The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 255: Self martial arts

The world is changing, and the whole world is undergoing strange changes.

This is the reason for his recovery of strength.

When Ling Tian heard Lu Bu's words, he couldn't help but think of this year, but Ling Tian immediately dismissed the idea.

No, it's not like that.

Ling Tian's thoughts moved slightly, and the endless energy of heaven and earth gathered from all directions. At this time, his strength seemed to have recovered a lot, and he was even stronger than before.

So, the previous recovery had nothing to do with the sudden change in the world.

A strange look flashed in Ling Tian's eyes. He had an intuition. Perhaps, the matter related to the recovery of his strength was the reason for the sudden change in the world.

Thinking like this, Ling Tian looked at Lu Bu and the others again.

At this moment, the expressions of Lu Bu and the others were obviously solemn.

"We need to get back to Dahan as soon as possible..."

When Ling Tian looked over, Lu Bu spoke in a deep voice.

At this moment, this brave and unparalleled general had an extremely worried look in his eyes. He looked at Ling Tian.

"I don't know why, but I feel uneasy, big man, something might have happened..."

With a worried tone, Lu Bu said.

And following Lu Bu's words, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Taishi Ci and others nodded in agreement.

Obviously, these fierce generals had some kind of unpleasant feeling of heart palpitations because of the intuition of the warriors.

Ling Tian turned his head to look in the direction of the big man, and nodded vigorously without any hesitation.

"Dividing the troops, I, Fengxian, Yunchang, Zilong will go first, Ziyi and others will follow with the army and return to the big man as quickly as possible..."

Ling Tian said in a deep voice.

Although he didn't know what happened, Ling Tian was sure that something must have happened to the big man, and it was still a major event.

Before dawn, Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, and Guan Yu had already started to ride their horses towards the big man. The four of them were the most valiant military generals in the world, and they were also master equestrians. The darkness had little effect on them.

One person rode on horseback, and the horses did not stop. In a few days, the four of them had crossed most of the grasslands and entered the northern grasslands, which were opposite to the Central Plains.

At this time, Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, was already full of war.

The mighty army surrounded the entire Luoyang, and countless fierce generals swarmed up. It could be seen that Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Wang Yue, Huang Zhong and so on were all among them.

Fortunately, at this time, the eyes of these fierce generals were extremely dull, and they didn't seem to have their own sanity. Therefore, even though they still had terrifying power, they never showed their true combat power.

At the head of Luoyang City, a young and strong boy held a long spear the thickness of a goose egg and desperately blocked these many fierce generals.

Once again, repelling the attacks of those fierce generals, the boy gasped heavily.

Behind the boy, a young man in brocade with a fierce face, also holding a big gun, strode up.

"Bo Fu, take a break, I'll block the meeting first, I'm afraid this battle will last a long time..."

The young man in brocade looked at the young men who had just blocked Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Wang Yue, and Huang Zhong, and said in a deep voice.

Luoyang had already been besieged. At this time, the south had already been captured earlier, while the north, excluding Bingzhou and Youzhou, had already occupied most of Yizhou, and it could be said that most of the world had already been captured.

Originally, the person who won most of the world was Liu Xie, who was the son of today, and the people in Luoyang City themselves would not be very resistant.

However, after confronting those fierce generals on the battlefield, all the generals in Luoyang City and even the civil servants saw one thing, those fierce generals who attacked Luoyang no longer have their own sanity.

Under this circumstance, even if the person outside Luoyang City is Liu Xie, absolutely no one in Luoyang City has ever thought of surrendering.

"Lao Meng will start next..."

Sun Ce turned around and looked at Ma Chao who was walking behind him. During this period of time he fought against Liu Xie, and Sun Ce and Ma Chao became close friends.

It is precisely because of the strong rise of Sun Ce and Ma Chao that Luoyang City has not been captured by Liu Xie.

These two are considered age, they are a bit younger than Lu Bu, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, etc., and even younger than Huang Zhong, however, the strength of these two people is already comparable to that of many fierce generals outside Luoyang City. Not bad at all.

In the case of those fierce generals who had no sense and would only be sluggish to fight, Sun Ce and Ma Chao were able to directly suppress the many fierce generals outside Luoyang City.

