The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 240: On the side of the Qing emperor, the crowd rises

In the palace, Ling Tian and the three guarded the carriage that Brother Liu Bian was sitting in and slowly entered.

Just after arriving in the palace, suddenly, Liu Xie's sharp child's voice came from the carriage.

The expressions of Ling Tian and the others changed, and their figures simultaneously drew a phantom and appeared beside the carriage.

"Brother Huang, Brother Huang, what's wrong with you..."

The voice of the crying child was extremely sharp, and Ling Tian and the others didn't care about the rules of separation between rulers and ministers, and quickly opened the curtain.

Inside the carriage, Liu Bian fell on Liu Xie's body with a pale face, and he seemed to have lost his breath.


Liu Bian died. He died under the **** of three of the world's top powerhouses.

The expressions of Ling Tian and the three were constantly changing, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"The magic of witchcraft..."

Of the three, Sun Jian had the best family background, even though he claimed to be a descendant of Sun Wu, but he did have a good inheritance Sun Jian squinted at Liu Bian's expression, and almost spit out a word through gritted teeth.

The magic of witchcraft is the most difficult to guard against, but if there is a birth date, a small object on someone else's body, plus nails, hair and other inconspicuous things can be silent and cause people to die unexpectedly.

It is not only these years that the great Han has grown up, but at the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the great Han was already extremely powerful.

He drove the Xiongnu tens of thousands of miles to the north. Emperor Wu of the Han loved horses, so he asked the huge empire that was thousands of miles away to donate horses. If he dared not to donate, he would be conquered by a large army. If you fight, you have to donate.

In fact, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the entire Han Dynasty was indeed a shining star, not inferior to the period of the Three Kingdoms.

Not only generals, civil servants, advisors, strange people and strange things are just as many as the crucian carp crossing the river, but, just like this, the witch-gu turmoil that broke out in the palace at the end of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is still an unsolvable disaster, so it can be seen that the witch How terrifying and weird is the Gu Rebellion.

"Who did it... how is this possible..."

Sun Jian sluggishly looked at the scene inside the carriage. In this big man, it was the terror of the Witch and Gu Rebellion. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the defense of the wealthy family against the Witch and Gu Rebellion had already reached the extreme, not to mention the royal family.

This is where the Living Note came into being.

The emperor, the prince, and even the concubines with status in the harem have special people to monitor every bit of daily life at any time, in order to guard against witchcraft.

In the era of Emperor Ling of Han, this kind of defense may not be as turbulent as it was at the beginning, but the daily life has been completely normalized. People used witchcraft.

"The problem is big... block Luoyang..."

Ling Tian stared blankly at the scene in the carriage, and then spoke loudly to Sun Jian and Lu Bu.

No matter who did it and how it did it, in a word, Liu Bian's death was definitely a big deal. Originally, Nie Xiaoqian's calculations were accurate. He and Lu Bu, plus Sun Jian, and the team they brought were absolutely enough. Stabilize Luoyang.

Pushing Liu Bian out to fight against the family, Nie Xiaoqian can be very independent whether he usurps the throne or not.

And now, Liu Bian was killed, and things were about to go to the worst.

It's just that the aristocratic families of this era shouldn't have the idea of ​​slaughtering monarchs in theory. The collapse of the big man is good for which family, no doubt, none of them.

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Central Plains was full of fishy smells. Although the family was not greatly affected, at that time the family had long since lost its lofty attitude towards foreigners.

What can be compared to now, the aristocratic family occupies the entire court, even the emperor, to hold the family to death is to suppress, and not dare to kill them all. As for the aliens, in the eyes of the family, is that a human being, obviously not.

To change the analogy of later generations, the head of a big chaebol in Europe and the United States is no more fragrant than the president of a small African country.

The troops dispersed, and the entire Luoyang was quickly controlled by the army of Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, and Sun Jian. However, not long before the army took control of Luoyang, Yuan Shao had quietly left Luoyang.

Earlier, in the abandoned palace of the imperial palace, underground, when a woman stabbed a silver needle into a rag doll to kill Liu Fan, the entire underground passageway was directly blocked.

The arrival of Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, and Sun Jian changed Dong Zhuo's bright line. However, it caused Liu Bian to die earlier and Liu Xie to ascend to the throne earlier.

When he supported Liu Xie, Ling Tian suddenly thought of the ordinary plot of helping Dong Zhuo in some novels in his previous life.

