time, the entire Luoyang was in chaos, and disorder was precisely the time when he had the most opportunity.

However, Dong Zhuo also saw that the Yuan brothers had similar thoughts.

As a man who had been defeated and fought repeatedly in the Yellow Turban Uprising and was able to steadily occupy Xiliang, Dong Zhuo's mind was much more useful than the impression he left on the world in later generations.

"The Eighth School of the West Garden, guarding Luoyang, Dong Zhuo, you are a frontier army, what qualifications do you have to go to Luoyang to escort..."

Yuan Shao looked at Dong Zhuo coldly.

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, the heroes of the three countries on this side have already appeared.

Yuan Shao naturally knew about Dong Zhuo.

Moreover, unlike others, who looked at the record, Dong Zhuo's performance in the Yellow Turban Uprising was extremely bad, but only Yuan Shao knew that Dong Zhuo had suffered repeated defeats and battles in the Central Plains, but in Xiliang, this original ranger had become the emperor of the land.

Such people are not easy to deal with.

On the edge of the Yellow River, the ten permanent attendants who had brought Liu Xie and Liu Bun earlier had already jumped into the river and died. At this time, the only eunuchs who were guarding the carriage were really weak and useless little eunuchs.

Liu Bian and Liu Xie hid in the carriage, their bodies trembling slightly.

"Brother Huang, don't be afraid, this, this is still a big man after all, you are the emperor, they are all your subjects..."

Liu Xie whispered to comfort Liu Bian.

It seemed that Liu Xie had more courage than Liu Bian.

However, listening to Liu Xie's words, Liu Bian glanced at Liu Xie with a naive look at a child.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, don't argue with these generals..."

With a trace of sadness in his eyes, Liu Bian spoke in a low voice.

Liu Hong had secretly chatted with Liu Bian before.

Originally, Liu Hong had already planned to make Liu Xie the emperor, but Liu Hong then figured out one thing, that is, if Liu Xie succeeded to the throne, Liu Xie's prestige could never be suppressed. The courtiers.

Most importantly, Liu Xie had no military support.

This big man is very heavy on martial arts, the emperor in history, if he doesn't have the support of force, he will never end well. Is Emperor Han Ling really fainted to that level? I'm afraid it may not be.

Most of the absurd things he has done over the years are because he has no power in his hands, so he only plays tricks.

He was basically supported by others. At first, he was almost like a puppet. But over the years, as he took an ordinary woman and then supported her brother as a general, he gradually gained the right to speak.

It's a pity that God didn't treat him very well. Just after a little improvement, the water sources in the world dried up again, followed by the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Finally, the Yellow Turban Uprising ended, and he fell down by himself.

In order not to let his son follow in his footsteps, Liu Hongcai passed the throne to Liu Bian, who was supported by He Jin.

This matter, Liu Zhan is clear, Liu Xie is not clear.

The principle that power comes out of the barrel of a gun is definitely an imperial trick in this era. Since Liu Hong is not going to make Liu Xie emperor, he will never tell Liu Xie, otherwise he wants Liu Xie's life.

Because of this, at this time, Liu Bian knew clearly whether his status as an emperor was useless, but Liu Xie didn't know.

Outside, Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo's roars sounded like thunder, and the troops behind them also began to stir slightly. The dull and dense footsteps moved, swords, spears, swords and halberds swung, and they were about to fight.

The two armies went to war, but they didn't know if they could still care about the emperor in the middle, or whether they would accidentally get hurt.

Liu Bian stretched out his hand to stop Liu Xie, and it was the worst. Even in the face of desperation, the two brothers could rely on each other.

There was a trace of disdain in Liu Xie's eyes for Liu Bian's reaction, but at this time, the war was about to start outside, and Liu Xie didn't dare to mess around, so he could only let Liu Bian hold him.

"General Fenwei, General Fenwu, General Zhennan, on the order of the General, come to Luoyang to listen to His Majesty's order... Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, before Your Majesty, do you want to rebel..."

At this moment, a low voice sounded from not far away.

A terrifying aura suddenly swept from afar.

With a halberd, a long spear, and a long knife falling, the three figures fell to the ground like meteors from mid-air, before the carriage, and turned into Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, and Sun Jian towards the carriage. Clap your fists and salute.

One more thing, after arriving at this time, Ling Tian realized that he had been misled by the film and television of later generations. In this era, kneeling is not as strict as the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Whether it is a civil official or a military general, you don't need to kneel when you meet the emperor.

Except for some important occasions, such as sacrificial sacrifices, where you need to kneel and worship, most of the time, when you meet the emperor, you just need to bow your hands and bow.

"Lu Bu..."

"Ling Tian..."

"Sun Jian..."

The expressions of Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo changed at the same time, both of them knew very well how powerful these three people were, and even more clearly how powerful forces were gathering around them.

Once these three stood on the emperor's side, I'm afraid that He Jin's resurrection would not be able to compete with the emperor.

"Bold, when did the three of you become generals..."