"Ms. Nie sent a letter through a secret channel, and at the same time asked the caravan to send a batch of fierce kerosene. If you really can't stop Liu Xie's people, you can light the fierce kerosene outside Luoyang City to resist for a while..."

Ma Chao walked to Sun Ce's side and slowly opened his mouth to look at the retreating army outside the city.

At this time, the army outside Luoyang City was densely packed like ants out of their nests, probably no less than 300,000 to 400,000.

This number of troops can completely encircle Luoyang on all sides. However, Liu Xie has only attacked one city gate from beginning to end. There is no doubt that Liu Xie is giving the defenders in Luoyang a chance to escape.

However, both Sun Ce and Ma Chao knew that they couldn't escape.

The land of Luoyang, Bingzhou, Youzhou, plus Liangzhou in the northwest, which is not counted, is probably the only place where a big man can go deep.

If Luoyang is abandoned, then Liu Xie's army will be able to take Luoyang as the center, and cut Liangzhou and Guanzhong to the north from Youzhou, Bingzhou and other places.

Although Liu Xie's generals are not wise, Liu Xie's own strategy is extremely strong.

Once Youzhou, Bingzhou and Guanzhong and Liangzhou are disconnected, then either side will be easily cleaned up.

"You said, if we join forces, will we have the opportunity to directly rush to kill Liu Xie..."

Ma Chao looked at the distant Liu Xie army and said in a sigh.

Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, themselves, they will all be loyal to this emperor, but there are too many strange things about this emperor.

All the generals under his command seem to have lost their minds and become walking dead.

And Liu Xie himself carried an aura that didn't belong to this world. It wasn't hostile or dead, but an aura that was incompatible with this world, just like the aura of a demon from another world.

Nine times out of ten, this emperor was possessed by some kind of demon.

This is what both Ma Chao and Sun Ce have identified.

And Sun Ce has no doubts about this, because he saw with his own eyes that Sun Jian, who was also irrational, also took down his father himself, and is now locked in the dungeon of Luoyang Palace.

"Don't be impulsive, the two of us can't rush past, there are too many experts over there, all we have to do now is wait, wait for the return of Ling Tian, ​​Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, etc..."

Sun Ce looked coldly outside the city.

His words were extremely calm, Ma Chao was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Here, it must be said that the person who wants Liu Xie to die the most is definitely Sun Ce, and even Sun Ce thinks that he should not rush out, so it is not a good idea to rush out.

In fact, Ma Chao also knows that this is not a good idea, but Jin Ma Chao is always a little adventurous.

Outside Luoyang City.

In the continuous military tent, Liu Xie sat coldly on the throne, his dark eyes looked north.

"Sure enough, the variables are huge. It's worth noting that I didn't touch your woman, but, it's not enough..."

In a calm tone, Liu Xie spoke slowly.

While speaking, Liu Xie slowly got up, and a strange force spread out from his body, and then quickly swept out. In an instant, the bodies of countless fierce generals among the hundreds of thousands of troops in the military camp trembled.

Then, these fierce generals with dull eyes looked even more stunned.

The horn sounded again in the barracks, and hundreds of thousands of troops began to move. This time, only tens of thousands of troops poured out of the barracks. However, there were only tens of thousands of troops, but there were a large number of generals in front.

Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Huang Zhong, Wang Yue, Wei Yan, Gan Ning, Ji Ling, Xu Chu…

Just in terms of the quantity and quality of the fierce generals, this army is no worse than the one in Luoyang City.

Moreover, this time, these fierce generals in the army all seemed to carry some kind of tyranny. Although they were still insane, they seemed to be beasts that lost their senses.

Going crazy……

At the head of the city, Ma Chao stared at the army outside the city with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Bo Fu, I'm afraid you won't be able to rest..."

Ma Chao spoke in a deep voice.

When he said this, Jin Ma Chao clenched the spear in his hand.

As a native of Xiliang, Jin Machao has never been afraid of fighting, but although Jin Machao is brave, he is not reckless. He knows very well that he may not be able to stop this army.

And once it can't be stopped, Luoyang will fall.

This is something he can't accept no matter what.

"What exactly does Liu Xie want to do..."

Sun Ce got up and looked outside the city.

As soon as the sentence came out, outside the city, the arrogance that surged to the extreme suddenly rose fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, the army seemed to be completely burning.