At that time, Ling Tian was just looking at it, and felt that the plots of those novels that said Liu Bian may not have been killed by Dong Zhuo, but probably killed by an aristocratic family, but now, Ling Tian felt that those plots were nine out of ten. Probably true.

If Dong Zhuo can really control Luoyang, no matter how stupid Dong Zhuo is, he doesn't seem to need to kill Liu Bian.

Even Dong Zhuo didn't need to do that thing.

Doing so would not benefit Dong Zhuo, who was in control of the government at that time, and would cause the world to oppose him, just like the three Ling Tian at this time.

When Liu Xie ascended the throne, this young boy still wanted to use some kind of imperial tricks on Ling Tian and the others, but soon, Liu Xie discovered that something was wrong.

The emperor's order has completely eliminated Luoyang.

In the West, Xiliang basically left Luoyang after Dong Zhuo left, but when Liu Pan died and Yuan Shao escaped, Yuan Shao was the first to shout the slogan of "the side of Qing Jun".

The reason given was that the three warriors of Ling Tian killed Liu Bian, murdered an old official like Yuan Kui, imprisoned Liu Xie, supported him as a puppet, and controlled the government.

Every reason is justifiable to leave people speechless.

And with Yuan Shao's reasons, the whole world really started to move. The Three Duke's Family was by no means just talking about it. Almost instantly, half of the world responded to Yuan Shao.

Soon, Yuan Shao had assembled a large army and was ready to attack Luoyang.

It seems that everything has returned to the original Three Kingdoms trajectory, but, unlike the original history, Youzhou, Bingzhou, plus most of Yizhou, and Jiangdong have not made any movement.

Although Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, and Sun Jian came to Luoyang with their main force, in their respective hometowns, the three of them left behind a strong enough force to stabilize the situation.

Needless to say, Nie Xiaoqian, relying on Lu Bu's prestige, Ding Yuan was already unable to suppress Lu Bu in Bingzhou, and Jiangdong, Sun Jian was more ruthless than anyone else. Taking advantage of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Sun Jian almost washed Jiangdong. After reading it again, Jiangdong at this time is basically the Sun family.

"If you want to restore peace to the big man, Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Sun Jian, and the aristocratic family must fall to the other side. Otherwise, there will be endless civil strife waiting for the big man. Tell me, what should I choose for the Xun family..."

Luoyang, Xun Shuang slowly opened his mouth as he watched his two favorite family members.

Xun's Eight Dragons, of course, is a big name, but Xun Shuang knows that Xun Yu and Xun You are the real horses of the Xun family. Their future achievements are absolutely unmatched by anyone in the Xun family. , At this time, facing the turbulent situation in the world, Xun Shuang will take the initiative to chat with Xun Yu and Xun You.

"Your Majesty died, Yuan Shao fled, Liu Xie ascended the throne, Yuan Shao figured out what's going on, the family, hehe..."

Xun Yu sneered.

There are no secrets in this world. In fact, no matter how secret they are, smart people can see it.

Yuan Kui's death, Liu Bian's death, Yuan Shaoqing's side, the world is in turmoil, there are too many things that can be related.

It's just that smart people see it through but don't say it. Therefore, Yuan Shao's uprising was met by countless people. However, Xun Yu was a smart person and a patriotic person. At this time, he couldn't help but speak.

"This big man is already rotten, and the damage to the family is not the first day. Why should my uncle be so sad and angry? As I see it, the chances of Ling Tian and the three of them winning are very good..."

Xun You laughed, and as soon as the words were out of his mouth, Xun Yu's angry eyes were immediately drawn.

Compared to Xun Yu, Xun You didn't have much loyalty to the big man. Relatively speaking, Xun You preferred Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, and Sun Jian. Although this young man was extremely smart, his personality was obviously much more free and easy than Xun Yu's.

No, in other words, Xun You valued pros and cons more than Xun Yu's illusory loyalty.

Xun Shuang glanced at the two teenagers indifferently. One was his nephew and the other was his grandchild. Although they had different personalities, he believed that the future of the Xun family lay on them.

"The two of you are not allowed to go out for the time being..."

An indifferent voice spit out from Xun Shuang's mouth.

Ling Tian and the three fought against the aristocratic family. No matter whether he wins or loses, this big man will not be able to calm down for a short time. The next time is the era of turbulent situation, and at that time, the real heroes will emerge.

As for now, Xun Shuang still knows the truth of the first bird with a gun.