"Fake the big Han general, and the three of you can't find death..."

Yuan Shao's roar sounded, Dong Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and he immediately responded. If he can be the overlord of Xiliang, Dong Zhuo is definitely a smart person. As soon as Yuan Shao opened his mouth, he knew what he meant, and now, the dispute between him and Yuan Shao was obviously over. A piece of cake.

After all, he and Yuan Shao are only half a pound, and of the three that appear right now, none of them can be compared to Yuan Shao.

In this case, no matter how stupid Dong Zhuo is, he knows what choice to make.

"Your Majesty, this is a letter from the general to us. Originally, the three of us have been in contact with each other since the Yellow Turban rebellion. This time we received the letter from the general, and we immediately knew that something had changed in Luoyang, so we were safe. So we agreed to come together to deal with all the situation, but I would have thought that this would cause us to be one step late..."

In front of the carriage, Ling Tian slowly took out the letter written by He Jin and handed it to the carriage.

While passing it over, he looked at the little **** beside the carriage.

However, at this time, the little **** was frightened, how could he understand Ling Tian's meaning.

Not only the little eunuch, Liu Bian in the carriage was also thinking about the meaning of the arrival of the three of Ling Tian, ​​but for a while, no one paid any attention to Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​the three of you haven't retreated quickly, are you really going to rebel..."

In the distance, Yuan Shao stared at Ling Tian taking out He Jin's letter. If he hadn't estimated the strength of Ling Tian's trio, Yuan Shao would have wanted to immediately order the three to be executed.

"You little eyesight, why don't you hurry up and get the letter from the general to General Fenwei to the emperor..."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted at this moment, and Liu Xie scolded the little **** who was huddled beside the carriage.

These words finally woke the little **** up, he almost jumped up to greet Ling Tian.

Carefully taking the letter that Ling Tian took out, he quickly walked to the carriage and handed it in.

In the carriage, Liu Xie took the letter and handed it to Liu Bian.

Although the latter still had a lot of doubts in his heart, he subconsciously tore open the letter.

There is nothing wrong with this letter. When He Jin wrote this letter, he really hoped that the three of Ling Tian would come to help stabilize the current big man, so that he could take the position of the general and Liu Bian could take his place. Emperor's position.

At that time, He Jin only thought that if his nephew was the emperor, he could at least be Huo Guang before his nephew became an adult.

Yes, at that time, He Jin also had such a mind. He was born into a small family, and even bought pork. He Jin, who was a butcher, really had such ambitions. This is why Liu Hong chose He Jin to be a general.

"Three generals, everything, please three generals..."

Liu Bian looked at the familiar handwriting and thought that his uncle who escorted him was dead, and his tears suddenly fell. However, Liu Bian wiped away the tears carefully, and then opened the curtains and gave Ling Tian a slight salute.

"The last will not dare to be your majesty..."

"I would have to protect Your Majesty..."

"Sun Jian will swear to the death to protect His Majesty..."

Outside the carriage, the three of them spoke at the same time. Similar words, but immediately showed the characters of the three of them.

"Next, we all rely on three generals to protect the widow and return to the palace..."

Liu Bian glanced at the three of them gratefully, and then lowered the curtain of the car, and when the curtain was lowered, Liu Bian's eyes flickered slightly. How to use three people.

This is the emperor's ingenuity. Liu Hong learned it for decades, and then hurriedly taught Liu Bian before his death.

If it was a peaceful season, Liu Bian might at least be able to become a defending emperor with Liu Hong's teaching, but in this troubled world, Liu Bian never knew that all his thoughts were just a mirror image.

"The Bei'an iron cavalry obeys the order and escorts His Majesty back to the palace. Those who dare to block, kill..."

"Wolf Rider obeys the order and protects His Those who dare to offend His Majesty's majesty, kill..."

"Jiangdong's children obey the order, thoroughly investigate the journey, and make sure that His Majesty returns to the palace safely..."

The curtain of the car fell, and the voices of Ling Tian and the others followed.

Accompanied by the voices of the three people, the three voices were different, but they sounded like the sound of muffled thunder.

First, an elite iron cavalry rushed from a distance. The speed of this cavalry was extremely fast.

And following this cavalry is a chaotic looking, but it is full of tyranny, like a group of cavalry about to hunt wolves. This cavalry has no formation at all, but it gives people a very dangerous feeling.

In addition to this, as we headed towards Luoyang from the river, scattered infantry formations appeared from time to time along the way.

These infantrymen look fragmented, and it seems that they will collapse when they charge, but if you look closely, you can find that there is a strange connection between the seemingly scattered infantrymen. Whoever seriously attacks them will inevitably fall into a quagmire. Infantry group surrounded.

"Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao...just one question, now, do you listen to your majesty or not..."

On the back of the horse, Lu Bu looked at Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo coldly. Sen Han's eyes had a trace of murderous intent. There was no doubt that once Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo dared to say anything disrespectful, they would be greeted by Lu Bu's crazy attack.

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