Especially those generals in the front, all of them seem to be fighting to the death, the real fight to the death, the kind of fight to the death that will die immediately regardless of whether they win or lose after a battle.

The eyes of Sun Ce and Ma Chao showed horror at the same time, they looked at each other, and then suddenly woke up.

"Meng Qi, do me a favor, take my father out of Luoyang, go to Youzhou, find Ms. Nie, and then help Ms. Nie to defend Youzhou and wait for General Ling Tian and others to return..."

Sun Ce spoke loudly.

Although he and Ma Chao are strong, they are already extremely reluctant to be able to block many fierce generals outside who are not afraid of death, and whose strength is not inferior to theirs.

Now, the fierce generals outside are starting to die, and the two of them may not be able to stop it.

No, it's not necessarily, but it must be unstoppable.

In fact, losing one's mind is both a bad thing and a good thing. Losing one's mind is accompanied by losing the fear of death.

Therefore, when the fierce generals outside are really desperate, no generals in the city can compare to this.

But now, when these fierce generals, who are not afraid of death themselves, start charging with death, Ma Chao and Sun Ce have no confidence to stop them.

"Your own father ran with you. It's enough for me, Ma Chao, to guard this city..."

However, Ma Chao obviously had no intention of agreeing to Sun Ce's proposal to let him run with Sun Jian.

"Why do you need to work hard..."

At this moment, a leisurely voice sounded.

Ma Chao and Sun Ce turned around at the same time, their momentum skyrocketed and they were ready to attack at any time. Behind them, a scribe stood quietly.

"You haven't seen it yet, Liu Xie didn't intend to kill you at all. Liu Xie is forcing you to leave Luoyang, forcing you to inform General Ling Tian and others..."

Seeing Ma Chao's vigilance that Sun Ce was ready to explode at any time, the scribe smiled indifferently and said.

While speaking, the scribe walked between Sun Ce and Ma Chao and looked outside the city.

"Liu Xie doesn't care about the lives of these fierce generals. The reason why Liu Xie let these fierce generals do this is not to reduce casualties, but because he thinks that doing this now can produce some kind of effect. Guo Jia is stupid, only The only person who can think of Liu Xie's mind being moved is General Ling Tian..."

The scribe looked at the surging army outside the city and slowly opened his mouth, the words fell and he looked at Ma Chao and Sun Ce.

"Aren't you guys planning to stay here stupidly and play where people are? Haven't you heard what Ms. Nie said about saving land and losing people, people and land are lost, people are losing land, and people and land are preserved..."

Looking at Sun Ce and Ma Chao uttering these words with a look that seemed surprised, but also as if he couldn't believe that there are such stupid people in the world, the scribe turned around and headed down the city.

At the head of the city, Ma Chao and Sun Ce were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other.

"When General Ling Tian returns, it's time for a decisive battle..."

"At the time of the decisive battle, the gains and losses of one city and one place are no longer important..."

The two of them each spit out a sentence, and then hurried forward, each supporting the scribe.

"Brothers, pour the kerosene and set it on fire..."

A roar sounded at the top of the Immediately, the fierce kerosene that had just been transported fell down from the top of the city, instantly covering the top of the city and a large area outside the city, and then the fire ignited.

In Luoyang City, a large number of soldiers quickly evacuated from other places.

Liu Xie never blocked the city gate, and he never even cared about other city gates. As expected, it seemed to be an opportunity for the army in Luoyang City to evacuate.

When Sun Ce and Ma Chao were evacuating, dozens of fast horses rushed towards the grassland.

On the grassland, Ling Tian and the others came quickly towards the big man, all the way, but Ling Tian's thoughts were constantly turning.

He thinks about his past life, what he wants, what he wants to do now, what he wants in the future...

Everything was constantly being pondered by Ling Tian, ​​and then, it kept spreading out and regrouping. Ling Tian had thought about what he wanted in the past, but he had never thought about it as deeply as this time.

From the death of the first life, the time-travel, to the opening of the system, the dungeon shuttles...

Countless times of shuttle and thinking, countless battles, Ling Tian thought deeply about his life, he didn't really want to find anything, but naturally Ling Tian started to think about it subconsciously.

Ling Tian had a feeling that if he could think about this, maybe he would see something different.

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