"Who would be so stupid, what are you going to do at this time? Let me tell you, don't go to Yuan Shao stupidly, let alone go to Ling Tian's three..."

Yingchuan, the drunken young man looked at the serious, rather unsmiling man sitting across from him and spoke with a hint of alcohol.

"I'm in my thirties. If I don't come out and do something, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in this life..."

The unsmiling man looked at the drunk boy and shook his head helplessly.

"Next, is the real opportunity, this world... hehe, hahahaha..."

The drunk boy laughed, laughed, took a gulp of wine while laughing, the wine spread out on his face, stained the corners of his cheeks and eyes, and then rolled down the corners of his eyes.

Chaos, chaos, the empire of more than 400 years is about to collapse, and the peace of more than 200 years is gone. What should this land be called next?

No matter what advisors, military generals, or what is the turbulent era, unless it is a lunatic, who especially likes their country and hometown to become the past tense.

The wine jar rolled down, and the drunk boy finally fell asleep with water droplets in the corners of his eyes that he didn't know whether it was wine or tears, but the unsmiling man sighed slightly.

"Xiao Fengxiao, in the future, you will definitely stir up the storm, but you have a free and easy personality, and you are extremely proud of yourself. I am afraid that you will go to the person you like without any scruples because of your own preferences, but this is not the way to go... ...Since I am your eldest brother, I can't watch you mess around, so I will let the eldest brother use this word of affection to restrain you a little bit, and let the eldest brother be able to indulge in the time before his death..."

The unsmiling man stretched out his hand and gently helped the drunk boy straighten the hair on his forehead, and then lifted him up with difficulty.

As soon as he helped the boy up, the man was already coughing violently. For fear of disturbing the drunk boy, he quickly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and covered his mouth. His body couldn't help shaking for a while, and then the man finally held on.

Immediately, he dropped the handkerchief and helped the drunken boy out of the restaurant.

"Which **** dropped the blood-stained veil here..."

Soon after, there were complaints of dissatisfaction from the staff in the restaurant.

In Nanyang, the prefect's mansion, Yuan Shao looked coldly at a man sitting opposite him, this was a man whose hands were over his knees.

"Brother Gongsun and I would like to lead the soldiers of the entire Qingzhou to withstand the threats from Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Yizhou as a general... But, after all, Brother Gongsun and I have no name, so..."

The man with his knee-length hands slowly opened his mouth with a sincere smile on his face.

This smile is very sincere, and it is very easy to make people feel good, but at this time Yuan Shao just wanted to punch him.

Yuan Shao's escape from Luoyang was not a spur of the moment. He had already made a complete plan. In fact, Yuan Shao had some vague plans when dealing with He Jin. Therefore, the last time he left Luoyang, Yuan Shao brought a large number of soldiers with him. The decree of the seal.

What, you said that the imperial decree is fake and has no effect... You think too much, 90% of the world's noble families say it is true, when Liu Hong died, Liu Bian died again, and Liu Xie was killed by Ling Tian. With the support of the three warriors, this imperial edict could still be fake.

The reason why Yuan Shao responded with a hundred is of course the name of the fourth prince of the Yuan family. However, smart people can see that Yuan Kui's death is strange, and Liu Bian's death is also strange. In this case, Even if the face is given back to the Yuan family, it is impossible to fully support it.

The reason why he is fully supporting now is not because Yuan Shao has an imperial edict in his hand.

Except that it is not from the emperor, there is no difference in the imperial decree. It is useless for ordinary people to take it, but if a noble family takes it, it is true, and even if a real warlord like Gongsun Zan takes it, then they will immediately take it from The real and the nameless become the real.

"Qingzhou, the county governor of a state, just can't block Ling Tian and Lu Bu and their elite Youzhou, Bingzhou and Yizhou, hehe..."

Yuan Shao's face was ugly for a while, then he laughed.

Originally, Yuan Shao did look like an idiot in history, especially when he was fighting against Cao Cao. However, how could a idiot become a warlord at the end of the Han Dynasty as a son of a bitch, and he was still the strongest in the early stage.

The real Yuan Shao is not stupid, and he is actually not stupid when he raises troops at this time.

Strictly speaking, at this time, with a large number of false imperial edicts, he did indeed gather forces that could threaten Ling Tian's side.

"To block Youzhou, Yizhou, and Bingzhou, just the generals under Gongsun Zan are enough. I think, I will see Gongsun County Governor, Baima Yicong, Liu Taishou, General Zhang Fei outside Hulao Pass... …”

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